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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Among Chinese, Shanghainese people think they have a plus just for being borned in Shanghai
In my opinion the only advantage shanghainese people has when living in Shanghai is some benefits about salary and laboral stuff. Besides that there's nothing else but they think they do.
What is your opinion? What do you think about the way they do emphasis about they are not chinese, they are shanghainese? Does it really worth to mention?
They are shanghainese, so they are better than chinese in their mind. but because, they are influenced by us, foreigners, at most.
But they can speak Shanghainese, so that makes them better than even the foreigners too!
That's exactly the benefit they have: their hukou. However, they are still Chinese. Shanghai may be a modern city, but it's still a Chinese city. Technically they are Shanghainese, because they are from Shanghai. However, I think it is silly to say you are better than someone else just because of where you were born.
But you know loke, being born American, you are given this certificate and it reads....
You are now better than anyone else in the world born outside of America. Use your nationality for personal gains and profits especially when traveling abroad. And always remember YOUR BETTER!*
Doctor so-n-so
*Annotates that this does include all of the USA's allies and the country of England too.
Jnus has never sneered at anyone on this site, nor been in any way nasty, condescending or patronising to anyone because of her country of birth (or for any other reason, for that matter). She fulfills precisely zero of the American stereotypes.
aha, but people from different countries or cities really have different treatment by others, it's the reality.
im sorry but dont you see something similar everyday, everyone looks down on people from the countryside and thinking you are not the same as them, and end up calling them farmers(peasant), i see this all the i guess its better to point out this problem in your own city before you start pointing fingers to sh
Did you read the question? I think you're lost man. Maybe you're loaded of the stuff you mention or I don't know why you mention it.
In my experience Shanghainese people has a special proudness stronger than any other place in China and also some chinese people from other parts even follow what they have made them believe to learn shanghainese.
I really wonder how a chinese person can't survive without shanghainese if we survived and when we arrived not even spoke putonghua? At least that's my case and opinion. I'm not pointing out anyone, the point is clear in my question.
but still, Shanghainese are Chinese. They need to work, eat, and shit like every Chinese does every day.
I really don't see where they are born will make them stand out
Doesn't everybody think their town, city or country is the best on the whole though? It's a pattern of positive thinking that tapers all the way down to the individual himself, on one level or another.
many shanghaiese are think they are better than the other province people.once destruct their house by gov or developers.they will be Millionaire.they will have several house...................shanghaiese is Chinese.
SOME Shanghai people may think they're the one and only citizens, others are from rural/countryside. People born from Shanghai may have a sense of advantage for their open and developed city, relatively.
Oops - sorry.. I meant to downvote!
GT - I know English is not your main language, and that's fine, but obviously you don't know the meaning of the word 'citizen', and other Chinese people aren't from rural countRies...
@ Shining_brow
If you don't get the meaning, let me explain for you. Citizen here is those from city. 'Rural country' here means 'rural countryside', abbreviation usage. A person is really MEAN if he thinks others cannot express the meaning if the language is not native.
@GreatTao... I have no problems with non-native language speakers... unless they're writing or saying things that are completely wrong, or causing confusion (and, this is both!)
"Citizen" does NOT mean from the city! It may have thousands of years ago when it came from the Greek language, but it does NOT mean that now. This is a common mistake that Chinese have...
Your edit of 'rural country' is good.
Now, you can choose to be grateful that a very qualified English teacher has taken the time to correct your English so you don't make those mistakes again in the future, or you can feel butthurt! But, you should remember that you'll NEVER get even close to native level speech in English if your mistakes aren't corrected!
@ Shining_brow
Okay. Afte checking online, instead of asking for help from an English teacher, the meaning of 'citizen' is understood. But does it a common mistake Chinese people make?
After correcting the language mistake, did you get the meaning of the original answer? Do you agree with it? read again.
GT - I was an IELTS examiner... so yes, I do know how mis-used the word 'citizen' is here!
I personally haven't really experienced it - but then, I'm not Chinese to be looked down upon by Shanghaiese. But I've heard that they have this attitude, particularly towards those from rural areas (not surprising, given the vast number of immigrants to SH).
What's funny is that Shanghai is one of the most multi-cultural cities in China... and thus, this attitude of theirs comes about due to foreign influence - the technology and money that they brought... :p It's almost saying that they're arrogant because of their connections with the rest of the world, and behave less DaLu Ren.