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Q: Are Chinese televised sport competitions just a face building exercise?

Obviously there is nothing to be done when there are important international events but it seems to me that , when in absence of such events, Chinese sport on TV is fixed. I have yet to watch basketball, football, volleyball, table tennis, etc and see China lose. It seems to me the competion is carefully selected to make China look good in the eyes of the ignorant majority when watching TV.

12 years 49 weeks ago in  Sports - Lanzhou

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Many of the games shown are from the Asian cup competitions and China dominates most of the sports you mentioned. They recently before that played a Basketball tournament in China (Stankovic cup) against Australia, NZ, Russia Angola etc where they lost almost every game and that was televised. I have seen soccer world cup qualifiers where they have lost a fair few times as well. As for table tennis well the fact is they rarely do loose and volleyball they are one of the best female teams in the world. So I guess you have made your statement based on current games which are the Asian championships basketball (China bt far the No1 nation in that) Asian cup qualifying pool games in soccer( China expected to dominate against many of the smaller nations until the final rounds) table tennis where they are by far the number 1 nation and whatever volleyball is on now (dont know too much about that). So like much of what you write pretty ill imformed and biased statement.


I'll quote myself "Obviously there is nothing to be done when there are important international events". I may not be well informed but it is far from a biased statement because it is a question, and not unlike other questions it is a means to become informed hence the name question.

12 years 48 weeks ago
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It was a question that was asked for the sole purpose of getting you end game statement of "selecting the competion to make China look good in the eyes of the ignorant majority" As usual from your posts it was a dig. Mant times in your constant attempts to put the Chinese down you are 100% correct, but your are so fkn superficial in your outlook and make no attempt to understand why or to balance things out you get come accross as in whingeing tool. I just gave you examples again as to why you are wrong. Of course China will select the sports that they are best at to show on TV, but you can also see a bit of athletics and swimming meets where they are not even in some of the events and if they are they dont always win. Most countries tend to show the international sports that they are best at and of course China being a communist country would try to get as much propaganda as it could out of sport. Matbe just ask a more open question each time and dont try and lead others into the putdowns you are fishing for.

12 years 48 weeks ago
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12 years 49 weeks ago
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