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Q: Admin Weekly Suggestion: Wechat, mobiles and groups

Hope everyone had a good week.

So apparently what i got from last week is; it'd be a good idea to continue suggestions  and when possible updates. So fist update, go to the technical list i'll write a small update there after this.

So our question of the week is about the use of wechat and mobile devices, do you guys follow us on wechat ? ( if no please do so now) And would you be more active on the website if i told you, we'll have a mobile website with screen resizing ( if the IT people got what i meant by it), most probably in the answer section, but also on the job and news sections as well.

Also what do you think about creating echinacities wechat groups for the people of the same city ? ( will most probably be BJ and SH we know)

There up to you now.

8 years 9 weeks ago in  General  - China

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More useless gestures. 

No, I do not follow you on wechat. 

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8 years 9 weeks ago
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Ive used the wechat option and its ok but nothing to brag about .

as for the group thing for each city you are creating segragation and not all members live in big cities .

IMO you would be better off having community reporters/correspondence  form different areas to post about their area and get discussion from that .

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8 years 9 weeks ago
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I follow the ECC wechat but to be honest I prefer the website. I do look at the news update when it comes though but by that time I've normally read them on the site. 


Updating the site so it has a mobile view option but can I please ask for an easy way to turn it off once, not every time I come on the site. Why? Other sites like GZStuff, etc now have mobile optimized sites and I personally prefer a full website view. It's taken me ages to stop GZStuff opening in mobile view. It's sister site SZStuff still opens in mobile view every time and for me that's annoying. 



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1) Wechat - no, I wouldn't join the group. I like privacy (even if relative!)


2) City groups - it won't be BJ and SH... the majority of active members of the forums don't actually live there!  And those in BJ use Beijinger, those in SH go to Shanghaist.


However, I'm a single user with my own idiosyncracies... so wait for more responses.. and even then, don't expect that to be for everyone.


I do, howver, strongly urge the mobile device friendly site... it's not longer the future! And newer members (especially Chinese) will prefer it. So if your IT people don't understand what you mean - get new IT people!

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8 years 9 weeks ago
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simple guy in a simple city....  segragating the cities is not a good idea in my humble opinion.


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8 years 9 weeks ago
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Haven't checked out the mobile option..  Feel sorta lazy to even try.  What's so different about it from the normal site?



8 years 9 weeks ago
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Mobile versions of websites usually have a different layout that's optimized for touch screens.

On a computer, having a lot of links you can interact with in a small area is fine, since the mouse is extremely accurate. If you try to do the same with your fingers, it's going to be messy. It should also make the pages fit to the screen, so you don't need to zoom in and slide the page all over the place to get what you want.

Also, mobile versions are usually lighter so they can run better on phones. I don't think they've made it yet, though.

8 years 9 weeks ago
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8 years 9 weeks ago
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More useless gestures. 

No, I do not follow you on wechat. 

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8 years 9 weeks ago
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Stop using troll accounts to post random dumb questions. Many (some) of the posters here are smart enough to see through the BS and the inauthenticity will make people want to leave.

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8 years 9 weeks ago
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