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Q: About the lockdown

guys any news that when will be transportation will run normally in hubei province and hows the transportation system in other cities of china at present situation 

4 years 29 weeks ago in  Transport & Travel - China

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*Confirmed cases rise to just shy of 35K in China and 24 other countries, deaths surge by 86 to 722, set to surpass SARS total in hours; total number of people under observation jumps to an all time high of 189,660.

*Suspected cases rose to 27,657 from 26,359 the day before, with 6,107 people in in serious/critical condition. Patients who have recovered jumped to 2,050,

*6,107 people are in serious/critical condition

*Reporter says 'real' death toll could be closer to 20k

*German scientists say coronavirus can survive for 9 days on surfaces

*Chinese quarantine expanded to Guangzhou; 400 million now on lockdown

*Singapore raises response level to Orange

*Hong Kong confirms case No. 25

*Death of Dr. Li stokes demands for more free speech in China

.. more ...


well,,, at least it is interesting that we were here and lived through what sounds like it is gonna be a memorable chapter (page) of modern-day human existence. Thx to 77 for all the cool info,,,, and haha to dumb-ass original poster for asking when transportation things are back to normal in Hubei....   ok,,, I'll offer him/her an answer..... tomorrow? 

4 years 29 weeks ago
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ZeroHedge has detailed daily reports on 'novo-corona-virus' ... Website isn't blocked in China-women&men ... 

4 years 29 weeks ago
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New one:

Chengdu On Lockdown As Coronavirus Deaths Hit 813, Surpassing Total From 2003 SARS Outbreak


*Hubei officials reported an additional 81 deaths in Hubei on Saturday, bringing the death toll to 806: more than the total from the entire 2002-2003 SARS outbreak.

*Lockdown spreads to Chengdu, China's sixth largest city (14.4. million)

*A little later, China's National Health commission reported that there were a total of 811 deaths across China, an increase of 89 overnight - the biggest one-day increase yet - while 2,649 discharged patients were cured.

*China also reported that on Feb 8, the total number of confirmed new cases rose to 37,198, an increase of 2,652 overnight with 3,916 suspected new cases, bringing the total to 28,942 suspected cases

*A total of 188,183 people were receiving medical attention, down 1,477 from 189,660 the day before

*First American citizen has died

*First Japanese citizen suspected of succumbing to virus

*France elevates travel advisory to orange after 5 Britons fall ill in ski resort

*Roundup of suspected infected in Wuhan continues

*Beijing appoints Xi protege to help lead virus response

*Vigil held for the dead coronavirus whistleblower, Dr. Li, in Hong Kong

*China blocks Foxconn plan to reopen factories

4 years 29 weeks ago
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4 years 29 weeks ago
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*Confirmed cases rise to just shy of 35K in China and 24 other countries, deaths surge by 86 to 722, set to surpass SARS total in hours; total number of people under observation jumps to an all time high of 189,660.

*Suspected cases rose to 27,657 from 26,359 the day before, with 6,107 people in in serious/critical condition. Patients who have recovered jumped to 2,050,

*6,107 people are in serious/critical condition

*Reporter says 'real' death toll could be closer to 20k

*German scientists say coronavirus can survive for 9 days on surfaces

*Chinese quarantine expanded to Guangzhou; 400 million now on lockdown

*Singapore raises response level to Orange

*Hong Kong confirms case No. 25

*Death of Dr. Li stokes demands for more free speech in China

.. more ...


well,,, at least it is interesting that we were here and lived through what sounds like it is gonna be a memorable chapter (page) of modern-day human existence. Thx to 77 for all the cool info,,,, and haha to dumb-ass original poster for asking when transportation things are back to normal in Hubei....   ok,,, I'll offer him/her an answer..... tomorrow? 

4 years 29 weeks ago
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ZeroHedge has detailed daily reports on 'novo-corona-virus' ... Website isn't blocked in China-women&men ... 

4 years 29 weeks ago
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New one:

Chengdu On Lockdown As Coronavirus Deaths Hit 813, Surpassing Total From 2003 SARS Outbreak


*Hubei officials reported an additional 81 deaths in Hubei on Saturday, bringing the death toll to 806: more than the total from the entire 2002-2003 SARS outbreak.

*Lockdown spreads to Chengdu, China's sixth largest city (14.4. million)

*A little later, China's National Health commission reported that there were a total of 811 deaths across China, an increase of 89 overnight - the biggest one-day increase yet - while 2,649 discharged patients were cured.

*China also reported that on Feb 8, the total number of confirmed new cases rose to 37,198, an increase of 2,652 overnight with 3,916 suspected new cases, bringing the total to 28,942 suspected cases

*A total of 188,183 people were receiving medical attention, down 1,477 from 189,660 the day before

*First American citizen has died

*First Japanese citizen suspected of succumbing to virus

*France elevates travel advisory to orange after 5 Britons fall ill in ski resort

*Roundup of suspected infected in Wuhan continues

*Beijing appoints Xi protege to help lead virus response

*Vigil held for the dead coronavirus whistleblower, Dr. Li, in Hong Kong

*China blocks Foxconn plan to reopen factories

4 years 29 weeks ago
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4 years 29 weeks ago
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Coronavirus – The African Connection


The three main areas of Chinese business in Africa are transport, which generally means building airports and railways; energy which means building power stations; and grids and metals which means mines.

One of the airports the Chinese funded and built is Bole International Airport in Ethiopia.

The flights from China arriving at Bole International come from Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Chengdu and Hong Kong.  Just yesterday the Chinese government added China’s 5th largest city Guangzhou to its list of locked down quarantined cities.  Which strikes me as news.  For Guangzhou to have been quarantined means it must already have a large number of cases.  Guangzhou is not near to Wuhan, the source of the Corona virus outbreak. It is near to Hong Kong.


It is linked to both by high speed rail and internal air travel. Guangzhou airport is in fact the  third busiest in China and the 13th busiest in the world handling over 65 million passengers per year.

So… the spread of the  Corona virus in Guangzhou has got so serious that the Chinese government has quarantined it. Yet till now flights from there to Ethiopia were running. Of course I have no idea how many passengers were actually on those flights nor where they might have originated from.  But the rail and air links from Wuhan and other cities to Guangzhou and the fact that Guangzhou is therefore the hub to which any workers going to Africa would have passed through, does raise a few questions. Remember, 1500 per day on average (meaning in ‘normal times’ which these are not) through Bole international from China alone.


more ...


Coronavirus 'Super-Spreader' Infects 57 In Hospital As China Continues To Refuse CDC Help


Disturbing Details

New Report on 138 Coronavirus Cases Reveals Disturbing Details including the emergence of a super-spreader.

One patient, admitted to a hospital in Wuhan, China, infected at least 10 health care workers and four other patients [actual suspect total is 57 see study below].

The patient who infected so many health workers had been placed in a surgical ward because of abdominal symptoms, and the coronavirus was not initially suspected. Four other patients in that ward also contracted the disease, presumably from the first patient. 

The incident was a chilling reminder of the “super-spreaders” in outbreaks of other coronavirus diseases, SARS and MERS — patients who infected huge numbers of other people, sometimes dozens. The phenomenon is poorly understood and unpredictable, an epidemiologist’s nightmare. Super-spreaders led to considerable transmission of MERS and SARS inside hospitals.


Super-Spreader Infects 40 Health Care Workers

The JAMA Report, published on Friday, is among the most comprehensive articles to date about people infected with the newly identified virus.

Of the 138 patients, 57 (41.3%) were presumed to have been infected in hospital, including 17 patients (12.3%) who were already hospitalized for other reasons and 40 health care workers (29%). Of the hospitalized patients, 7 patients were from the surgical department, 5 were from internal medicine, and 5 were from the oncology department. Of the infected health care workers, 31 (77.5%) worked on general wards, 7 (17.5%) in the emergency department, and 2 (5%) in the ICU. 
One patient in the current study presented with abdominal symptoms and was admitted to the surgical department. More than 10 health care workers in this department were presumed to have been infected by this patient. Patient-to-patient transmission also was presumed to have occurred, and at least 4 hospitalized patients in the same ward were infected, and all presented with atypical abdominal symptoms. One of the 4 patients had fever and was diagnosed as having nCoV infection during hospitalization. Then, the patient was isolated. Subsequently, the other 3 patients in the same ward had fever, presented with abdominal symptoms, and were diagnosed as having nCoV infectionThe data in this study suggest rapid person-to-person transmission of 2019-nCoV may have occurred. The main reason is derived from the estimation of the basic reproductive number (R0) based on a previous study. In this single-center case series of 138 hospitalized patients with confirmed NCIP in Wuhan, China, presumed hospital-related transmission of 2019-nCoV was suspected in 41% of patients, 26% of patients received ICU care, and mortality was 4.3%.

JAMA Video

4 years 29 weeks ago
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50,000 New Infections/Day In China?

Prof. Neil Ferguson, Vice Dean Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College in London, estimates 50K new infections per day.

10 Key Video Points

  1. 1. 50,000 new cases a day in china

  2. 2. Infections doubling every 5 days

  3. 3. Death rate is still unknown

  4. 4. China likely to peak in March

  5. 5. Epidemic peak is still a month away

  6. 6. It will be very hard to control this epidemic the say way we did with SARS 15-20 years ago

  7. 7. Cases are always underestimated

  8. 8. Death delays are as long as three weeks

  9. 9. Reported deaths outside China are not reassuring because of delays

  10. 10. We still don't know the full effects

Stop the Ridiculous Flu Comparisons

People are still comparing this outbreak with the flu.

Stop already!

4 years 29 weeks ago
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4 years 29 weeks ago
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Beijing Under Partial Lock Down As Virus Death Toll Tops 900; More Than 40,000 Infected

Sun, 02/09/2020 - 13:10





  • *Virus death toll hits 902, vastly surpassing all of  SARS (813) in only three weeks

  • *The number of global confirmed cases hits 40,553 in China (40,171) and offshore (382)

  • *WHO Director-General warns "we may only be seeing the tip of the iceberg"

  • *Exiled Chinese billionaire says true death toll closer to 50k, 1.5 million infected

  • *New cases confirmed in UK, Spain, Singapore

  • *Passengers aboard 'Diamond Princess' warn authorities aren't doing enough to protect them - and others

  • *Officials in Shenzen say they won't block Foxxconn factory reopening

  • *Cruise ship quarantined in Hong Kong allowed to leave after 4 days

Update (2240ET): And so the epidemic reaches China's capital Beijing. As gnews reports, as the coronavirus spreads from Wuhan, China has been implementing “closed management” by putting 80 cities under lockdown, and on Monday, Beijing authorities also issued a “Strict Closed Management of Residential Communities” in an epidemic prevention and control announcement (link here). It is an official declaration that Beijing, the country’s capital city of China, is now under lockdown.


Two days later ...

China Death Count Tops 1,000 As Masked President Xi Warns 'Prepare For Long & Grim' Virus Battle


  • *Total global virus death toll hits 1018, with the number of global confirmed cases rising to 43,099, of which 42,638 in China and 461 offshore.

    • *The number of severe cases jumped from 6,484 to 7,333, while the number of discharged patients rose by 716 from 3,281 to 3,996.

    • *The epicenter, China's Hubei province, announced 103 new deaths - the biggest jump yet - to 1,011 deaths

  • *China has first the two highest-ranked health officials in Hubei Province

  • *Westerdam cruise ship to dock in Thailand after being turned away from 3 countries

  • WHO designates 10 Chinese provinces 'hot spots'

  • *UK confirms 4 more cases tied to possible 'super spreader'

  • *Extended LNY holiday ends but millions still too afraid to return to office

  • *WeWork Chairman says 100 buildings temporarily closed in China

  • *Canadian finance minister warns nCoV "will hit Canadian economy..."

  • *WHO says outbreak in Europe could be "spark that becomes a bigger fire"

  • *Hong Kong reports 6 new cases, bringing total to 42, evacuates building where two nCoV patients lived

  • *NRF forecasts drop in retail sales in February

  • *British Airways extends China flight cancellations

  • *President Xi addresses party officials at outbreak control center

4 years 29 weeks ago
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4 years 29 weeks ago
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WHO has settled on a designation.   Covid-19


ok, not very catchy,,, but easy to write/read/pronounce.


so many mixed messages on this, but sure looks like extraordinary response to the flu......   


*common flu which they say kills/infects many times more, gets no attention.  Yet Covid-19 gets China darn near lock-down?   oh well,,, I guess time will tell...


The “Co” stands for corona, “vi” for virus and “d” for disease. The WHO appended it with “-19” to demarcate 2019 as the year it was first recognized in humans.

4 years 29 weeks ago
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Get on your mask ... while you're using a keyboard! 


Malone in The Untouchables: "You got to die of sumtin' ..."


On the other hand, I am happy I am no there.

WHO Names Virus 'COVID-19', Warns "Must Do Everything Now... Vaccine Will Take 18 Months"

4 years 29 weeks ago
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Did you ever go to ... India? .. like me .. 


India's Leaders Claim Drinking Cow Urine Will Cure Covid-19


4 years 28 weeks ago
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4 years 29 weeks ago
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All those clueless hacks who warned us for years not to trust China's economic numbers, yet were so gullible to believe any coronavirus pandemic "data" released by Beijing are going to look pretty stupid right about now.

Hubei just released its latest round of coronavirus outbreak figures, and in a clear confirmation of the 'conspiracy theory' that China had altered the way it was reporting Covid-19 deaths and cases - clearly in order to suggest that things were improving and you should go back to work, while ideally buying stocks, the province at the epicenter of the Coronavirus pandemic just came clean and the numbers are stunning.

The number of cases exploded by 14,840, resulting in a total of 48,206 cases, including 13,332 clinically diagnose cases:



My respect for Zerohedge has increased a lot recently. Almost nobody trusts the "official" stats any more.

4 years 28 weeks ago
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Yeah, despite it is a blog site, I 'measured' Zero posts any NEWS first. Sometimes they do c&p from other sources, but that happened rarely.

It was much better website in the past ... it changed few years ago.

I am there (my 1st am read) longer than 20 years.

5-6 articles per page on Corona ... if you look for nCoV-19 news/stats, one must head to Zero, first.

4 years 28 weeks ago
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4 years 28 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman