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Q: Alien employment license

Why is it that many foreigners are hired illegally on a non working visa? Is it because the process is too difficult?

or is it just because they are lazy?? the reason I am asking this is that I am about to apply for this license.. is it do able easily if i have the business license and other documents of the company and the required qualification of employee?? BTW its a non teaching job though requiring fluency in English and one or more Asian languages ...


edit: it's not from a foreigner's point of view who wants to come and work in China.. It's from a Chinese company's point of view who wants to hire a foreigner legally...what does such an employer need to do if its their first time..

9 years 18 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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You need to get hired by a company that is entitled to hire foreign experts, they provide you a work permit. You get your Z visa at Chinese embassy at home and travel to China. Its that simple.

Important things,

1. Contract from a legal employer in China.
2. Work permit
3. Z visa on your passport
4. Apply for FEC

No big deal until the company isn't authorized to hire foreigners or runs a scam factory.


these things are already clear to me...tell me about the criteria of companies allowed to hire foreigners? the company who wants to hire a foreigner what does it have to do before getting the alien employment license for their intended employee

9 years 17 weeks ago
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Honestly speaking I am not an expert on these issues but the least I know is that the company shall be registered with SAFEA and should have a license from the authority (not sure about the name). They have certain criterion for giving licenses to companies. Perhaps wait a while since some guys might have more authentic information regarding this and may provide you the link to check whether the company is authorized or not. Different rules for different provinces so you have to check from local SAFEA. Search SAFEA in Question bar to get websites or contact information of SAFEA in your province.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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You need to get hired by a company that is entitled to hire foreign experts, they provide you a work permit. You get your Z visa at Chinese embassy at home and travel to China. Its that simple.

Important things,

1. Contract from a legal employer in China.
2. Work permit
3. Z visa on your passport
4. Apply for FEC

No big deal until the company isn't authorized to hire foreigners or runs a scam factory.


these things are already clear to me...tell me about the criteria of companies allowed to hire foreigners? the company who wants to hire a foreigner what does it have to do before getting the alien employment license for their intended employee

9 years 17 weeks ago
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Honestly speaking I am not an expert on these issues but the least I know is that the company shall be registered with SAFEA and should have a license from the authority (not sure about the name). They have certain criterion for giving licenses to companies. Perhaps wait a while since some guys might have more authentic information regarding this and may provide you the link to check whether the company is authorized or not. Different rules for different provinces so you have to check from local SAFEA. Search SAFEA in Question bar to get websites or contact information of SAFEA in your province.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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You're better picking up the phone and speaking to the relevant government office. How do you expect foreigners to know the requirements for a Chinese company?


What I can tell you is that the company needs to get a licence to employ foreigners. How to get it is beyond me. 


I expect some of them to know because I recall that some of them work in the HR dept..and also because most of the people I am expecting answers from are in China for quite a long time.. they must be knowing at least something.. (I ve never owned a car yet, but I do have driving licenses from 2 countries and i do know how to drive.. so i think it is possible that some foreigners may know some details)


anyways...I wouldn't suffice on a phone call, I am willing to pay them a visit myself only if you would be kind enough to tell me which office is that? Is it SAFEA or Ministry of Labor and Social Security or some other??? 


9 years 17 weeks ago
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Why don't you call SAFEA, and kindly ask them for info about proper office?

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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any company no matter they are chinese company or foreign invested company can hire foreigners. The only question is that the Public Security Bureau approves the resident permit or not. 






I wanted to sell potatoes in Beijing but they said Chinese people can sell potatoes so a foreigner can't get this job. Did you get it?

9 years 17 weeks ago
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Not true! Chinese Co. must have authorization from Gov. to hire Foreigner-s (teacher-s). SAFEA usually visits School, before authorization is granted, as it happened at my present school: info.asp?province=Guangdong& keyword=University&cmd=Search

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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I have aBritish friend who got the license last year. He has been setting up a warehouse for his UK company. He got it easy enough, but took a while... and he had big money backing.

He had to deposit 50 or 60 k GB pounds to get it. But that amount depends on how many local staff you will employ. The deposit is just to cover local wages if you do a runner.

He used a fixer. She done all the leg work so he just had to go to the different offices as needed.

I have asked him to write the procedure down, but he has not done it yet.

As soo an my mate got the license he went off to the UK to get his Z.

Can be done, but expensive.

I think there are some threads on GoKunming about this. But most of what I read was wrong.


thanx for the info.. the company I intend to work for is owned by a Chinese and all of the staff is Chinese.. So i guess the process maybe a little different and also easier...

I guess my first step would be to pay a visit to the Ministry of Labor and S.S or SAFEA...

if your friend replies you let me know..

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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School is a different story. Special field like hospital is different from general company. coz the foreigners need to apply for foreign expert certificate. If this is general company, then they only have to apply for the alien employment system then they have the right to apply for foreigners @icnif77:

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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