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Q: ANybody know about that music place in Gulou?

I think i'm planning to go there. Have you been there before? It's a music scene and I sure need it. If you've been there can you tell me something about it. What was your experience like when you went there. I read the website they had mostly positives replies except for one guy that said he liked the old Gulou better. 

11 years 44 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Posts: 121


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Mattaya,I dont know how many questions do u post in a day and almost all the questions are so ridiculous.Common,I mean have you ever heard any foreigner asking you 1000 questions about their country,do u think by asking these silly questions you're gaining popularity??I mean you are in your country,you should be helping us when we want some good answers not that you make us more confused and creating a bad impression on other chinese people.Thanks in advance for not posting any more silly questions!!angry

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11 years 44 weeks ago
Posts: 121


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Mattaya,I dont know how many questions do u post in a day and almost all the questions are so ridiculous.Common,I mean have you ever heard any foreigner asking you 1000 questions about their country,do u think by asking these silly questions you're gaining popularity??I mean you are in your country,you should be helping us when we want some good answers not that you make us more confused and creating a bad impression on other chinese people.Thanks in advance for not posting any more silly questions!!angry

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11 years 44 weeks ago
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Matt post 3 ridiculous questions everyday and then answer all the others. Often the answers do not make sense. It is funny when he say something and gets caught lying. He use multi accounts and talks to self. He has been to every city in China and USA. Stupid is as stupid does. Must be the meds.

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11 years 44 weeks ago
Posts: 149


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Gulou in Beijing, Nanjing, Fuzhou, Xuzhou? You want to go, then go. You want to ask, ask your Chinese friends. Just go away.

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11 years 44 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman