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Q: Anybody has a recipe for maggot stew or maggot risotto?

I saw maggots (some still alive) today at outside market in Yingkou, for price of 12 -18 Rmb per half kg. Liaoning maggots are aprox. 3- 4 cm long, and thick as finger. Dark brown maggots are the priciest ones, and black ones are only 12 Rmb for half kg. 

Anybody knows nutrition value of maggots? Can you gain or loose weight with diet rich in maggots?

Do maggots contain a lot of CH, or maggots are more protein based 'food'?

Can THEY eat maggots as sushi, or ones must be cooked?


Are there two separate characters in Chinese language for English word 'FOOD'?


Different character for word 'food', and different character for sentence  'not really a food, but We eat it, too!'?


No intention to disturb your meal, whatsoever!

12 years 12 weeks ago in  Shopping - China

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I wouldn't eat them. They feast on dead carcasses, which is good for the environment, but I assume not so good for us. They can also be used medically to eat away dead flesh on an infection that nothing else can treat, which is pretty cool.

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12 years 12 weeks ago
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Yes,all you/ve got to do,is die the maggots do the rest

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12 years 12 weeks ago
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I wouldn't eat them. They feast on dead carcasses, which is good for the environment, but I assume not so good for us. They can also be used medically to eat away dead flesh on an infection that nothing else can treat, which is pretty cool.

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12 years 12 weeks ago
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I didn't (couldn't) get any info about it. I am not even sure, if they are maggots. It might be bug or moth cocoon. I look for it on the web, but there's no photo of it.

They sell them by piles, big as potato or apple piles on outdoor market, with scale on the side. They have more than 4-5 kg piles of each color, .


I am watching movie 'The Silence of the Lambs'. Photo of the similar thing is called 'moth cocoon', became a butterfly later in the movie.



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12 years 12 weeks ago
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3 replies...

I. i once ate a girl named Maggie,, does that count? I think she had some sorta govt. job in the UK,,, important they said...

II. '8 or be 8'en' Law of Nature.

III. I read somewhere insects (is maggot an insect?) are high in protein content and are efficiently produced/farmed.

-side note-
in Thai (land) all the old' folks munch on the young David Carridine.. aka 'Grasshopper'.

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12 years 12 weeks ago
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Well,let's be honest here. What you are describing aren't maggots, they're larvae of other insects. Maggots are fly larvae and are quite dangerous for people or many animals (livestock) to eat due to disease potential and this lovely condition called myiasis.


Anyway, the things you saw are probably grubs of safe-to-eat insects. They're higher in protein per pound (or kilo) than beef. I've had a bunch of different kinds - some were uh, sketchy tasting at best, others were quite good.  I have no problem eating insects and the such, it doesn't freak me out at all. Give them a shot. Soe can be eaten raw, but the texture is like snot inside of most of them. When cooked, they have a more meat-like consistency.  In some places, things like that are the main sources of protein.


Things to try: cicadas (those loud ass bugs in the trees in the summer). Texture like shrimp, tastes like a bacon wrapped cashew. Highly recommended.


Things to avoid: ANY scorpion. These ALL (in my opinion) taste like rotten ass. I mean they are FOUL. Avoid at all costs unless you are looking for bragging rights.


I'd try any of those any day over a durian or chou doufu, neither of which will come within 5 feet of my body as they are two of the most vile things ever. Nothing that smells like those things should be consumed.

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12 years 12 weeks ago
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Chinese name of maggots is 'jian'. They are vegetable fed maggots, best prepared grilled!

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12 years 11 weeks ago
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Did you ever find out if they were actually maggots? I've never seen them that big or that colour... They might have been silk worms.


Yeah, they raise maggots, feed them with vegi and overripe fruits. They are huge, size of half of the finger, sold alive, of course. Freshness is the issue in China. 

I look over the web what is silk worm and my maggots from Yingkou look very similar ..I didn't know there is a difference in English between 'maggot' and 'silk worm' ... They all look maggoty ...

I mean, they are the same maggots you can meet in apples and other fruit (plums) except these maggots are artificially fed, so they grow ... big.

They come in 3 colors, white, brownish and black.

We call that 'breed' when we talk about raised animals ... .

If my Chinese would be better, I'd find out the names of maggot breeds ..., but now I am limited only to the description. 

At the outdoor market, there were piles of alive maggots in different colours. It looks the same as if you look at pilles of cherries or potatoes, except this pile is moving ...


Best are grilled ... statement by some 25-years old Chinese connoisseur.

'jian' is the name written phon. ..


That's what I wrote here at my time in Yingkou was not a joke, i.e. made-up story ... 

If somebody is in Liaoning, go and see on outdoor market.


Now, female cops in Liaoning are the sexiest creatures I have ever seen .. in winter time. They are all skinny, above 175cm, dressed in black leather outfit topped with grey beret on the head, regulating traffic in the middle of crossing, two at the time.

Somebody (Chinese) explained to me that Chinese women in gov. jobs (banks, cops and more) are all beautiful women. Gov.'s job in China is like ours modelling agency or airline cabin crew select .. . 

It's cold winter in Liaoning, but I've always stared at cops in crossings on my way home.

Would be nice to see the traffic accidents statistic from Liaoning ... I mean, if 75% of the drivers are like me, they must have a tonne of crashes there.

4 years 20 weeks ago
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Well, that's just nasty. I reluctantly tried a BBQ'd silkworm once - peer pressure is a terrible thing - but you'd have to put a gun to my head to get me to eat a maggot. Liaoning ladies though... Completely agree with you, they can be stunning and when dressed like Catwoman would be spectacular.

4 years 20 weeks ago
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Only the title of this thread ... is ... I wanted to make it as disgusting as possible ... for all of you! 


Was asking that Chinese chap if you can make stew from maggots ..., so he told me the best way ... to make them is grilled ... and he added:

" ...mmmhmm ...." 

4 years 20 weeks ago
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4 years 20 weeks ago
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You are all disgusting.


Choose medicine, not maggots.


Choose broccoli. 


We??? You mean, THEY are ... disgusting ....


I know, right ... 

1 year 6 weeks ago
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1 year 6 weeks ago
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A:  If you received an online degree in most cases it should have be
A: If you received an online degree in most cases it should have been from a reputable college. If it came from a degree mill that definitely would be a problem. You should not worry about how they will contact this place. If the degree is considered authentic the people will know where to go to inquire. In my case I needed a copy of my diploma and one company in China recommended a Clearinghouse that was able to verify my degrees. They did not provide copies of the diploma, though. If the place where you received this degree is acceptable in your country then, it should be acceptable in China.Another point to consider you stated it was an MS degree. I have not aware of any programs that allow students to hop from a high school education to a Masters degree level education. With that said maybe you received a Bachelors degree. If that is the case submit that information.  I would not encourage you to lie. In that you definitely will not have any paper trail to back up your story. Some companies do not accept TEFL online especially if it came from International Open Academy. That place is a one room office. I would consider that a TEFL mill. It was such a waste of time.Do you have the ability to do searches online? -- slspringer22