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Q: 1 more sleep to go.

The long awaited Fat Boy Kim and D Trashy concert is at this stage on tomorrow in Singapore.
Lets hope nobody gets stage fright and bolts.
Kim is expected to perform his version of "Can't Touch This " And the D man will start his set with the eighties hit "The Final Count Down ".
Hold your ears's Show Time

6 years 15 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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I think it went from being interesting to being almost compulsive viewing when Donald said he had done little to no preparation for it because he didn't need to, with his super sense of intuition and people skills he'll be able to read KJU like a book within the first minute and if he doesn't like what he sees he just might walk away.




I think D Trashy has been watching to many Westerns and will be shooting from the hip

6 years 15 weeks ago
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I hope you're wrong but there's every chance you're not.


When two impulsive, erratic man boys with delicate feelings get together, unzip their pants and flop their egos out on the table anything can happen.


Interesting times.



6 years 15 weeks ago
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He may be a arrogant asshole ...but you have to give him credit for what he has achieved

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Absolutely, he does deserve credit for his part in it all.


Of course, it's not over yet and there's a chance he might stick his clumsy foot in his mouth and fuck things right up too. I assume if that happens he'll be looking to pass the blame onto KJU.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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There are alot of people who want him to fail. Funny how all the people that wanted Hillary to win the election still can't except that he is an effective President. ...a Goose and an Asshole but he seems to get things done one way or another.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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I don't think it's that they can't accept that he's an effective president, more that they see what he's doing and just don't believe that what he's doing makes him an effective president.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Like jobs and wealth? This is how great the Trump haters can bring credibility to their argument.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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I don't know man, you're asking the wrong guy, you should probably ask some Americans who pay attention to this stuff. And care.


From what I understand from seeing people squabble online though - I might be wrong but don't care enough to google it - the economy and job growth has been steadily improving for some time now, Trump took over a healthy, growing economy and took credit for it.


So when people look at the healthy economy ( that he apparantly had nothing to do with), and balance that against the unpopular stuff he has done they decide that overall they don't approve of the job he's doing.


Like I say, I think there's a bit more to it than just not being able to accept other people's opinion that he's doing well.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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6 years 15 weeks ago
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I think it went from being interesting to being almost compulsive viewing when Donald said he had done little to no preparation for it because he didn't need to, with his super sense of intuition and people skills he'll be able to read KJU like a book within the first minute and if he doesn't like what he sees he just might walk away.




I think D Trashy has been watching to many Westerns and will be shooting from the hip

6 years 15 weeks ago
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I hope you're wrong but there's every chance you're not.


When two impulsive, erratic man boys with delicate feelings get together, unzip their pants and flop their egos out on the table anything can happen.


Interesting times.



6 years 15 weeks ago
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He may be a arrogant asshole ...but you have to give him credit for what he has achieved

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Absolutely, he does deserve credit for his part in it all.


Of course, it's not over yet and there's a chance he might stick his clumsy foot in his mouth and fuck things right up too. I assume if that happens he'll be looking to pass the blame onto KJU.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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There are alot of people who want him to fail. Funny how all the people that wanted Hillary to win the election still can't except that he is an effective President. ...a Goose and an Asshole but he seems to get things done one way or another.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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I don't think it's that they can't accept that he's an effective president, more that they see what he's doing and just don't believe that what he's doing makes him an effective president.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Like jobs and wealth? This is how great the Trump haters can bring credibility to their argument.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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I don't know man, you're asking the wrong guy, you should probably ask some Americans who pay attention to this stuff. And care.


From what I understand from seeing people squabble online though - I might be wrong but don't care enough to google it - the economy and job growth has been steadily improving for some time now, Trump took over a healthy, growing economy and took credit for it.


So when people look at the healthy economy ( that he apparantly had nothing to do with), and balance that against the unpopular stuff he has done they decide that overall they don't approve of the job he's doing.


Like I say, I think there's a bit more to it than just not being able to accept other people's opinion that he's doing well.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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you all see them bragging about lil' Rocket Man's security detail?  Like he's the most protected dicktater in the world or sth. Was a really nice MercyDays limo he was slidin' though,,,  

but a question for Mace,,,,  can't a motivated assassin get hold of a Stinger, or whatever,,, and isn't that enough to obliterate a limo like that and it's occupants? My point being no security detail can stop a motivated guy packing the right heat.  Yes, No ?


I don't know how good the armour on the car is, suppose if you had the right tools you could blow it to shit but the thing is you'd need to get close enough to use them.


I thought they had snipers on every roof, streets closed off, people checking out the windows overlooking the procession - that sort of thing.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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yeah,,,, I would well imagine that that would be the #1 stumbling block.  Getting in close enough while concealing a shoulder-fired AA missile.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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That's assuming they could even get the missile into Singapore.


It's not the sort of thing you can put in your checked baggage.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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yes, anybody can be had, would be funny if a coup and overthrow would happen while he is absent, crazier things have happened.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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I read somewhere - think it was a link iWolf put up in the other thread - saying that a coup was one of the things Kim is said to be worried about.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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SINGAPORE (AP) — To protect one of the highest-profile diplomatic events so far this century, Singapore has enlisted the help of its fearsome Nepalese fighters whose large curved knives, according to custom, must "taste blood" whenever they're drawn.

  Gurkha's pics ...

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Reminds me of a fight in Zaire I watched in a bar that did not start, The legionaire was challened to a fight and he spoke 7 languages and told the native in his own French dialect that he had know idea how to fight, that he had only been trained to kill and if he wanted to bring on some violence to go home and come back after he said a final good bye to his children, the guy ran out of the bar.


Some moments you never forget.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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They need to share a romantic night together in one of the hotel rooms.


 Not, without Vlad's  agreement! surprise

6 years 15 weeks ago
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No news on MMS, so ... I'll go with OT c&p titled 'Lucky Horse':


Japan falls in love with gorgeous Russian policewoman on horse (PHOTOS)

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Then they'd just start arguing about who gets to be the sprinkler in the golden shower games and be all salty and cantankerous in the meeting.


Imagine telling your grandkids ww3 started because a chubby Korean guy with strange hair peed on an orange game show host then claimed he had a headache and wouldn't let him return the favour. Who would believe you, they would think you're mad. 

6 years 15 weeks ago
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White House Releases Agenda For Tomorrow's Historic Summit




Life is a giant negotiation where we constantly bargain with people in an effort to reach our goals. Like him or not, his skills got Trump to where he is today. The article below delves into the often undervalued fundamentals, psychological skills, strategies, and the structured approach that enhance the chance of reaching a positive result.

 http://Negotiating Skills Are Key To A Prosperous Future.html


 You're ready for this? OK! 


Top secrete: Kim 'brings' portable toilet to Singapore to ‘deny enemies insight into his stool’

Top secrete: Kim 'brings' portable toilet to Singapore to ‘deny enemies insight into his stool’

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un has reportedly gone to extreme measures to prevent his enemies getting an insight into the state of his health during the Singapore summit – including bringing his very own toilet.


6 years 15 weeks ago
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China isn’t officially represented in the historic talks between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, but that hasn’t stopped Beijing from making its presence felt.

Kim arrived in the city state Sunday aboard a Boeing 747 operated by Air China Ltd., China’s state-run flagship carrier. The flight was both a potent display of China’s industrial might -- and a message that the country had North Korea’s back.

“All these symbols are worth reading into,” Shawn Ho, an associate research fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies, told a panel discussion Monday in Singapore. “China continues to have a major stake in the Korean Peninsula,” he said, and it “seems to be ready to support north Korea.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping -- who also travels on an Air China 747 -- has a lot at stake in the first-ever talks between a sitting U.S. president and a supreme North Korean leader. If they fail, Xi will be looking to avert chaos or conflict on his border. If they work, he risks an old ally being drawn closer to America.


Xi’s contribution of the jet was necessary because Kim lacks the aircraft and military reach needed to ensure his safety on the almost 5,000-kilometer (3,000-mile) journey from Pyongyang to Singapore. That’s one reason he wants to end international sanctions and develop his economy.

Air China shares rose 1.1 percent in Hong Kong trading Monday, outperforming a 0.3 percent gain in the benchmark Hang Seng Index.

Accepting such Chinese support might be seen as an admission of weakness for a leader whose image is based on the philosophy of “Juche,” or self-reliance. Interestingly, North Korea made no attempt to conceal the contribution, publishing a photo of Kim exiting the jet in the regime’s main newspaper Monday and repeatedly mentioning the “Chinese plane” in state media reports.

China’s foreign ministry, however, would only provide a short statement on the plane, despite repeated questions at a regular news briefing Monday in Beijing.


“As requested by the DPRK side, China’s civil airline offered a relevant service to the DPRK delegation,” ministry spokesman Geng Shuang said, referring to North Korea’s formal name.

Biggest Partner

China has repeatedly sought to assert it’s crucial role in the talks. As North Korea’s largest trading partner, China’s enforcement of United Nations sanctions helped bring Kim to the negotiating table, while also shielding his regime from Trump’s threats of military action.

The plane reflects China’s effort to show itself as a leader in issues of regional concern, said Chucheng Feng, co-founder of GRisk, a Hong Kong-based political risk consulting firm. “China cannot be absent on such occasions,” Feng said.

Air China announced last week that it would resume regular flights between Beijing and Pyongyang after a six-month hiatus -- the latest sign that the “maximum pressure” campaign on North Korea may be easing. Air China declined to comment Monday on Kim’s use of the plane.

In the run-up to the summit, Kim visited China twice to meet with Xi. During their March meeting in Beijing, Xi told Kim that China had made a “strategic choice” to have friendly ties with North Korea, and that they would “remain unchanged under any circumstances.”

The plane is a way for China to say it still has a big role to play in the situation, said Paul Haenle, a former China director on the U.S. National Security Council who now heads the Carnegie-Tsinghua Center in Beijing. “China’s trying to stay engaged in the diplomacy and to not be a participant on the sidelines of this.”

— With assistance by Dong Lyu, and Jihye Lee

6 years 15 weeks ago
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upload failed

6 years 15 weeks ago
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You are not looking for c&p guidance ...? surprise ...  

6 years 15 weeks ago
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6 years 15 weeks ago
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haha,,, I'll pass,,, thx anyway....


oops ,, meant as comment to 77....  computers suck

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Honestly, I had to work hard to edit software's addings to the Bloomberg text above. As I hit c&p, only half of the text was displayed, and another half was hidden on the far L side of reply. Mastards, they protect some texts against c&p.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Kim Jong Un arrives at summit site

North Korea's Kim Jong Un's motorcade has arrived at the Capella Hotel on Singapore's Sentosa Island, ahead of his historic summit with President Trump.

The two leaders are due to shake hands in half an hour, the first time a sitting US President has met his North Korean counterpart.

They are expected to meet one-on-one, only accompanied by translators, for almost an hour starting from 9 a.m. local time (9 p.m. ET.)

Kim Jong Un arrives at summit site

North Korea's Kim Jong Un's motorcade has arrived at the Capella Hotel on Singapore's Sentosa Island, ahead of his historic summit with President Trump.

The two leaders are due to shake hands in half an hour, the first time a sitting US President has met his North Korean counterpart.

They are expected to meet one-on-one, only accompanied by translators, for almost an hour starting from 9 a.m. local time (9 p.m. ET.)



 Is anybody here into hair-styles? 


Historic handshake: Kim, Trump face off at Singapore summit (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

Historic handshake: Kim, Trump face off at Singapore summit (VIDEO, PHOTOS)

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un and US President Donald Trump have made history by shaking hands with each other at a top-level summit in Singapore, paving the way for reconciliation and denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.


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Seems like nothing

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Question, what other uses could those nukes be used for if torn apart? Could they just like stick in something and make it a battery to charge a city for a year?


I'd say the biggest drawback in use of nuclear fuel is radiation, which is harmful to human and other living creatures.

Even, disposal of used nuclear fuel (Cesium) is tricky process, what makes nuclear fuel very expensive in the long run.

Have a look at Chernobyl ... accident site... It will be harmful to human another 100 years or so. The reactor is enclosed in cement dome to prevent spreading of radiation. However, wild life flourish after the human left the area.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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They'd probably get a good price on the black market.

6 years 15 weeks ago
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I heard Captain Kirk is a ready buyer.  Enterprise doesn't run on his Awesomeness alone!

6 years 15 weeks ago
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And lots of dudes with deloreans and Einstein hair.

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Jumpin' Jehoshaphat!  They are saying like officially that lil' Rocket Man agreed to Official name change.  No more Rockets for him!  giving up his nukes....



*I mean I guess that means no more ICBM development either...


Waiting for the full terms of the deal to be disclosed but yeah, sounds like it.



6 years 15 weeks ago
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Back to sleep ...



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'The letter, I signed ..' surprise




6 years 15 weeks ago
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What would security guarantees mean? Military bases in Nth Korea?

6 years 15 weeks ago
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Here we go:



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What about T-shirts ...?



 'PotCoin' must be new, prosperous BitCoin ...' 




6 years 15 weeks ago
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Have a look at first 15" of this video titled:


''Watch: Kim Jong-un's reaction to Donald Trump's joke about their weight is priceless"


6 years 15 weeks ago
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PotCoin is set up as a cryptocurrency that is used specifically to by marijuana. So far, the Rodman gig is helping.  

POT has a current market capitalization of around $21 million, and today reached a level where it was trading around $0.0975. It’s up 5.87 percent today.

Celebrities haven’t been able to resist the allure of cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (ICOs) to the point that the SEC has had to warn people repeatedly that just because a celebrity is endorsing it, doesn’t make it sound. 

6 years 15 weeks ago
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6 years 15 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77