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Posts: 879


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Q: Answer Some Questions


If you have several minutes to spare (I know you do) please complete the following survey. Your answers will be used for purposes of profiling, and may result in detainment, further questioning, torture, confessions, political turmoil, and ultimately the deaths of millions. So, then:


1. What were the best movies you saw this year?


2. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?


3. If you had to choose a new eChinacities username, what would it be?


4. Your favourite character from a movie


5. Your favourite character from a TV series


6. Your favourite character from a book


7. Would you prefer the ability to speak all languages fluently, or the ability to fly?


8. If you could be the first person to set foot on Mars, but could never return to Earth, would you go?


9. If you were in a survival situation, would you rather eat human meat (from an already dead person) or die?


10. Link a video you like (on Youtube, Youku, etc.).


11. Name or link a song you listened to recently.


12. When was the last time you felt depressed or horrified?


13. If your mother and significant other fell in a lake, what would you do?


14. Complete this sentence: “The truest measure of a society is…”


15. Say something nice about a Chinese person you know.


9 years 7 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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1. Ex Machina; Mad Max: Fury Road

I watched Mad Max with two different Chinese women. Their reactions to the scene with big-breasted women being milked were hilarious.


2. Baby orangutan


3. Tristania


4. The Gmork (The NeverEnding Story)


5. Rust (True Detective)

For his intense cynicism, and independence from comforting illusions.


6. Sauron (The Silmarillion)


7. The ability to fly would be glorious. Learning the basics of one foreign language exposed me to a whole world of idiocy which I don't wish to explore.


8. I would go. I'd probably regret it immediately, and go mad before long.


9. I'd definitely rather eat human meat than die. The real question is - What dish would I make?


10. A Brief Timeline of Everything


11. Epica - Natural Corruption


12. I derive a grim satisfaction from perceiving the complex systems of evil and stupidity that make up China. But a few weeks ago I was reading about Falun Gong, and was hit for six. In the late 1990's the CCP (who previously endorsed the spiritual belief) suddenly turned against it (perceiving that a unifying belief in generosity and compassion was a threat to Communist ideology). During the 2000's hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners were abducted and imprisoned (without trial or misdeed), and now await organ harvesting. The situation is so profoundly nightmarish I can't come to terms with it. In prison they suffer frequent sexual abuse and torture (by burning, etc.) and inevitable dismemberment. The ghoulish horror (farming adherents of a better ideology for body parts) that underpins Communism is hard for a civilised human to comprehend.


13. I'd go and have a coffee. They can both swim.


14. The truest measure of a society is vegemite.


15. My ex girlfriend's grandmother was amongst the best people I ever met. The girlfriend in question was abandoned by her family when she was born. They moved to another province to have a male child and left her with her grandmother and no money - they didn't even give her a name. Her grandmother used to search for paper and the stubs of pencils on the ground so she could teach her granddaughter to write. She was the only member of the family who was proud of my ex gf's intelligence, academic achievements and generosity, and wanted her to have ambitions (like going overseas) instead of becoming a domestic servant. Anyway, she died of cancer, completely unappreciated by her scumbag descendants.



thumbs up for number 15

9 years 7 weeks ago
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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. That crappy Jurassic World movie

2. Balrog

3. *.*

4. Extra #73 from Jurassic World

5.Snake Eyes from G.I. Joe

6. Atticus Finch

7. Human languages only?

8. Go to Mars only once?  But it is such a beautiful commute!

9. So... rotten, spoiled meat?  Gross.  I prefer my cannibalism to be FRESH meat, TYVM!


11. I Just Had Sex!

12. Reading these stupid questions

13. My mother can swim, so...

14. ...The way that it treats people who cannot contribute.

15. Ok.


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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1.  The Fault in Our Stars (not sure if I got title right, but gosh, what a movie,  don't watch unless u like to cry,  most powerful thing ever,, and it's true,,, read about the couple in real life.  nothing like it.. wow)


2.  North American Puma


3.  phukmerunningbackwards


4.  Jules (Pulp Fiction)  'I'm like a race car in the red' ~


5.  Buffy    'Buffy - The Vampire Slayer'


6.  Humbert Humbert


7.  Fly


8.   No


9.  Die


10.  too lazy to link,,, but try a Space Shuttle launch.   freakin' awesome!


11.  I watched a tribute concert to Freddie Mercury.  Dozens of the biggest musical stars of the last 40 years.   coolest was David Bowie... singing 'We could be Heroes'  


12.  last night


13.  jump in to save her


14.  the way it treats it's weakest members.


15.  My friend Mike in Shenzhen really stuck by me when I broke my leg and was hospitalised for so long. He showed me true friendship when I really needed it the most.

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9 years 7 weeks ago
Posts: 3269


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1. Interstellar
2. Pregnant Dodo
3. Pregnant Dodo
4. Pregnant Dodo
5. Pregnant Dodo
6. Pregnant Dodo
7. Ask a silly question. Ask the Pregnant Dodo. She says flying away works better than knowing how to say "don't eat me" in English and Mandarin. Personally, i'd find innate Babelfishing less conspicuous and more beneficial. But I'm not a Pregnant Dodo.
8. Before deciding, I'd need to know if I'm the pioneer to a colony, or some sort of Martian Armstrong. I wouldn't want to go the way of the Dodo.
9. My Pregnant Dodo is good either way, as long as she gets to devour Human flesh for a change of pace. Since she'll probably eat me without remorse or hesitation, joining in the meal is preferable to joining the meal. But I'd tell her "no one must ever know!" then burst into tears. And perhaps vomit a little in my mouth, depending on whether the meat was cooked properly.
11. Hang on, Sloopy.
12. My last job interview with a security company. They rejected me after looking for 2 seconds, concluded that I looked different than in the CV picture (fitted suit) and claimed I had placed non-truths on my CV (the photo). Superficiality followed me back from China, aaargh!
13. They both learned to swim. I'd help whoever appeared in most distress.
14. The truest measure of a society is… how it treats those who are vulnerable. The way you treat animals indicates how you treat people in a weak position. My Pregnant Dodo is glaring at me angrily for some reason.
15. She takes good care of my sons, much better than any Angry Pregnant Dodo could.

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9 years 7 weeks ago
Posts: 2587


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1. Birdman

2. Pig

3. Riff_Raff

4. Rick Deckard from Blade Runner

5. Homer Simpson

6. Sherlock Holmes

7. Speak all languages

8. No

9. Eat people


11. Tchaikovsky Symphony #6

12. Now

13. Save my wife much compassion they show for others

15. She's the sweetest girl in China.

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9 years 7 weeks ago
Posts: 1876


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1. Odd Thomas, Ex-Machina

2. Polar bear

3. 5cot5Alan

4. Balian (from 'Kingdom of Heaven')

5. Frank Pembleton (from 'Homicide: Life on the Streets')

6. John Blackthorne (from 'Shogun')

7. Fly - there's a lot of people I want to crap on

8. If I was alone with a complete library, yes.

9. Why wait for them to die? Fava beans and a fine Chianti are all that's required.

10. Never watch videos online.

11. Too many to mention - favorite song: 'Talking out of turn' by the Moody Blues.

12. Depressed - this morning when I realized that it was Monday. Horrified - this morning when I realized that there's less than a month before returning to work.

13. My mother is dead, so that's a no-brainer. I'd probably jump in and go for a swim so my wife doesn't lose face.

14. It's a tie between compassion for others and education.

15. They provide an important source of carbon dioxide for the trees.



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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. Ex Machina, Interstellar.

2. Donald Trump.

3. Vicky.

4. Alec Guiness as Lieutenant Colonel Nicholson in Bridge on the River Kwai.

5. Mark Rylance as Thomas Cromwell in Wolf Hall (BBC 2)

6.Billy Pilgrim from Slaughterhouse Five

7. Languages

8. No.

9. I'd eat the meat.

10. Some stand up comedy by Doug Stanhope

11. Whiskey River by Willie Nelson

12. Depressed after hurting my back lifting weights at the gym. I'm getting old.

13. Jump in. 

14. Manners.

15. He's always happy and he laughs at my jokes. 

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9 years 7 weeks ago
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double post

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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. 'No fu king wei' 

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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. Interstellar FTW!

2. A shark. Or three. Wanna come over for dinner? 

3. I dunno

4. Anton Chigur

5. Mary Ann

6. Conan

7. Fly

8. No

9. I want to live! Medium rare, please.

10. Pick a concert video of your favorite band. 

11. I Hope You're Feeling Better

12. I cannot remember

13. Save both of them. Yea I'm good. 

14. Oh my. Not my area of expertise. 

15. Jiaozhi is delicious. 

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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. Ex Machina; Mad Max: Fury Road

I watched Mad Max with two different Chinese women. Their reactions to the scene with big-breasted women being milked were hilarious.


2. Baby orangutan


3. Tristania


4. The Gmork (The NeverEnding Story)


5. Rust (True Detective)

For his intense cynicism, and independence from comforting illusions.


6. Sauron (The Silmarillion)


7. The ability to fly would be glorious. Learning the basics of one foreign language exposed me to a whole world of idiocy which I don't wish to explore.


8. I would go. I'd probably regret it immediately, and go mad before long.


9. I'd definitely rather eat human meat than die. The real question is - What dish would I make?


10. A Brief Timeline of Everything


11. Epica - Natural Corruption


12. I derive a grim satisfaction from perceiving the complex systems of evil and stupidity that make up China. But a few weeks ago I was reading about Falun Gong, and was hit for six. In the late 1990's the CCP (who previously endorsed the spiritual belief) suddenly turned against it (perceiving that a unifying belief in generosity and compassion was a threat to Communist ideology). During the 2000's hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners were abducted and imprisoned (without trial or misdeed), and now await organ harvesting. The situation is so profoundly nightmarish I can't come to terms with it. In prison they suffer frequent sexual abuse and torture (by burning, etc.) and inevitable dismemberment. The ghoulish horror (farming adherents of a better ideology for body parts) that underpins Communism is hard for a civilised human to comprehend.


13. I'd go and have a coffee. They can both swim.


14. The truest measure of a society is vegemite.


15. My ex girlfriend's grandmother was amongst the best people I ever met. The girlfriend in question was abandoned by her family when she was born. They moved to another province to have a male child and left her with her grandmother and no money - they didn't even give her a name. Her grandmother used to search for paper and the stubs of pencils on the ground so she could teach her granddaughter to write. She was the only member of the family who was proud of my ex gf's intelligence, academic achievements and generosity, and wanted her to have ambitions (like going overseas) instead of becoming a domestic servant. Anyway, she died of cancer, completely unappreciated by her scumbag descendants.



thumbs up for number 15

9 years 7 weeks ago
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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. Interstellar


2. A cat. They already the perfect pet, down to be mostly self-cleaning and being to use a toilet. I would love a kea, but they are no pet material (they would feel miserable and would destroy everything at home)


3. AlphaNerd

4. Baron Munchausen


5. Mac Gyver


6. Tom Bombadil


7. Languages, for the bragging rights, the convenience and the opportunities. Flying would be a secret to keep, the celebrity would be probably a curse.


8. No. Lonely, cold dusty desert. We are social animals.


9. I would eat insect and rats before that... but if it's already dead and really, really, really, really no other choice... okay, maybe.


10. This video, which makes me high every time I indulge into it.


11. Automatic Vibrations, Richie Thomas.

12. The latest over-the-top smog episod in Suzhou. Man, I was both angry and horrified.


13. My mom is a decent swimmer, while the wife can't swim. So I would go for the wife.

14. The trues measure of a society is its treatment of the weakest and poorest


15. My wife's parents are great. My close colleagues, thanks for the opportunity and for trusting me.

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9 years 7 weeks ago
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Alright here goes.


1. What were the best movies you saw this year?


Intersteallar, Ex Machina


2. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?


Some kind of weird alien pet. I don't know why.


3. If you had to choose a new eChinacities username, what would it be?




4. Your favourite character from a movie


Hard to say... so many... I like the weird, dark, twisted characters like... the assassin in "No Country for Old Men" or the new Joker from "The Dark Knight"


5. Your favourite character from a TV series


Walter White - The hacker dude and the corporate dude from the new TV series (Mr. Robot - better score on IMDB than GAMES OF THRONES... CHECK IT OUT)


6. Your favourite character from a book


No clue... far too many.


7. Would you prefer the ability to speak all languages fluently, or the ability to fly?


Well, one would put me in a lab under study. The other would pretty much ensure I am some sort of super spy or world leader. I would say the second.


8. If you could be the first person to set foot on Mars, but could never return to Earth, would you go?


Sure, why not.


9. If you were in a survival situation, would you rather eat human meat (from an already dead person) or die?


I would do what it takes to survive. Meat is meat, it is all in your head how you organize it. Although, there are rumors that cannibalism gives your nerve problems and you get the shakes. I doubt it is true. I think people made it up.


10. Link a video you like (on Youtube, Youku, etc.).


Nah... you won't watch it anyway.


11. Name or link a song you listened to recently.


Some Like it Hot - The Power Station (I listen to 80s music sometimes)


12. When was the last time you felt depressed or horrified?


Yesterday, I was in the center of the city during rush hour traffic on a Sunday... driving sucks really bad.


13. If your mother and significant other fell in a lake, what would you do?


I would save them both. I am a strong swimmer and lakes don't have currents.


14. Complete this sentence: “The truest measure of a society is…” a society treats its poor, sick and elderly.


15. Say something nice about a Chinese person you know.


I am at a bar/restaurant and the bartender guy is really nice. Not the brightest bulb but he is always happy and wants to do a good job. I like seeing people who, no matter what situation they are stuck in, they try to make the best of it.

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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. What were the best movies you saw this year?

Zuo Er... chinese movie "Left ear" 

2. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?

Pig, I have a dog in my home country, I've read pigs are great pet.

3. If you had to choose a new eChinacities username, what would it be?


4. Your favourite character from a movie

Ted from the movie Ted

5. Your favourite character from a TV series

Hannibal from the show Hannibal

6. Your favourite character from a book

Robert Langdon from Dan brown books

7. Would you prefer the ability to speak all languages fluently, or the ability to fly?


8. If you could be the first person to set foot on Mars, but could never return to Earth, would you go?

Of course, I never heard the end of how great Neil Armstrong was from my science teacher, even though all he did was just walk.. duh! the credit should go to the scientist who planned and executed it it. 

9. If you were in a survival situation, would you rather eat human meat (from an already dead person) or die?

male or a female? depends largely on that...

10. Link a video you like (on Youtube, Youku, etc.).

pick any where animals are speaking in human voices... 

11. Name or link a song you listened to recently.

none, I am too much into my kindle recently. 

12. When was the last time you felt depressed or horrified?

Last time I spoke to my boss about reviewing my salary...

13. If your mother and significant other fell in a lake, what would you do?

Mother.. because I don't have a other yet...

14. Complete this sentence: “The truest measure of a society is…”

how resilience it is... 

15. Say something nice about a Chinese person you know.

She got me beers and toilet papers, yesterday...


Q 14... answer vanished.


Answer was " Feck Yangism"

9 years 7 weeks ago
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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. all movies I've seen this year have sucked, but I did revisit the Die Hard series over the last weeks, so...
2. A baby elephant that would stay baby size an only grow in intellect. 

3. Not sure, but I would certainly read up on harmful SQL injection first. 

4. Don't really have one.... 

5. Al Bundy

6. Oliver Stone from the Camel Club series

7. Does the ability to fly also bring the ability to speak with birds ? 

8. Nope

9. If you chose to die it is not much of a survival situation is it ? 


11. Billy Jean w Jacko is playing as I type

12. Last night, I am venturing into a home repair project that is snowballing. 

13. .... I will have to take them both to the pool and do a float test, will get back to you on this

14. How it treats its weak

15. I love my wife


The video... Am I even surprised ?

9 years 7 weeks ago
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after Billy Jean came "Gazeebo - I like Chopin" that would have been a good choice too, but the ancient art of Rick Rollin' is the better path to walk

9 years 7 weeks ago
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9 years 7 weeks ago
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Just realized NO.13 is a universally asked dumb question...


Here comes the most impressive answer I've ever heard of:


During a TV interview, a Japanese guy was asked: If your mother and your significant other both fell in a lake, who will you save first?


The guy said, ' Of course I will save my mother first, I only have one mother, If my wife dies, I can always give birth to another one with my mother.'


The audience were all touched and the sound of clapping lasted for a long time...


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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. Inside Out and Interstellar 


2. snowy owl


3. I need more coffee


4.  Stasi officer in The Lives of Others


5. tie: Captain Picard and Tony Soprano 


6. narrator of Motherless Brooklyn


7. fly


8. no


9. I'm not sure.


10. none


11. "Anyone's Ghost" by the National


12. Summer of 2012


13. mother, since my husband is a much stronger swimmer


14. evolving  not devolving


15. Believe it or not, MIL has a very pleasant voice. I think mellifluous is the word? She could definitely do voice overs.

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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. Mud

2. A cat like Garfield

3. Same as now

4. Léon (Léon The Professional) or Butch Coolidge (Pulp Fiction)

5. Walter White (Breaking Bad)

6. Winston Churchill (The Last Lion - William Manchester, Paul Reid)

7. To fly

8. No way

9. Eat


11. Skrillex - Summit

12. Few months ago

13. Try everything to save her/them

14. ..... the pollution level of their country

15. My wife is a 1 in a billion.




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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. What were the best movies you saw this year?


A:  The Caine Mutiny (1954)


Bogart at his best.  Watch it free on Youkou here:



2. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?


A: Goldfish.  Less trouble than a guppy.


3. If you had to choose a new eChinacities username, what would it be?




4. Your favourite character from a movie


Thomas Babington "Babe" Levy


From "Marathon Man" (1976)


5. Your favourite character from a TV series


Basil Fawlty


6. Your favourite character from a book


Jude. From Thomas Hardy's novel "Jude the Obscure.


7. Would you prefer the ability to speak all languages fluently, or the ability to fly?


Speak all languages... might be able to talk to my daughter.


8. If you could be the first person to set foot on Mars, but could never return to Earth, would you go?


Depends on how the fishing is on Mars.


9. If you were in a survival situation, would you rather eat human meat (from an already dead person) or die?


Walk into the desert and die.


10. Link a video you like (on Youtube, Youku, etc.).


(well worth a click... fantastic)


11. Name or link a song you listened to recently.


12. When was the last time you felt depressed or horrified?




13. If your mother and significant other fell in a lake, what would you do?


Mother long gone. Buried in a card board box in acidic soil... no mummy.


14. Complete this sentence: “The truest measure of a society is…”




15. Say something nice about a Chinese person you know.


I love her Smile


6.   I nearly went for Tess as my choice....   what can I say, I'm in love with her still ~  

          Mr. Hardy, thank you for making me give up the idea that I could ever write.

9 years 7 weeks ago
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Tess is fantastic too. It's a story that is very much valid in modern day China. But for me... Jude. Lol... probably equaliy valid in modern China.

9 years 7 weeks ago
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9 years 7 weeks ago
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1. What were the best movies you saw this year?

 Maze Runner, The Equalizer, Two men in town

2. If you could have any animal as a pet, what would you choose?


3. If you had to choose a new eChinacities username, what would it be?

 something stupid like now

4. Your favourite character from a movie

  edit later Smile

5. Your favourite character from a TV series

 Bart Simpson

6. Your favourite character from a book

can't remember, been such a long time since i got some book in my hands.

7. Would you prefer the ability to speak all languages fluently, or the ability to fly?

 languages would be better choice

8. If you could be the first person to set foot on Mars, but could never return to Earth, would you go?


9. If you were in a survival situation, would you rather eat human meat (from an already dead person) or die?

 yes, it may be fine for me

10. Link a video you like (on Youtube, Youku, etc.).

edit later ...

11. Name or link a song you listened to recently.

 Natasha Bedingfield - Pocketful of Sunshine

12. When was the last time you felt depressed or horrified?

 few days ago when I saw a flat, which was occupied by 2 adults, 5y.o. girl and grandma. parrents working in a banking sector making "reportedly" about 30k monthly and evidently not spending single 1mao for cleaning tools nor detergent for a whole year at that place. this is the nicest words I can write about that sight. they bought now own flat and decorated in the common lavish chinese style ... I lost faith in humanity. i will never watch any chinese girl with same hungry eyes as before.

13. If your mother and significant other fell in a lake, what would you do?

 save my wife and if needed, help mom whom can swim herself

14. Complete this sentence: “The truest measure of a society is how they care about elders, disabled and children …”


15. Say something nice about a Chinese person you know.

She is my angel.


About a one year old flat occupied by 3 generations, completely bare concrete in all rooms and no heating in the middle of the winter, no shower, despite a comfortable income (supposedly more than 30k RMB/months)... I saw that too, in my in-law family. The flat was *given*, not bought, as part of a land reclamation scheme.  So it's not like they were paying a heavy mortgage. Also, the flat was managed and kept like your average country side home : messy, dusty, uncleaned stuffs all over the place, etc. Of course, I was like "WAT ?!"

The rationale was that the flat belongs to the grand-parents, who know only one way to live, and who decided to sacrifice comfort to be to help their kids... assuming they even can wrap their brain around being comfortable. Their kids have their own, decorated & furnished flat nearby, but they live with the grand-parents, in the shitty flat : so that the grand-parents can help with the newborn (and you need the two grand-mother at the same time, of course). Since the kids are doing well on their own, WTF, but at least it makes life an interesting spectacle.

9 years 7 weeks ago
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9 years 7 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman