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Q: It's been going viral that Corona virus was created, please how true is this?

4 years 43 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - Other cities

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There are scientists out there saying yes, and others saying no. 

With all the ass covering, blaming, deflection, lying and politicking going on from all directions it's hard to know who to believe. I think anything's possible.


I doubt we'll ever know for sure.


Oh well then, since you explained the situation and laid out all the evidence in such a convincing way I'm definitely convinced.

4 years 43 weeks ago
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With the global shitstorm that is happening, governments blatantly lying (we all know who), leaders bullshitting in press briefings or just not having a clue, Karen on facebook trying to convince us it is 5G, various religions remainly oddly silent (apart from the evangelist oddballs) and my neighbour Dave who swears it was immigrants, take your pick.


Or just make up your own version, just about as valid as everything else that is being flung around right now.

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One should be first concerned about Chinese cover-up at the outbreak of Ncov with WHO kowtow ('koutou' in Mandarin/ 'kau tau' in Cantonese ) ... along ... Watch Trump-a ... for more. surprise


Chinese claim that Ncov jumped out of the bat soup bowl at the market in Wahun to the human stomach/body is impossible.


Carrier of Ncov ---->bat needs an intermediary --->pangolin for the virus adjustment to become harmful to human ... and all that virus transformation (bat-->pangolin-->human) cannot be completed in one afternoon, but such virus modification takes years ...


... and there is a BioLab Level 4 just in vicinity of the market in Wahun ...  where such virus modification can be achieved by the blink of an eye.


Watch Trump-a ... for more - 1st:


Trump Doubles Down On Threat To "Hold" $500 Million From WHO After Tedros Gets Testy

    "When they call every shot wrong, that’s not good..."



    WHO Director-General Tedros Ahanom Ghebreyesus also opposed Trump's late-January travel ban, saying "We reiterate our call to all countries not to impose restrictions that unnecessarily interfere with international travel and trade. Such restrictions can have the effect of increasing fear and stigma, with little public health benefit."

    "We’re going to have an announcement on the World Health Organization some time next week," said Trump during a Friday press conference. "As you know we give them approximately $500 million a year and we’re going to be talking about that subject next week. We’ll have a lot to say about it. We’ll hold it," according to Bloomberg.

    4 years 43 weeks ago
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    President Trump Halts US Funding Of World Health Organization

      "So much death was caused by the WHO mistakes..."



      4 years 42 weeks ago
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       I've suspected ... Esper is reading Answers ... , too 



      Defense Secretary Mark Esper, who has expressed wariness toward China virtually since his confirmation, shared some harsh words for Beijing yesterday, then reiterated them on Thursday during an appearance on "The Today Show" - one of the Defense Secretary's most high-profile media appearances since he was picked to lead the Pentagon last summer - Esper accused Beijing of being "misleading and opaque" during the early days of the outbreak.

      "They’ve been misleading us, they’ve been opaque if you will from the early days of this virus. So I don’t have much faith that they’re even being truthful with us now,” Esper said during an interview that mostly focused on the 'real' reason for Esper's visit - the controversy over the firing of Capt. Crozier from the USS Theodore Roosevelt earlier this month.

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      If it wasn't for all the hoarders I'd be able to buy Alfoil for a corona-proof tin hat.

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      China in Focus - NTD@ChinaInFocusNTD  

      The Chinese regime first accused the U.S., then Italy for the origin of the , but “Patient Zero” in at least 19 countries, including the U.S., Italy, South Korea, France, Germany, were all found to have close ties to , China’s epicenter.




      Short vid ... posted here

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      mafia mayors pissed off, love this shit

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      Epoch Times with new documentary on origins of Ncov ...



      "This Should Trouble Us Deeply" - Chilling Documentary Maps Out Likely Origin Of COVID-19

      While The Epoch Times began publishing reports of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus on Jan. 2, most outlets had yet to pick up on the story because of the CCP’s lockdown on information. Three months later, over 200 countries and territories have been infected and the CCP virus has caused over 85,000 deaths infecting at least 1.4 million, but information is murkier than ever.

      “We’ve pretty much heard every rumor under the sun. We’ve heard every theory, every crazy rumor, we’ve heard all these different narratives,” said Joshua Philipp, award-winning investigative reporter and host of the show “Crossroads.”

      The rumors aren’t by accident: The CCP has been actively engaging in a disinformation campaign, and media outlets around the world have parroted the propaganda. As a result, entire nations have been operating under false information as they try to battle the pandemic within their borders.

      Screenshot of the documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of Wuhan Coronavirus.” (Courtesy Epoch Times)

      Philipp and his colleages at The Epoch Times and NTD Television thought it their responsibility to sift through all the information available, verify it, and put it into one place. The result is the just-premiered documentary “Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus,” which is available to watch online. Less than two days after its premiere, the documentary has around 1.6 million views across different platforms.

      The film “really tries to sift through all of the rumors, all of the truths, all of the falsehoods, and show people as accurate a picture as possible of what really happened and where this virus actually came from,” Philipp said.

      In it, Philipp pieces together the development of the virus and includes interviews that shed light on the Chinese regime’s actions and intentions.

      more ...


      "Pangolin --->Bat --->soup ---> human" from Oz scientist with vid and graphic images from Wahun market:



      An expert has spoken out on the true origins of COVID-19 and addressed whether the deadly infection really started in bats.

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      Bill Maher's take ... on Wuhan virus, different cultures, eating bats and more:



      Vid on the link ...

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      Why doesn't China play cricket?
      Because they eat all the Bloody Bats


      buTT ... the bat at cricket is wooden and the other bat is an upside down animal. 


      I mean, Pakis could also eat bat soup and play cricket ... just afterwards ... 

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      I have new one ...  Will I get more pints? 



      Explosive Report: Wuhan Biolab Captured Bats From Caves Traced To COVID-19 Outbreak, Had US Funding

      Sun, 04/12/2020 - 13:00


      Recent findings regarding the origin of COVID-19 continue to support our January reporting that the disease may have originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology - which was experimenting with bat coronavirus found to be 96% genetically identical to COVID-19.

      On Saturday, the Daily Mail added an important piece to the puzzle; the institute was experimenting on mammals captured over 1,000 miles away in Yunnan - which is particularly notable because genetic analysis of COVID-19's genome has traced it to horseshoe bats found in Yunnan's caves.

      Horseshoe Bat

      Also disturbing is that the lab had been operating in part on a $3.7 million grant from the US government.

      The Mail on Sunday has learned that scientists there experimented on bats as part of a project funded by the US National Institutes of Health, which continues to licence the Wuhan laboratory to receive American money for experiments.

      Results of the research were published in November 2017 under the heading: 'Discovery of a rich gene pool of bat SARS-related coronaviruses provides new insights into the origin of SARS coronavirus.'

      The exercise was summarised as: 'Bats in a cave in Yunnan, China were captured and sampled for coronaviruses used for lab experiments. All sampling procedures were performed by veterinarians with approval from the Animal Ethics Committee of the Wuhan Institute of Virology.' -Daily Mail

      "Bat samplings were conducted ten times from April 2011 to October 2015 at different seasons in their natural habitat at a single location (cave) in Kunming, Yunnan Province, China. Bats were trapped and faecal swab samples were collected," the paper continues.

      In April, 2018, a similar study was published by the institute titled "fatal swine acute diarrhoea syndrome caused by an HKU2-related coronavirus of bat origin," which reveals "Following a 2016 bat-related coronavirus outbreak on Chinese pig farms, bats were captured in a cave and samples were taken. Experimenters grew the virus in a lab and injected it into three-day-old pigletsIntestinal samples from sick piglets were ground up and fed to other piglets as well."

       Via the Daily Mail

      According to the Mail, Senior Ministers can no longer rule out that the virus first spread to humans after leaking from a Wuhan laboratory.

      It comes after this newspaper revealed last week that Ministers here now fear that the pandemic could have been caused by a virus leaking from the institute.

      Senior Government sources said that while 'the balance of scientific advice' was still that the deadly virus was first transmitted to humans from a live animal market in Wuhan, an accident at the laboratory in the Chinese city was 'no longer being discounted'.

      According to one unverified claim, scientists at the institute could have become infected after being sprayed with blood containing the virus, and then passed it on to the local community. -Daily Mail

      Meanwhile, Cao Bin, a soon-to-be-disappeared doctor at the Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital has highlighted research showing that 13 of the first 41 patients diagnosed in Wuhan had zero contact with the 'wet market' commonly described as ground zero for the outbreak. "It seems clear that the seafood market is not the only origin of the virus," he said.


      In response to news that the US was partially funding the institute, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-CA) said "I'm disgusted to learn that for years the US government has been funding dangerous and cruel animal experiments at the Wuhan Institute, which may have contributed to the global spread of coronavirus, and research at other labs in China that have virtually no oversight from US authorities."

      We're sure the Daily Mail will be banned from Twitter any moment now. 






        40MikeMike: So what if American funded.


        Your father paying for a south Florida fishing trip doesnt give you the right to release a 12 ft. aligator in the hotel pool.


        4 years 43 weeks ago
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        See this:


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        DoD ...: is playing chess ..



        Chairman Of Jt. Chiefs Admits US Intel Has Taken 'Hard Look' At Wuhan Lab As Origin Of COVID-19


        "There’s a lot of rumor and speculation in a wide variety of media, blog sites, etc.," said Milley. "It should be no surprise to you that we have taken a keen interest in that, and we have had a lot of intelligence take a hard look at that."

        "At this point it’s inconclusive, although the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural, but we do not know for sure," Milley added.


        Those words are going to fuel a lifetime of additional conspiracy theories and speculation. But the tone of his voice was pretty dismissive of the idea, and he stressed that they've looked hard. "Hard." And "the weight of evidence leans towards natural."

        — Kevin Baron (@DefenseBaron) April 14, 2020

        ... more ...

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        How true depends on how much you believe it is true!


        That is a basic logical fallacy. The facts don't care about what you personally believe.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        True. But if the world was that simple there won't be any blah blah blahs :)

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        If wishes were horses beggars would ride unicorns.

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        there was leak from an agricultural lab last year - 200 people infected.



        so of course it is not possible that anything similar would happen anywhere else...........


        Trump-a and DoD are still contemplaiting ... expose or not, yet ...



        According to 'multiple sources who have been briefed on the details of early actions by China's government,' the initial transmission of the virus was bat-to-human, and that the 'official' story amplified by the MSM - namely that the virus originated at the Wuhan wet market - was a coverup by Chinese officials 'in order to deflect blame from the laboratory, along with the country's propaganda efforts targeting the U.S. and Italy,' reads the report.

        In what may or may not be a bit of narrative shaping from 'official sources,' Fox reports that China's Wuhan laboratory was working with COVID-19 "not as a bioweapon, but as part of China's effort to demonstrate that its efforts to identify and combat viruses are equal to or greater than the capabilities of the United States."

        So - lab accident while trying to compete with America's capabilities appears to be the official story.

        On Tuesday, the Washington Post reported that the US State Department received two cables from US Embassy officials in 2018 warning of inadequate safety at WIF, which was conducting 'risky studies' on bat coronaviruses, according to the Washington Postwhich notes that the cables have "fueled discussions inside the U.S. government about whether this or another Wuhan lab was the source of the virus."

        Responding to the report, Gen. Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff confirmed that the United States has taken a "keen interest" in the theory that COVID-19 originated at the Wuhan lab, but that "we don't know for certain."

        On Tuesday, President Trump hinted that there was more to the story about the lab, after a Fox News reporter asked him about the Wuhan Institute and whether the US had considered the possibility that the virus may have leaked.

        Trump's response was extremely interesting, to say the least.


        "More and more we're hearing the story...we are doing a very thorough examination of this horrible situation that happened."

        As a follow-up, the reporter continued, "did you ever discuss with him concerns about lax safety protocols about that lab?"

        Trump replied: "I don't want to talk about what I discussed with him about the laboratory. I just don't want to talk about it," Trump responded.

        more ...


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        Shocking New Documents Prove China Deliberately Withheld Critical Coronavirus Info



        It's not exactly clear. By failing to act right away, Beijing passed on a chance to cut the global case total by as much as two-thirds, according to some models cited in an AP report. As for why Beijing might have purposefully allowed a pandemic to blossom, well...that should be abundantly clear by now.


        In a bombshell report that exposes not just Beijing's lies, but the WHO's complicity in those lies, the AP obtained documents allegedly proving that President Xi and the leadership were aware of human-to-human transmission and the potential for a pandemic six days earlier than previously believed.

        And instead of acting, they chose to sit on their hands, allowing the virus to continue spreading freely in Wuhan until Jan. 20, when President Xi delivered his first warning to the public.

        "This is tremendous," said Zuo-Feng Zhang, an epidemiologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. "If they took action six days earlier, there would have been much fewer patients and medical facilities would have been sufficient. We might have avoided the collapse of Wuhan’s medical system."

        That's not all. Some experts believe that the CPC leadership did act during the six day lag, taking subtler steps to erect more mitigation efforts, while waiting to inform the public to avoid "mass hysteria."

        Given the fact that Beijing managed to leverage the Red Army and close down half of the largest country on Earth, something tells us the public reaction to news of the virus - and the government's heavy handed efforts to contain it - wasn't high up on the Party's list of concerns.

        What's more, the report suggests that the government essentially bullied doctors into silence, something that Beijing has vehemently denied, despite the death of Dr. Li Wenliang, a doctor who was punished for warning about the virus, then died fighting it, becoming a symbol of Beijing's mishandling of the outbreak.

        "Doctors in Wuhan were afraid," said Dali Yang, a professor of Chinese politics at the University of Chicago. "It was truly intimidation of an entire profession."

        And they might have waited longer, even, if the first international confirmed case, found in Thailand on Jan. 13, didn't force the Chinese government to act.

        Still, the fact that China lied - and continues to lie - can no longer be disputed, even as Beijing assured the AP that they reported the outbreak to the WHO as soon as they were aware.

        ... more ...


        continue ... from above:


        The meat of the documents, which were provided to the AP by an anonymous source, involves proof of a call involving President Xi, Premier Li Keqiang and Vice Premier Sun Chunlan - three of the most senior party leaders - and the leader of the NHC. During the call, the director shared evidence of H2H transmission (this is nearly a week before it was publicly confirmed) while discussing other topics that weren't recorded in the document.

        In the end, who knows what was said. What we do know is that the Chinese government took more steps to prepare for the outbreak, while continuing to play the risks down in public.

        The documents show that the head of China’s National Health Commission, Ma Xiaowei, laid out a grim assessment of the situation on Jan. 14 in a confidential teleconference with provincial health officials. A memo states that the teleconference was held to convey instructions on the coronavirus from President Xi Jinping, Premier Li Keqiang and Vice Premier Sun Chunlan, but does not specify what those instructions were.

        “The epidemic situation is still severe and complex, the most severe challenge since SARS in 2003, and is likely to develop into a major public health event,” the memo cites Ma as saying.

        The National Health Commission is the top medical agency in the country. In a faxed statement, the Commission said it had organized the teleconference because of the case reported in Thailand and the possibility of the virus spreading during New Year travel. It added that China had published information on the outbreak in an “open, transparent, responsible and timely manner,” in accordance with “important instructions” repeatedly issued by President Xi.

        The documents come from an anonymous source in the medical field who did not want to be named for fear of retribution. The AP confirmed the contents with two other sources in public health familiar with the teleconference. Some of the memo’s contents also appeared in a public notice about the teleconference, stripped of key details and published in February.

        Under a section titled “sober understanding of the situation,” the memo said that “clustered cases suggest that human-to-human transmission is possible.” It singled out the case in Thailand, saying that the situation had “changed significantly” because of the possible spread of the virus abroad.

        “With the coming of the Spring Festival, many people will be traveling, and the risk of transmission and spread is high,” the memo continued. “All localities must prepare for and respond to a pandemic."

        In the memo, Ma demanded officials unite around Xi and made clear that political considerations and social stability were key priorities during the long lead-up to China’s two biggest political meetings of the year in March. While the documents do not spell out why Chinese leaders waited six days to make their concerns public, the meetings may be one reason.

        "The imperatives for social stability, for not rocking the boat before these important Party congresses is pretty strong,” says Daniel Mattingly, a scholar of Chinese politics at Yale. “My guess is, they wanted to let it play out a little more and see what happened."

        According to the AP, the documents and testimonials from Chinese insiders help support President Trump's assertion that China is truly to blame for the outbreak, and that officials in Beijing should be held responsible, and perhaps even owe compensation. Looking further down the line, we can envision a scenario where differing 'interpretations' of these critical first weeks of the outbreak could lead to an all-out military war between the world's two largest economies as both Washington and Beijing demand compensation from the other.

        The delay may support accusations by President Donald Trump that the Chinese government’s secrecy held back the world’s response to the virus. However, even the public announcement on Jan. 20 left the U.S. nearly two months to prepare for the pandemic.

        Of course, everything we said above is pure conjecture: nobody really has any idea what life will be like after this, whether things will be extremely different from the 'before time', or whether we'll easily slip back into our old routines, and look back two years from now with the benefit of hindsight and ensure we're better prepared for future outbreaks. Or future 'accidental leaks' from a biosafety level 4 laboratory.

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        Here you have it ... exclusively for readers at e-Tities:


        Topic: Inserted HIV sequence in COVID-19 virus


        COVID-19 Is A Man-Made Virus: HIV-Discoverer Says "Could Only Have Been Created In A Lab"

        " is up to the Chinese government to take order to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can only be done in a laboratory."


        As the mainstream media and politicians begin to raise/admit the possibilities that the source of COVID-19 was likely a lab in Wuhan (accidentally leaked or otherwise) - something we first brought to the world's attention in January before being mocked, censored, and chastised - it appears more actual 'scientists' (at least those not paid by or working for a lab in Wuhan) are willing to admit what we noted all along - this virus is man-made.'s Robert Miller writes that contrary to the narrative that is being pushed by the mainstream that the COVID 19 virus was the result of a natural mutation and that it was transmitted to humans from bats via pangolins, Dr Luc Montagnier the man who discovered the HIV virus back in 1983 disagrees and is saying that the virus was man made.

        Professor Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize winner for Medicine, claims that SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus that was accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China. Chinese researchers are said to have used coronaviruses in their work to develop an AIDS vaccine. HIV DNA fragments are believed to have been found in the SARS-CoV-2 genome.

        We knew that the Chinese version of how the coronavirus emerged was increasingly under attack, but here’s a thesis that tells a completely different story about the Covid-19 pandemic, which is already responsible for more than 110,000 deaths worldwide.

        According to Professor Luc Montagnier, winner of the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2008 for “discovering” HIV as the cause of the AIDS epidemic together with Françoise Barré-Sinoussi, the SARS-CoV-2 is a virus that was manipulated and accidentally released from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, in the last quarter of 2019.

        According to Professor Montagnier, this laboratory, known for its work on coronaviruses, tried to use one of these viruses as a vector for HIV in the search for an AIDS vaccine!

        “With my colleague, bio-mathematician Jean-Claude Perez, we carefully analyzed the description of the genome of this RNA virus,” explains Luc Montagnier, interviewed by Dr Jean-François Lemoine for the daily podcast at Pourquoi Docteur, adding that others have already explored this avenue:

        Indian researchers have already tried to publish the results of the analyses that showed that this coronavirus genome contained sequences of another virus, … the HIV virus (AIDS virus), but they were forced to withdraw their findings as the pressure from the mainstream was too great.

        In a challenging question Dr Jean-François Lemoine inferred that the coronavirus under investigation may have come from a patient who is otherwise infected with HIV.

        "No," says Luc Montagnier, "in order to insert an HIV sequence into this genome, molecular tools are needed, and that can only be done in a laboratory."

        According to the 2008 Nobel Prize for Medicine, a plausible explanation would be an accident in the Wuhan laboratory. He also added that the purpose of this work was the search for an AIDS vaccine.

        The truth will eventually come out

        In any case, this thesis, defended by Professor Luc Montagnier, has a positive turn. According to him, the altered elements of this virus are eliminated as it spreads:

        “Nature does not accept any molecular tinkering, it will eliminate these unnatural changes and even if nothing is done, things will get better, but unfortunately after many deaths.”

        Luc Montagnier added that with the help of interfering waves, we could eliminate these sequences and as a result stop the pandemic.

        This is enough to feed some heated debates! So much so that Professor Montagnier’s statements could also place him in the category of “conspiracy theorists”:

        “Conspirators are the opposite camp, hiding the truth,” he replies, without wanting to accuse anyone, but hoping that the Chinese will admit to what he believes happened in their laboratory.

        To entice a confession from the Chinese he used the example of Iran which after taking full responsibility for accidentally hitting a Ukrainian plane was able to earn the respect of the global community. Hopefully the Chinese will do the right thing he adds.

        “In any case, the truth always comes out, it is up to the Chinese government to take responsibility.”


        Research on Wahun L4 Lab by an American ... can't find his name, ... but interesting with facts ...


        Reporter's handle is 'laowhy86' ...

        It was posted by this guy:


        I'm sure some of you all have watched this. It's all based on info in the public sphere: Virus was being studied in the virology lab, things went awry and patient zero was one of the researchers that got infected badly. The lab is only 200 meters from the seafood market. Patient zero disappears. CCP nonstop lies ever since.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        laowhy86 and serpentza were vloggers in china for over 10 years and now run the business out of San Diego, too many threats and attacks by the ccp forced them to leave China. \they run separate channels and combine to do one channel called adv china and recently did an interview for china uncensored about there problems doing a documantary 2 years ago on northern china.

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        Well this is an interesting development.

        Thoughts, opinions, scoffing, guffawing?


        So, what that means? The pandemic is international, it is spreading around the globe. Loads of guinea pigs everywhere one look . ..


        We don't want to continue with research ...'cause we are offended by the western blame ... that we are stupid and shouldn't manage L4 Lab.


        MFs! More I read worse I feel about that Chino-scumbaggery.


        Put the fokin' wall back up!

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        It looks, Gilead has it ... Remdesevir ... that's why no more interest from China Pharma  ...


        Remdesivir was one of the first medicines identified as having the potential to impact SARS-CoV-2, the novel coronavirus that causes Covid-19, in lab tests. The entire world has been waiting for results from Gilead’s clinical trials, and positive results would likely lead to fast approvals by the Food and Drug Administration and other regulatory agencies. If safe and effective, it could become the first approved treatment against the disease.

        The University of Chicago Medicine recruited 125 people with Covid-19 into Gilead’s two Phase 3 clinical trials. Of those people, 113 had severe disease. All the patients have been treated with daily infusions of Remdesivir.

        "The best news is that most of our patients have already been discharged, which is great. We’ve only had two patients perish," said Kathleen Mullane, the University of Chicago infectious disease specialist overseeing the Remdesivir studies for the hospital.


        However, a statement from Gilead warned that the drug is still in the trial phase, and these results still need to be confirmed. And as we noted earlier this week, officials in China suspiciously shuttered 2 separate trials - one in Wuhan and one in Beijing - of the global Remdesivir study, claiming there weren't enough severely ill patients to run the trials, which sounds like a not-very-believable ruse to us. 


        Even Gilead, whose shares are up nearly 20% in premarket trade, warned that the U.Chicago trial is just one of many, and these numbers are simply "anecdotal".


        US Stock EX Futs are up-to-da-Moon on this news  ... angel

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        #Winning the hearts and minds of everyone in the world

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        Vlad and Xi get together and declared that blaming China for the global pandemic is counter-productive ...



        Listen to this comment:


        Mac 22 hours ago

        How can you blame China for this pandemic? Well, let me see here. China shuts down all travel from Wuhan to Beijing and Shanghai but keeps flights open to Europe, US, and Asia which seeds the Wuhan virus to the entire world. Isn't that strange.
        I repeat this article (author unknown) below which has some very good points, see what you think. Should questions not be asked?

        Wuhan to Shanghai = 839 km

        Wuhan to Beijing = 1,152 km

        Wuhan to Milan = 8,684 km

        Wuhan to NY = 12,033 km

        The Coronavirus started in Wuhan yet there is no effect of Coronavirus in nearby Beijing or Shanghai but many deaths in Italy, Iran, European countries and USA.

        All business areas of China are now safe. America is not just blaming China without a reason. Even today, India is locked down but all the cities of China are open. China has also announced the opening of Wuhan from April 08. Not a single leader in China has tested positive for the deadly Coronavirus. The virus has ruined many economies around the world. Many have had to close their borders in an attempt to contain and control the spread of the Coronavirus. Thousands have lost their lives, millions have now got this disease, countless people have been locked in their homes and many countries have placed their citizens on lock down.

        The Coronavirus orginated from the city of Wuhan in China and has now reached every corner of the world, but the virus did not reach China's capital Beijing and China's Economic Capital Shanghai, located in close proximity to Wuhan itself.

        Today Paris is closed, New York is closed, Berlin is closed, Delhi is closed, Mumbai is closed, Tokyo is closed, the world's major economic and political centers are closed, but Beijing and Shanghai are open. No Coronavirus effect is seen in either cities. There were only a few cases but the virus had no real effect on Beijing and Shanghai.

        Beijing is the city where all the leaders of China live, including their military leaders. There is no lock down in Beijing. Shanghai is the city that runs China's economy. It is the economic capital of China, where all the rich people of China live and run major industries. There is no lock down here, there is no effect of the Coronavirus there.

        Beijing and Shanghai are the areas adjoining Wuhan. The virus from Wuhan reached every corner of the world, but the virus did not affect Beijing and Shanghai.

        Another big thing is, that the worldwide share market has fallen by almost half. In India also the Nifty has gone from 12 thousand to 7 thousand, but the share market of China was at 3000 and just merely dropped to 2700.

        This leaves one to speculate that the Coronavirus is a bio-chemical weapon of China, which China used to carry out destruction in the world in order to gain economic supremacy. China has now put this virus under control, how can that be, maybe they also have the antidote.


        Mac22 is right out there in Tin-hat land. I don't believe this is a bio-weapon. Can you imagine "OK boys we need to make a bio-weapon that will only kill old people who are already sick. Once it's ready, let's behave as suspiciously as we can so we can play the racist victim card. The world will love us for our Mr Bean-esque management of this. Oh right, I almost forgot, you two guys make it look like the WHO is working as a publicity department for us, issue some contradictory statements and make sure all evidence leads back to us and the cover up. In this way we will appear legitimate to those freedom loving dogs and we will rule the world." Sounds more plausible than Mac22. Haha

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        Does anybody else see 'INTENTIONALLY' or is it only me?


        I don't see anybody against anybody, i.e. West against or pro China, while reading this comment for the umptieth time.



        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        We'll make bio-weapon that will kill only old ...? 

        See this one:


        Navy Reports Alarming 'Stealth Transmission' Rate: 60% Of Infected Carrier Crew Symptom-Free

        Nearly 100% coronavirus testing aboard Theodore Roosevelt finds rapid stealth spread among young, healthy sailors

        These are 20-30Y old marines as healthy as one can be.

        This one is really alarming. It means, that there are around 50% more infected (and spreading) than the world's no. of infected stats show ...

        I suggest, you read Mac's comment again ... and forget about tin-hat. There is nothing tin in Mac's comment.


        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        I love a good conspiracy theory as much as the next whacko however, I think it is more likely to have been the result of ham-fisted incompetence, absurd efforts to avoid accepting responsibility and the eternal struggle to save face.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        I agree, it was most likely just a massive balls up and then a series of 'oh shit, what do we do now' moments.


        Like a kid who was playing with matches and sets his bed on fire but is too scared to tell his mother so waits until the whole room and half the house is on fire - he nervously says 'um... somehow my bedroom seems to have caught fire - I don't know how, I wasn't even in there - but it's just a small fire, barely even noticable'.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        To continue with a theme: Brett to Julius "we went into it with the best of intentions"... and then it was as stiggs said, a Bart Simpson moment; it wasn't me, no one saw me, you can't prove anything management

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        ....and then Flanders next door noticed sparks from the fire landing on the neighbor's lawns and tried to warn them but they were all getting drunk with Homer and told Ned to feck off, and now their houses are on fire too.


        What's the bet when everyone is living in tents on what's left of their front lawns Bart starts playing with matches again?



        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        Seems to be an appropriate metaphor.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        Aren't you too lenient? Over 2,3M infected with over 160k deaths, economy in stand-still around the world and really bad recession is approaching ("You Have't Seen Nothing, Yet" analysts are claiming ...) unless vaccine .... was found yesterday ...

        I even think you two are 'blind' ... read THE 1st paragraph of Mac's comment again .... PREMEDIATED!

        Mac's comment doesn't hold any tin ... It's all math and facts, where I am going at it like 'let me debunk this conspiracy' ... It looks very real ...

        Now, "I am too stupid to play with the matches ..." is an excuse warm hearted crowd would hang on.

        The warmest I can get is ' they did it, MFs intentionally!', ... 'cause during my tenure in China, I soon stopped looking at Chinese gaffs toward me ... as 'this is an undeveloped country ...', 'Chinese don't know how to properly manage laowai' and 'Chinese reach with R hand to the left pocket going around the ass ...'.

        I realized, I was forced to eat manure 'cause Chinese wanted that as 'laowai has too high salary, i.e. we should pay less ...'. 'TIC' and other Chinese BS.

        That is the only reason, you saw me calling Gov. (SAFEA) on regular basis ... and I've always received full support/help out of Chinese Gov., what tells you there were no gaffs from my side toward Chinese.

        Sooo .., Mac's comment sits hard on me plate ... 'cause that is all real and Chinese did it intentionally. These people aren't stupid, remember everything they do is premediated ... Sun Tzu Art of War ...

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        I understand what you are saying about your experiences as they are common. And I know that consequences are not something that is usually considered. I'm just hoping for the best but preparing for the worst.

        Afterall, everyone (on the mainland) knows that America sent it to China.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        The thing is though, the Chinese economy is getting hammered just like everyone else's.


        People have written a lot about the Chinese social contract ( I think that's what they call it). Basically the masses accept that the party will be corrupt and everything else as long as the economy is booming and people are being lifted out of poverty and into a better lifestyle. And they've delivered, Chinese people's lives are much better than they were a generation ago. But it's all dependent on a good economy and this mess is going to mean a lot of financial hurt for people which can only come back on the party.


        I don't see why they'd intentionally do that.


        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        That won't fly for too long, IMO. It might fly in China for a while, i.e. Americans did it .., buTT ...

        I look at Trump-a's and DoD's statement two days ago with wary eyes,

        If you see the article I posted, I commented 'DoD is playing chess ...', i.e. they don't want to expose the truth with proofs and facts ..., but they have it.

        Trump-a replied to the reporter Q about origins of virus twice ... in one breath

        "I don't want to talk about it ..." , what tells me Americans and Brits hold/know something ...

        I am happy only 'cause I am convinced Chinese will be put in the straight line after all is said and done. 

        Who-the-Fok do they think they are? ... MFs


        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        @Stiggs: No, it doesn't! Read Mac's comment again ... SHCOMP is down 300 points (10%) and Indian NIFTY is on half price (45% down) ... and market indices around the world are at the same pace as Indian ...

        Why would they do that intentionally? Are you blind?

        Economy around the world is on stand-still and Chinese have upper hand, i.e. give you this and sell you that ... Production in China will/is recover-ing first ... and 'We get an upper hand ...' against Trump-a's Trade war (with facts, i.e. Trump-a holds China-men by the throat!).

        Remember, China-men can't loose 'cause Face ...

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        Well I know almost nothing about financial markets but I do know it's all about consumer confidence and isn't necessarily based on anything long term. China thinks the've beaten the virus and getting back to normal  - wouldn't that mean people will start investing again but could stop tomorrow if there's another outbreak? It doesn't mean the economy is ok, it just means people are feeling a bit more optimistic this week.


        But look at the longer term. China makes their money selling stuff to the rest of the world,the rest of the world make their money buying and selling Chinese stuff, there's a mutual dependency thing going on there. If the US and Europe economies collapse wouldn't the Chinese economy collapse too?

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        The facts of the matter are that no one really knows the truth of the origins as of today. I've just done a scroll through various news sites and it appears there are theories but nothing is yet conclusive. I doubt even China knows where it came from at this point. Regardless I believe it is important to separate "the people" from governments and organisations. And we need to keep an open mind for the time being.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        ... another PREMEDIATED fact ...

        Do you remember, at the outbreak in Wahun in January when West started to treat Chinese visitors differently, i.e. West closed borders for arrivals from China?

        Chinese reaction was 'ooh, that is so racist ... and such' with WHO kau-tau ...

        Do you know who sealed the border with China first? Vlad did it first ... and that was OK by China ...

        Can you see any clearly now?

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        @ Sandnose Yep, absolutely agree mate.


        Everytime I go online I see some expert being interviewed in the media saying (insert theory here about origins, projections, predictions etc) but at the same time there will another expert saying the complete opposite. And honestly, they all seem just as feasible to me but there's no way of knowing what really happened. I keep reading that the govt of .. wherever .. is launching 'an investigation into how this thing started', as if they would ever be privy to the truth and trustworthy enough to disclose it if they did find it and it didn't reflect well on them. 


        Pretty much every major govt in this shitshow has royally fecked this thing up and are going to have to answer to their citizens and the world in general sooner rather than later. Those same people are all also proven bullshit artists and are also quite obviously looking for ways to deflect blame from themselves, scapegoat, play their petty political games and probably make money for themselves and their cronies too.


        What you said about separating the people from the govt really resounds with me though. This has nothing to do with normal people other than it's the normal people getting f*cked the hardest by this.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        @Icnif Yes, people started closing their borders to people from China. There was a virus ripping through the country that most scientists at the time said was probably going to turn into a pandemic, of course nobody wanted that in their country.


        And of course China whined about it and played the victim, they always do that.


        And Russia is having their issues with the virus now just like everyone else.


        I don't see how that proves premiditation, it just proves nobody wants a pandemic in their country. But here we are, everyone has it, everyone is going to be financially f*cked by it, everyone depends on the other countries for their financial security and I can't see how anyone wins here.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        That what you described @Stiggs happens at every war, doesn't it?


        Aggressor loses many lives same as attacked loses ... in all, everybody loses in a war ..., so YOUR Q is who profits ...

          I mean, why would aggressor started with war if it will lose lives ... 


        Everyone has it ... except Bj & Shanghai, both Chinese Gov. & Economic hubs ... in relatively close proximity of Wahun ... and Italy, Spain, N. EU, UK, USA, Iran .... residents are dying in quadruple numbers of Wahun and China overall ...

        OK, then ...

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        I'm willing to consider any credible idea but so far all I've seen is "China wants to f*ck the west'. No why.


        I wouldn't put anything past anyone in this mess but I still haven't seen anyone talk about what China would stand to gain from taking out the economies they rely on for their own financial (and political) survival.


        How does China win by wiping out the countries who support their economy?

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        Backlash against China in full swing ... Have a read about 'why', 'who profits ..' and similar:


        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        At the top of your article there's a link entitled (SARS -COV-2) was "probably not due to China's actions".


        The rest of it was the opinion of someone from Zerohedge going on about how China maybe took advantage of the virus to hurt their competitors because China is generally bad.


        Even this random dude from a questionable website took the time to point out how 'it was probably not due to China's actions', in other words, not intentional.


        Mate, until some actual hard evidence comes out from someone trustworthy with no obvious motives to lie, I don't believe anything and I still don't understand what China would have to gain by deliberately wrecking the world economy. We'll probably have to agree to disagree until something else comes out.


        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        what seems to have been missed was back in November / December there was an accident in a Veterinary Research facility in China.

        and we all know that health and safety are somewhat lax in China.


        so it is not a great leap of the imagination.....




        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        There's no doubt it started in China and that China's handling of it wasn't all it could be, but the debate seems to have moved on to whether or not it was deliberate - basically an act of war.


        I personally don't have any strong opinion - really don't know who to trust with all the BS flying around - but I haven't seen any reasonable motive for China wrecking the world economy (and theirs with it) yet.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        @ Stiggs,

        one outcome is certain in China.

        surveillance of citizens has increased to the extent that they are coded 'green/amber/red' for travel (and other) purposes.


        allegeldly only for quarentine purposes, but once rolled out, it will be very difficult for people to have this level uf surveillance recinded.


        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        @sorrel Yep, for sure.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        I think china's economy had been declining and deception of this fact maybe 2 years running, but if your going down and you don't have a good answer to your citizens, a pandemic blamed on the west is a good way to keep power, whether intentional or not, the problem is short term gain for long term pain.


        Many americans are looking at product origin now more than ever and refusing to buy made in china even if it means being homeless, this has really pissed off the working folks. The leaders can cover up all they want, but the cosumer is going make someone pay for this mess. The tactics used in China that have been more open for the average person to see has scared corporations and future investments, which is why china is trying to use the crisis to buy into other countries including India, the next factory of the world. If you want a cosumer buying country like america to drive your exports, you have to be careful, africa has no money to buy and europe with high socialist taxes has no extra disposable income to continue buying at increasing numbers for the exporter to expand. It's a losing numbers game and when your costs get too high and housing gets to high like China, all the money players leave, This decoupling from China is going to be on a turbo speed course when this is over.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        US Launches 'Full-Scale Investigation' Into Wuhan Lab


        The investigation will help intelligence analysts piece together a timeline for what the CCP knew, as well as 'create an accurate picture of what happened. 

        • APR 17, 2020 4:44 PM

        The investigation will help intelligence analysts piece together a timeline for what the CCP knew, as well as 'create an accurate picture of what happened.'

        The findings, which aren't expected to take long, will then be presented to the Trump administration to determine how to hold China accountable for the pandemic which has killed over 150,000 people and infected at least 2 million as of this writing.

        On Wednesday, Fox News reported that the virus likely originated in the Wuhan lab as part of an effort to prove that China's ability to identify and combat viruses is equal or greater to the United States, as opposed to the creation of a bioweapon. Although according to the Nobel Prize-winning professor who discovered HIV, SARS-CoV-2 is a manipulated virus which was accidentally released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

        Professor Luc Montagnier says that the virus was clearly being used to study an AIDS vaccine.

        Should it turn out that the virus escaped from a Chinese laboratory, the global pushback against the Chinese government could be significant. The virus has infected and killed hundreds of thousands of people and ravaged economies across the globe. Trump, who has frequently taken a hardline towards China even before the crisis, would be expected to lead calls to make Beijing face consequences. -Fox News.

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        OK, the thread under Mac's comment is too long, so I'll open new one.


        @sorrel: I read SixthTone article and yes, accidents happened in Biolabs, however all thing is manageable poorly in China, repeated mishaps show.

        Now, info 6thTone is describing, we aren't aware off, but Intell. agencies have certainly hand on. I predict, Americans will come out with the proof about Wahun Biolab ...


        @Stiggs: see this article about position of China in NWO:

        'ZH is questionable website ...'

        ZH is entity based in Ukraine, he he. It is US Stock EX website loaded with predictions and probable outcomes in the future. That is nature of trading on any Stock Market EX, that is a nature of every trader ... to predict moves of security ahead of times. 

        Traders can't sit down and say: "Let's wait for the proof .." 'cause once proof is released, security is either up or down depends on the news.

        So, I look the same. I pick bits and pieces and make a conclusion, which I cannot say it will fulfil tomorrow or in near future. In other words, I hope ...

        Now 'bits&pieces' at this example are telling me 'it was done intentionally' or 'it's premediated'. 

        I also know Chinese since my teaching stint in China. I assure you, it was never about 'one stupid and another one honest&clever'. It was all done on purpose by Chinese (for gain of this or that ..) and nothing can change that opinion of mine.

        This is the reason, we can discuss about that matter ... and we'll never come to the same conclusion.

        You can see, sometimes I pat my back and say: "I told you so ...".


        Watch the end of this one ...

        'add-it': " ... was in an act of war ..." ... yes, that would be conclusion of my posting, butT ... I don't plan to start the war ... If somebody will consider your actions were 'act-of-war', you'll just get hit. You won't get a sermon 'we consider that is an act ...',. Building islands and extending borders in SCS was an act of war! IMO. That's why you see US crafts keep sailing there. Nobody wants to hit the table, but that is an act of war.

        And if West will find a proof ... I don't think, they even look for the proof. The shit will just start to fly ... mark my words!


        Yeah I know China wants to be a dominant power, that has always been their plan.


        It's not even that I don't believe they might do it if they thought it would help their cause - I think anything is possible - it's just that I'm still yet to see anything that explains how China intentionally wrecking the world economy - theirs included - would help them achieve anything. If no country anywhere has a healthy economy how is China going to stay rich by making and selling stuff to the world?


        Like I said before, all I've seen is a lot of 'look how bad China is, of course they did this intentionally'. If someone comes out with credible proof and a motive as to why they'd do it then I could easily believe it. Until then I think it more likely this was just a virus that got into the community and a series of bad decisions after that. 

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        Still, you can't just say, 'ohh, well ...' when looking at the Mac's comparison about cities where spread of Ncov happened, i.e. Bj&Shanghai vs. Italy, Spain, USA, UK and others.

        To me, that indicates 'plan'.

        I even think, proof will never be publicly acknowledged, 'cause "you can't really make country of 1.4 B people standing in the corner ..." same as one can do with smaller countries as N. Horea, Iran.

        3rd title today at Zero:



        You don't need a proof about "Ncov from Lab ..". This is enough ..., IMO. Now, how and if China profited and get upper hand from that it takes deep economical and political analysis.

        I maybe look too much through my 'English teacher in China' eyes. Around 2012, I changed my ways as 'teacher in China'. I remember, I ended up in HK for some 2 or 3M looking for the new sponsor, because last school in China fok up my valid RP and they made it up as 'we are stupid ... we didn't know ..'

        Then, I realized, these bastards plan everything ... opposite of 'ohh, they are undeveloped and similar ...'.

        Same I look at Mac's comment. The best I can do is to say "It's plausible ...", but my heart is telling me "it was a plan ..."

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        Well if it was deliberately planned they must have borrowed the plan from a suicide bomber, the end result is basically the same, everybody dies, nobody wins.


        It's also quite brilliant, how could they have known that even after being warned multiple times of the danger the rest of the world would choose to ignore all the warnings and instead ensure the virus spread everywhere through their communities? It's like an army rolling into a country and instead of fighting back the enemy starts bombing themselves.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        Everybody dies? Can you count ... the casualties? How can you spot 'everybody', if you go 'ichi, ni, san, yon, go, roku, nana ..." ?, i.e.3000 in China and around 20 000 only in Spain .. Now, since you are English by birth, please explain to me meaning of word "everybody'. Am really curious ...NOT.

        Of course, you must bomb yourself ... a bit. it's called False-Flag OP. 


        Chinese aim was/is at the USA ... they compete forever who's better, more influential around the world, plus Trade war (at which China-man doesn't have viable answer at the moment!) ... and EU/UK as USA's patsies.

        Iran and ME got it, too, but I guess, ayatollah would be compliant to Ncov infection as a screen to China&Ruskies.


        ... but, as you say ... "maybe not ...", so ... I have to go back to Mac's comment ... "Ncov everywhere except in Bj&Shanghai ..." ????


        1. Chinese MF closed travelling around China, but in the same time they complained when US, UK, EU closed their borders.

        2. Chinese hold crucial data about 'human-to-human transmission' ... at the outbreak in Wahun.

        Why would CCP do that ... if they are such a nice ... ? .. BASTARDS!

        3. WHO blasted Taiwain as they put out data about human-to-human early at the outbreak.

        That is called 'kau tau' in Cantonese or 'kow tow' in Englo ... WHO kow tow's to Chinese ...


        These are all facts. I don't consider it western propaganda 'cause people around the globe are dying ...


        Is International Court in Hague still open ...? angel

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        Look out... Here comes the 3rd villainous protagonist

        Neither ‘lab’ nor ‘wet market’? Covid-19 outbreak started months EARLIER and NOT in Wuhan, ongoing Cambridge study indicates


        This appears to be a late substitute for the prematurely ejaculated - it was never going to fly "American military created it and deployed it under the cover of the Wuhan Military Games" (remember the games where both the men's and women's orienteering teams from China were disqualified for being caught red handed cheating).

        Let's see where this baby goes.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        Problem here is artificially added HIV sequence to Ncov ... statement by dr. Montagnier, who isolated HIV and get Nobel price for that.


        There's weblink posted on this thread somewhere ... above.

        Cambridge study uses word 'might' and 'may' very often, but ...

        Mapping a “network” of coronavirus genomes and tracing mutations over time, a team of researchers led by a Cambridge University geneticist determined the first Covid-19 infection may have come as early as September in a region south of Wuhan, noting the pathogen could have been carried by humans well before it mutated into a more lethal form.

        “The virus may have mutated into its final ‘human-efficient’ form months ago, but stayed inside a bat or other animal or even human for several months without infecting other individuals,” geneticist Peter Forster told the South China Morning Post. He leads the ongoing yet to be peer-reviewed research, recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        "HIV sequence was added to Corona as Chinese were looking for the cure against HIV/AIDS ... " .. could read yesterday.


        Now, Chinese windows are clean-er ---> NOT!

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        And still more research here....
        "There's no reason to believe this was made in a lab," Dr. Robert Shafer, professor of Infectious Diseases at Stanford Medical School, told ABC News. "There are many strains in nature that could cause this type of outbreak."

        The plot thickens.





        No one has a clue but everyone is trying to push a narrative that absolves them of any responsibility and blames someone simultaneously.

        May the best narrative win!

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        The Timeline Of WHO's Cover-Up Exposed


        I feel like am spamming ...

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        Where's everybody here?  ... POTUS has spoken ..



        At the conclusion of a week that saw the already-tense relationship between the US and China further strained by reports of CPC-sanctioned skullduggery during the early days of the outbreak in Wuhan, President Trump decided to kick things up a notch during his Friday task force press briefing, where he said for the first time that if Beijing was "knowingly responsible" for unleashing the virus on the world, then it should face "consequences."

        Here's the exact quote, courtesy of Reuters:

        "It could have been stopped in China before it started and it wasn’t, and the whole world is suffering because of it," Trump said.

        "If it was a mistake, a mistake is a mistake. But if they were knowingly responsible, yeah, I mean, then sure there should be consequences," Trump said. He did not elaborate on what actions the United States might take.

        Let's take a step back for those who haven't been closely following the back-and-forth between Trump and Beijing: Trump triggered a torrent of criticism from the mainstream US and international press by revoking US funding for the WHO pending an investigation into a 'coverup' implying that the WHO helped China conceal the seriousness of the outbreak in Wuhan during its early days.

        As far as the world knows, China didn't officially notify the WHO and the rest of the international community about the outbreak until New Year's Eve, 2019. Though during the weeks before, whispers about an outbreak emerged as 8 doctors from Wuhan tried to warn the public before being abruptly silenced by local police. Beijing has blamed this early suppression entirely on local officials and promised to "nail them to the pillar of shame for all of history." However, local officials around the country have reportedly defended their actions by accusing Beijing of tying their hands.

        more ...


        China: "We didn't know ...!"

        World: "YOU LYING MFs ...!"

        Timeline Proves WHO Helped China Make COVID-19 Pandemic Worse

        Did the World Health Organization make the coronavirus pandemic more likely? Undeniably.

        “Beijing informed the WHO about pneumonia of unknown cause on Dec. 31, and by Jan. 4, the agency was publicly praising China for “responding proactively and rapidly to the current incident in Wuhan.” Yet even at that early stage, the WHO was ignoring warnings that the coronavirus was much more dangerous than Chinese officials admitted.

        By the time China contacted the WHO, the coronavirus had already been spreading within the country since at least mid-November, something Beijing has still failed to disclose.”

        Continue to detailed factual time with link below. China knew exactly what they were doing. 

        Blocked all domestic flights from Wuhan but allowed international flights out of Wuhan. Fact. 

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        I just noticed the cleverness of the title of this thread. "It's been going viral that Corona virus was created, please how true is this? “. Kudos sir.


        Huh. I didn't pick up on it until you pointed it out but yep, that's clever.


        And now you've mentioned it the next person to read this will say " yup, those dudes are right, that's a clever title'. Then whoever reads the comments after that will say to himself 'well hell, that WAS clever... and so on.


        It's contagious.

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        One might say..... Viral [boom tish] (I don't think it was intentional)

        Did the OP ever make a comment or reply to an answer?

        4 years 42 weeks ago
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        A:  If you received an online degree in most cases it should have be
        A: If you received an online degree in most cases it should have been from a reputable college. If it came from a degree mill that definitely would be a problem. You should not worry about how they will contact this place. If the degree is considered authentic the people will know where to go to inquire. In my case I needed a copy of my diploma and one company in China recommended a Clearinghouse that was able to verify my degrees. They did not provide copies of the diploma, though. If the place where you received this degree is acceptable in your country then, it should be acceptable in China.Another point to consider you stated it was an MS degree. I have not aware of any programs that allow students to hop from a high school education to a Masters degree level education. With that said maybe you received a Bachelors degree. If that is the case submit that information.  I would not encourage you to lie. In that you definitely will not have any paper trail to back up your story. Some companies do not accept TEFL online especially if it came from International Open Academy. That place is a one room office. I would consider that a TEFL mill. It was such a waste of time.Do you have the ability to do searches online? -- slspringer22