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Q: Anyone try to grow their own food here?

Yes, it true, it's difficult to raise you own hog while living in the city while holding down a 9-5 while trying to better the career prospects of their younglings through teaching English, but am wondering if anyone has grown their own herbs or anything like that.

10 years 37 weeks ago in  Food  - Other cities

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I haven't in China. But before moving to China I had a couple of chili plants. Good yield. Relative easy to take care of. I've yet to see an honest bee in China, so no one to tell the flower about the birds and bees, you would have to do that part yourself. 

Chili plants don't handle sub zero temperatures. But should be able to survive even Beijing winter in a living room window. 

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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Strawberries and cherry-tomatoes are easy to grow, you just need a balcony and pots. For the plant, I mix clay, a bit of dry grass and leaves, black mud from close to a river and just regular dirt.

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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Wish I had the time to do a little gardening. Long for tomatoes that smell and taste like tomatoes and not like the waxy kind you find in the market. Have never grown them, but I understand that once you get the hang of it, they grow prolific on the vine and you'll have tomatoes for a year (if you can most of your harvest, that is).

Tomatoes are a staple in my diet. (Cooked in a sauce or eaten raw in a salad.) Just wish I had the leisure time...

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10 years 37 weeks ago
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Strawberries, but no herbs.

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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what ?

I always thought that veggies and meat grow only in a supermarkets crying

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10 years 36 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman