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Q: Are Chinese men overall indifferent to the beauty of women?

You know when you are riding or walking down the street, and you see a very beautiful woman... what do you do?


Normally men in North America will stare (like Chinese stare at foreigners), catcall or something. Well, that happens pretty often in China too, when Chinese see foreigners! I see it VERY rarely from Chinese men to Chinese women, like they are too preoccupied with their own existence. So I wondered to myself... do Chinese men even notice beautiful women?


So for a while now, when I would spot one... like a certain 11/10, I would look around to see if any other Chinese guys were seeing what I saw. And more times than not, they wouldn't even spare her a second glance.


I just kept thinking to myself, do Chinese men not appreciate the beauty of a Chinese woman? Are they blind... or do Chinese men just see Chinese females as baby-making machines?


They certainly know when to pick out the foreigners and stare... obviously because we are different. So, they DO KNOW how to stare... What's the deal? Perhaps, this is one reason why Chinese women prefer the company of foreign men?

9 years 18 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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It's a fact.  Chinese men are oblivious to females.  It must have something to do with deficiency.  But just what that deficiency is, I'm not quite sure.  I do have a theory but it's not really p/c so I'll keep it to myself.

And they think that women can sap their strength.  As if they actually had strength to sap.

I particularly like looking at Chinese women's legs.  Doesn't matter whether they're long or short, slender or stocky.  I just like looking at legs.  Bottoms too, but there aren't many that have the shape I prefer.  Nevertheless, I look at them.  So what!  Doesn't mean I don't respect the women as individuals.  Looking at them is just the way it's meant to be.  Women are beautiful.  But for Chinese fellas, women don't rate.  Must be a deficiency there somewhere.  I reckon Chinese men are more impressed by the number of keys swinging from the hip of the bloke next to them.  Faggots.  whoops........



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Speak for yourself. I might have sly glances at an attractive woman, but stare I would not.

Maybe the Chinese guys are showing the woman more respect than you are.


Okay, I don't mean stare like..." oogle her" but at least glance or do a double-take or something. Like you would do when you see a beautiful super car or something. Most Chinese men don't even do that... do I really have to explain it?



9 years 18 weeks ago
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Ha ha Robk. I am.... erm... an older looking person, so I need to be sly with my glances.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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Yeah, I noticed the same too. In our gym there are stunningly beautiful girls working out almost every day and sometimes it would take many weeks for guys to build up the courage to even say 'Hi' to them. In a gym in a western country guys would be all over a girl on the very first day with different pick up lines .

It's just different in Asia, it's not uncommon for good looking boys to not to have girlfriends until they are 25 or even older. They feel comfortable talking to other boys but it's very difficult for them to initiate conversations with beautiful girls they don't know. Some of my Taiwanese friends have even asked me to go talk to the girl first, 'You are a foreigner, it's easy for you to talk to girls...' and then I would help him introduce the girl to him. Yeah, right... It's their own battle, if they don't even have the courage to talk to a girl they don't deserve to be with one.


This is why I belong to a women-only gym. So much better.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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Yea I see that too, very same. I always look at them, and manytimes give them second or third look, check the butt... but chinese guys don't , almost never. But also, need to be said, that the girls not looking at me . they are all very self centered, or I don't know.


 There is a shop close to our apt complex, where we living 4 years now, and very often we shop there. one of the girl, 25 around, is walking every morning to shop, while i walk to my shuttle bus point, so we meet almost every morning in oposite direction. Just last week, first and once in the time, she was able to make eye contact and at least nod to my greeting ... all the time before she pretend that she don't see no one there, only look straight in front of her ...


Yeah, that's what I thinking. Maybe most Chinese are afraid of being caught looking at or checking another person out. Maybe they just try extremely hard to pretend like nobody else is around them because they just can't handle the stimulation overload.



9 years 18 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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If that's the case, how do you explain the large number of non-buyers flooding car shows, game expos staring at the models but not the products, the hotpot discounts, the porn websites, DVDs......etc.?


The zombies who aren't staring at the pretty girls on the streets can be preoccupied with other things (e.g. money), saving the staring for another time/location (car shows, porn websites....etc.)


yes, thats the case, they keep it for porn sites and not for real meat

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Maybe because the event is basically TELLING them to look at beautiful women. It's like holding a fashion show... you are SUPPOSE to look at the beautiful women and clothing or additional product right?


Perhaps Chinese are either too afraid to check out a beautiful women in public or just don't do it because they aren't told they should/can?

9 years 18 weeks ago
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@Nessquick  At times it is better to let 'beautiful' women' dwell in fantasy, especially when it comes to PRC ones.....

9 years 18 weeks ago
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@Robk  Bear in mind these zombies are brainwashed to lie, fake. It is possible they conceal their stare to fool casual lookers around them. the norm.

9 years 18 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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they prefer to covet nice consumer goods. coveting a woman means losing consumption power.

it's better for them to do the KTV thing until they are ready to afford a wife, then get parents to apply pressure so the investment will bear fruit faster.


"apply pressure so the investment will bear fruit faster."


Please read that with a different context... :p

9 years 18 weeks ago
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from that other context, you conveyed a rather disturbing mental picture…

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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China is determined to become a superpower and because of its ratio of males to females, its only hope of achieving this is by becoming the first gay superpower since Sparta.


Have you tried walking down the street in a pair of green PVC hotpants? Those guys will definitely stare at you... You might even get a few of them rubbing up close to you on the subway.


Perhaps this experiment has a few flaws though...


Yep, a few flaws there.. most people will probably just assume you're a hairdresser though. Have you seen how they dress?

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Their pants are so tight that you can see their parts, or lack thereof wink

9 years 18 weeks ago
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What's that crap about Sparta???


Have you forgotten Alexander?

9 years 18 weeks ago
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Alexander was from Macedon, not Sparta. Just as Odysseus was from Ithaca and not Athens.


Mind you, that doesn't deflect your point at all, the Macedonians were a pack of goat herders whereas the Spartans were a militaristic oligarchy. Which of the pair conquered half of the world?


Now I'm scared when my intention was to amuse myself at the thought of jingoists buggering each other. wink

9 years 18 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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It's a fact.  Chinese men are oblivious to females.  It must have something to do with deficiency.  But just what that deficiency is, I'm not quite sure.  I do have a theory but it's not really p/c so I'll keep it to myself.

And they think that women can sap their strength.  As if they actually had strength to sap.

I particularly like looking at Chinese women's legs.  Doesn't matter whether they're long or short, slender or stocky.  I just like looking at legs.  Bottoms too, but there aren't many that have the shape I prefer.  Nevertheless, I look at them.  So what!  Doesn't mean I don't respect the women as individuals.  Looking at them is just the way it's meant to be.  Women are beautiful.  But for Chinese fellas, women don't rate.  Must be a deficiency there somewhere.  I reckon Chinese men are more impressed by the number of keys swinging from the hip of the bloke next to them.  Faggots.  whoops........



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9 years 18 weeks ago
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How it was explained to me by a Chinese friend once is... a guy loses face by checking out a girl. I didn't understand it then and still don't. Apparently it's still OK to stare at a guy (me) in the gym though.


There are a lot of hot women who go to my gym and I do my best not to look, because I know the guys are all looking at me looking at her at would probably get nationalistic or something.


Luckily, most gyms have mirrors everywhere angel


Haha same here at my gym all the Zhou are checking me from head to toes but won't give a second look to the ladies.
However I am checking girls and chat with them all the time, I couldn't care less about what those guys are thinking, insecure males hiding behind nationalism because they can't get laid, just LOL

9 years 18 weeks ago
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The guys in US consulate are so hot. Damn,I would love to take visa interview everyday^^ lol Yum yum

9 years 18 weeks ago
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9 years 18 weeks ago
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Give Chinese women a mirror and they'll be just as vain and arrogant as the guys - examining every inch of them self at every angle.  Women are already empowered enough here with the unbalanced ratio between themselves and men here.  They can make any demands on men and still be sure enough to get one.  Having foreigners stare and gawk at them will only prove to contribute to their belief that they're the most beautiful princess straight out of a fairy tale.  Since I still can't help but look, I prefer to do like the Scots here....  look in an indirect and low key way. 

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9 years 18 weeks ago
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Why you don't have an iPhone? 

I completely disagree with ScotsAlan. When a hotty dresses up, all made up, rockin her favorite dress or skirt or shorts, and she looks gooood; she wants you to look as she's walking down the street, singin down doobee doodoo woppa doodoo woppa doodoo woppa. Down dooobee doodoo woppa ... hey!


As men, we are obligated to look twice at a hot girl dolled up for attention. It's part of the social contract. Swear to god. 


Like you said, in China, they don't look, but for goodness' sake man, she dressed up for attention. Give her the attention she wants! You know you want to look. 


I have watched reactions to extreme hotties and noticed the same thing. They're oblivious. No reaction. Miss Man Killer Natural Beauty walks by, dressed to kill, walking her walk, and all the dudes are looking at their phones or staring at nothing. 


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They are just more careful not being seen looking at the cute girls Smile Why various shows (car, video games show) use barely clothed young women ? Men seems, in average, quite shy around girls, or maybe there are only a few situations where it's ok to look and go talking with her.

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Han male are naturally born with the faggot gene, and I don't mean Calvin Klein's.


Haven't I read multiple sources indicating that male homosexuality has been pervasive in this society since who knows when?  That it was only called into question and started to be hidden sometime in the 20th century?  I'm guessing because someone somewhere heard that the laowai thought it was bad, so, of course, they wanted to do things the laowai way and started laying-off the Butt Pirate act.


*course i could be totally wrong on all this, but just like the OP I have noticed that chiner males don't seem into the female.  weird.. w/ a capital W.


Well, here's a few interesting things of note:


- When Chinese males are drunk they tend to put their hands on each other's laps more and get a lot more intimate with the touching


- When Chinese males are drunk and they need to go to the washroom, they usually go in pairs (it's like a male bonding them to them)


- Chinese males are a lot more concerned about impressing each other than impressing females (especially when drunk)


- Chinese males & females too I guess... (when students) sit in each other's laps, hold hands and often share beds.


9 years 18 weeks ago
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Well, here's a few interesting things of note:


- When Chinese males are drunk they tend to put their hands on each other's laps more and get a lot more intimate with the touching


- When Chinese males are drunk and they need to go to the washroom, they usually go in pairs (it's like a male bonding them to them)


- Chinese males are a lot more concerned about impressing each other than impressing females (especially when drunk)


- Chinese males & females too I guess... (when students) sit in each other's laps, hold hands and often share beds.


9 years 18 weeks ago
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yeah,,, first time I seen teenage males sitting in each other's laps ... woah!!  freaked me out a little.   I swear I seen these two guys.. one had his legs spread open and the other teen sitting between his legs and the guy was massaging his neck...  jeez louise! 

9 years 17 weeks ago
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i have the best answer

They dont have feelings. since they start going school only thing they do is study*1000 and

they all turned into human robots when they graduate from university lol

u can notice it everywhere they only hava smiling face and normal face 

If there s a beautiful woman they just stare for a moment and immediatly forget it haha

ah in some case maybe the males know what kind of real face hiding behind too much make up of chinese woman    sometimes i want to rub down their make up and weigh it 


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9 years 17 weeks ago
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I have asked Chinese men about this before. They say they look but they do it in a more stealthy fashion. I wish they stared at foreigners in a stealthy fashion. Whilst on the subject of checking people out. Do you guys notice that when women are walking towards you most have a cheeky glance at your crotch? Hotties and oldies.


That's only you fantasizing.  But no harm in that, Stud.



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Chinese men look , check and even stare but remember it's their country and got used on seeing "legs" everyday, and you can look at the Chinese guys when a foreign chick cross by. If you are a newbie here in China , of course you will stare all the time but once you live here for couple of years the yellow fever will cool down and you will miss all goods you have seen back home.


Nope, not really. I still think Asian women are more physically attractive.


They are more slender (some are quite curvy too) and just look and feel a lot more feminine. Unfortunately, a lot of them act like bratty little kids...


Like someone we all know.

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I'm convinced that I was subjected to a Communist mind control program or it was something in the food or water that made me so attracted to Chinese women. I was convinced they were the best looking women on the planet. Even when I  was home, Chinese women always caught my eye and seemed so good looking. Weeelllll .... that finally wore off,  some Chinese women that I found attracive now look like mutts.

 I'm telling you to get out of China and save yourself before this becomes a permanent mind set. I'm finally free.

 Filipino women are just so much nicer and I was just briefy in Japan, the women I saw there were better looking than any Chinese I've seen,,, ,,, maybe none of us see correctly and Chinese men do.

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Chinese men too shy , they can behave very open on the net or at their male circle but they don't show outside 

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77