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Q: Any difficulties for your children to live in China?

Just a curiosity, BTW,will you send your children back to homeland if they feel misplaced?

And, less freedom and less income in China,ever consider that if they have more challenges and less opportunities in China,how will you help them to get over with it?

8 years 15 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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My daughter is 3 and half y-old. Biggest problem we had so far has been the several times her health has been put at risk by incompetent, corrupt, inept and just plain idiot doctors. And all this in the hospitals considered the top of the line of the area where we live.

She's been growing like a weed along the 95 percentile curve and in general very healthy so far, apart couple of colds and sore throat, nothing else. But they tried to prescribe supplement calcium (was growing 1-1.5cm/1kg a month back then....), antibiotics for foot and mouth disease at 2 y-old (which of course she didn't have) and potential surgery for hearth problems (guess what, she's perfectly fine). Luckily I have a fairly wide medical knowledge and all these bullshit have been easily avoided. I think though about all the blank stares and no questioning of the parents of all the other kids that have to endure such a massacre for bloody no reason other than the greed and incompetence of their co-nationals.

This is the biggest drawback for me and we're moving back by mid next year latest.


sorry for your daughter..I am major in pharmacy. Maybe some details will help you. 1.small clinic can't be tursted(whatever the how well/popular advertisement it is,the better ad,the worse it is. think about who will pay their debt?patients!! 2.ask your best Chinese friend about where is a good hospital(must have Medical Insurance,best the third level hospital related to famous university)3.I suggest that  take your children with a Chinese friend,at least that's better than going alone. With population rising,It's inevitable for some Chinese do whatever they can to get fast money,many ''famous/qualified'' doctors are fake...I am sorry for what happen to your daughter. Back to homeland is better, good luck.

8 years 15 weeks ago
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Dude, my wife is Chinese and I'm 11+ years in this country. We both got a pretty good idea on how things work here.

What you are trying to justify (fast growing, making money...) it's just the bullshit mentality that makes this country a shithole as far as quality of life goes.

You wanna know all the BS I had to deal with, apart my daughter?

1) a friend of mine had surgery for gallbladder stones. He just made back to Italy right after being dismissed and almost died from septicemia if they didn't get him immediately hospitalized.

2) my boss had a sudden heavy pain in a shoulder and fever. Did x-ray, said there was a piece of bone detached and touching the nerves. Wanted to give immediate surgery. Refused, went back to Italy, nothing as such. Couple of days on anti-inflammatory, problem solved.

3)  Last in order, my wife had a back pain for a while. I called a good orthopedic I know back in Italy and he asked for a  x-ray. The doctor here diagnosed 2 (!) hernia and no other solution than surgery (which is something you really DON'T want to do, there are many other way to treat before resolving to surgery!). Of course, there are no hernias, only a 2 vertebras a bit too straight, which can be fixed with physiotherapy (another unknown practice, in the land of TCM...... and unneeded surgery). Anyway, you tried to he helpful with couple of good suggestions, so thank you for that.

8 years 15 weeks ago
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I know the BS, honesty, well,I don't want to justify anything from bloody hell reality. .This world needs too much price to stay alive, eventually we have to  save ourselves from those promising bullshit(This is just a naive saying)

you're really a good husband(many don't care about medicare/healthcare...seems like much for me to keep learning haha.

8 years 15 weeks ago
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8 years 15 weeks ago
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Move back home to the America, problem solved. The only difficulty I have here for kids is going to the hospital, always long waits, people almost hitting us with bikes.

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8 years 15 weeks ago
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My son is not growing up in China....

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8 years 15 weeks ago
Posts: 921


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My daughter is 3 and half y-old. Biggest problem we had so far has been the several times her health has been put at risk by incompetent, corrupt, inept and just plain idiot doctors. And all this in the hospitals considered the top of the line of the area where we live.

She's been growing like a weed along the 95 percentile curve and in general very healthy so far, apart couple of colds and sore throat, nothing else. But they tried to prescribe supplement calcium (was growing 1-1.5cm/1kg a month back then....), antibiotics for foot and mouth disease at 2 y-old (which of course she didn't have) and potential surgery for hearth problems (guess what, she's perfectly fine). Luckily I have a fairly wide medical knowledge and all these bullshit have been easily avoided. I think though about all the blank stares and no questioning of the parents of all the other kids that have to endure such a massacre for bloody no reason other than the greed and incompetence of their co-nationals.

This is the biggest drawback for me and we're moving back by mid next year latest.


sorry for your daughter..I am major in pharmacy. Maybe some details will help you. 1.small clinic can't be tursted(whatever the how well/popular advertisement it is,the better ad,the worse it is. think about who will pay their debt?patients!! 2.ask your best Chinese friend about where is a good hospital(must have Medical Insurance,best the third level hospital related to famous university)3.I suggest that  take your children with a Chinese friend,at least that's better than going alone. With population rising,It's inevitable for some Chinese do whatever they can to get fast money,many ''famous/qualified'' doctors are fake...I am sorry for what happen to your daughter. Back to homeland is better, good luck.

8 years 15 weeks ago
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Dude, my wife is Chinese and I'm 11+ years in this country. We both got a pretty good idea on how things work here.

What you are trying to justify (fast growing, making money...) it's just the bullshit mentality that makes this country a shithole as far as quality of life goes.

You wanna know all the BS I had to deal with, apart my daughter?

1) a friend of mine had surgery for gallbladder stones. He just made back to Italy right after being dismissed and almost died from septicemia if they didn't get him immediately hospitalized.

2) my boss had a sudden heavy pain in a shoulder and fever. Did x-ray, said there was a piece of bone detached and touching the nerves. Wanted to give immediate surgery. Refused, went back to Italy, nothing as such. Couple of days on anti-inflammatory, problem solved.

3)  Last in order, my wife had a back pain for a while. I called a good orthopedic I know back in Italy and he asked for a  x-ray. The doctor here diagnosed 2 (!) hernia and no other solution than surgery (which is something you really DON'T want to do, there are many other way to treat before resolving to surgery!). Of course, there are no hernias, only a 2 vertebras a bit too straight, which can be fixed with physiotherapy (another unknown practice, in the land of TCM...... and unneeded surgery). Anyway, you tried to he helpful with couple of good suggestions, so thank you for that.

8 years 15 weeks ago
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I know the BS, honesty, well,I don't want to justify anything from bloody hell reality. .This world needs too much price to stay alive, eventually we have to  save ourselves from those promising bullshit(This is just a naive saying)

you're really a good husband(many don't care about medicare/healthcare...seems like much for me to keep learning haha.

8 years 15 weeks ago
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8 years 15 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman