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Q: Anyone have kids in the Chinese education system?

Either your kids that you brought to China or kids that you had in China with a Chinese partner. What's that experience been like and do they assimilate?

9 years 48 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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I have a son in primary school here.  His mother is Chinese and we came here when he was very young so he doesn't have much problem assimilating as his Chinese is native like and he is more familiar with Chinese culture.  The bigger problem is between his mother and I on how to raise him.  I do plan to get him out after a few years though as middle school and high school in China look really rough to say the least. 

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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No, and I'm not sure I could do it. If my wife and I have kids and stay in China we would either have to  foot the bill for an international school or do a combination of Chinese primary school and homeschooling by me. I would never want my kid to become part of the madness of all of the extra classes, copious amounts of busy work and nationalistic brainwashing. I'd want to raise a well balanced child who appreciates academics, athletics, nature and basic moral values. Yep, not gonna find that in the Chinese education system. Most kids here couldn't run 200 meters or catch a ball, let alone have any concept of human dignity or respecting the environment. The education system in the context of the broader culture contributes to these poorly developed young people. 


I've actually given this some thought. The main problem with the long hours doesn't get solved by not having the long hours. What the kids need is a safe environment, where they can fal off their bikes, climb trees and fall down, fall of the swing etc. This is simply not possible in China. The Chinese education system lacks life-lesons

9 years 48 weeks ago
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i think scan has a good point there. What the real difference is here is no opportunity for positive life experiences.


When i was in high school me and my buddies used to take a couple old jeeps off roading on trails out on the middle of nowhere. We'd drive out, have aventures maybe get into some minor trouble (getting stuck and having to convince a logging crew to help us out) and that kinda shit made us all more effective and interesting people.


I talk to high school kids back home my assumption is they have WAY more interesting lives than I do, here even college kids don't do shit.

9 years 48 weeks ago
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My guess is that without the extra classes most kids here would just have more time for computer games. I live right by a very large urban park and I never see children there doing anything athletic or showing any appreciation for this gem of green space in the middle of a large industrial city. When I was  a kid, I would be in the park every weekend (I grew up in NYC) in organized baseball leagues or throwing a ball around with my father or friends. If these kids weren't going to extra classes, I doubt they would be outside getting physical exercise or enjoying nature. It's just not something they value. 

9 years 48 weeks ago
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9 years 48 weeks ago
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I have went through elementary school in China. We do rising flag ceremony on every Monday.

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9 years 48 weeks ago
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Well Hi to you, Hi2U! Why don't you tell us a little about yourself and your kids and why you're thinking about sending them to Chinese public school?

Where are you from? What do you do? What kind of a  character do you plan to be on this, one of the Great Forums of China?


Hi to you expatlife. I have no kids now, just curious that's all. If you really want to know my personal details then you can pm me. 

9 years 48 weeks ago
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Why PM? Why not just go on record here?

9 years 48 weeks ago
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got to agree on this

too many new posters start shooting of questions similar to this without including a bit of personal input.

For example, many of the OP's have shared some personal anecdotes / experiences before asking for input from the community, and have received measured responses

For example, if i am a newbie and post:

"do you think X country is the best ever?" it can be interpreted as inviting suspicions of what the intention might be, ie to start a flame war.

With questions, please share !! 

9 years 48 weeks ago
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If you must know, I've been in China 3 years, came straight out of university, taught English the first year, now working for an ip company. I ask questions to hear anecdotes from people so I have something interesting to read at work and give me some food for thought. If something relates to me then I'll provide my own anecdote/input. I'm in Shenzhen for the record. 

9 years 48 weeks ago
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Well we've had problems with agents from a fraudulent, criminal organization (which shall remain nameless) posting on our forum for a while now.


What he would do was post random topics with no explanation or consistent background and then spam links to his fraud scheme and SEO work.


Forgive us for being vigilant. If you want to be a member of our community than welcome and i'm sorry for giving you a hard time.

9 years 48 weeks ago
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No worries, I understand.

9 years 48 weeks ago
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Not a chance in hell!


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9 years 47 weeks ago
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Maybe I'm being overly dramatic, but I wouldn't want kids in China at all, hell, I don't even want my fiancee to give birth in China when that time comes. I've done Uni in China, and as far as introduction to the Chinese education system goes... not the best impression.

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9 years 47 weeks ago
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I get this question from the Chinese about my little girl.  They ask about going to kindergarten (at almost 2 years old!).  I ask, "Why?"


There is no way my child will see the inside of a Chinese school.  Not a chance.  At best, I will let her stand outside and wave at the children going in to serve their time.

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9 years 47 weeks ago
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