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Q: Are cockroaches in China evolving really fast?

Ten years ago, roaches were big. And you might have had 2 or 3 to deal with in your apartment each week.


But in the past few years the big roaches have gone. Everywhere seems to be covered in hundreds of baby roaches. My kitchen in GZ certainly is. As I type this I have one doing a qukasncldhe .rgjc;wi fb dash across my keyboard.


Missed the bugger.


Serious question.


Are roaches becoming smaller but more numerous where you live?



6 years 12 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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I think your apartment, or somewhere close to it - under the floof or in the walls maybe - is ground zero. The mothership. You see hundreds of little baby roaches but from your apartment they probably spread to other apartments, take up residence there and grow.


If you're seeing hundreds of baby roaches pity the poor woman living downstairs from you who is seeing hundreds of big bastards and freaking out every time.


Haha, if you didn't get on with your neighbours that would be a nasty low down way to feck with them... breed baby roaches. devil

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6 years 12 weeks ago
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There must be  some cooking recipe ... somewhere ...


Stew with loads of veggie and potato squares comes to my 'hungry  mind'.


Don't forget to add chopped melanzane .. and few whole almonds .. to preserve crunchiness ... of the meal ... O2 .. I can't breathe .


You have warm weather year around, so stop complaining! There are no roaches in Harbin, but they do -40*C for 6-months of the year.

You should see roaches in S. Fla... They are so big, they 'read' newspapers.


Box some Raddichio and make miniature Zoo ... in your kitchen!

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6 years 12 weeks ago
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I think your apartment, or somewhere close to it - under the floof or in the walls maybe - is ground zero. The mothership. You see hundreds of little baby roaches but from your apartment they probably spread to other apartments, take up residence there and grow.


If you're seeing hundreds of baby roaches pity the poor woman living downstairs from you who is seeing hundreds of big bastards and freaking out every time.


Haha, if you didn't get on with your neighbours that would be a nasty low down way to feck with them... breed baby roaches. devil

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6 years 12 weeks ago
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It must be your neighbors. You all need to lay some poisen down together and get rid of them once and for all. Been living in my apartment for five years and have never seen one but then again I am a bit of a cleaning fanatic.

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6 years 12 weeks ago
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i clean the apartment,we have baby cock roaches everywhere,cockroach motels everywhere.cant get rid of them.

we are on the 5th floor

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6 years 12 weeks ago
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I mostly see the baby ones and only a few big ones, because I assume people kill most of them before they grow too big. But I recently saw a big one fly into my apartment through the balcony. Are they finally learning to use their wings??

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6 years 12 weeks ago
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not really, just look at the job section. 

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6 years 12 weeks ago
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