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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Are the new Z visa requirements for foreign teachers the same all over China?
Recently we heard in Tianjin that in order to secure a Z visa, all foreigners, even if they are already in China, and coming from another city must go back to their home country to apply. They must also also get their criminal record verified and notarized by the State government, as well as the China embassy in their country. Their diploma must also be verified by the Chinese embassy. I wanted to ask if this is a similar procedure all over China, or in just in a few select cities? It would help to know if this is now a country wide policy as that way we can correctly advice new foreign teachers who we wish to hire. Thanks - James
7 years 47 weeks ago in Visa & Legalities - Tianjin
Starting April 1, 2017, it is nation wide.
kind of ironic date, especially as chances are many employers will ignore it.
No, Blondie, many many companies are preparing for this, Tourist visa and Business visa's are harder now for many countries, only the U.S can get good biz visa's now, our HR is going crazy trying to figure out how to hire new people and it will be harder to find people who actually wanna go through this hassle. So something will have to give, meaning that these laws will become more flexible after companies can't find or hire people because it's too much of a hassle. BTW all companies rather you know or not got the email from the FEC about these new visa laws.
Starting April 1, 2017, it is nation wide.
kind of ironic date, especially as chances are many employers will ignore it.
No, Blondie, many many companies are preparing for this, Tourist visa and Business visa's are harder now for many countries, only the U.S can get good biz visa's now, our HR is going crazy trying to figure out how to hire new people and it will be harder to find people who actually wanna go through this hassle. So something will have to give, meaning that these laws will become more flexible after companies can't find or hire people because it's too much of a hassle. BTW all companies rather you know or not got the email from the FEC about these new visa laws.
Yes, all big cities have started the testing & training phase. So sorry, yes gotta go back and get everything authenticated by the China embassy & done there in your home country, also 2 years worth of reference letters also need to be authenticated by the China embassy in your home country. Small cities with tiny salaries you might have a small chance. If you stay in the same company, than no need, yet!. I will go home and get everything done this July just to keep up with all these new requirements.
Me too, everyone should (should have already) do this on their next trip home. I did my last trip. I made 3 certified copies of each. Because each time you move you'll have to use new docs.
@Englteachted, how much did the embassy fee cost for 3 copies?
All Laws and Regulations apply equally throughout China. But that does not mean that in all cities and towns where they apply will be used exactly the same way. Since humans are humans, and two persons may read the same sentence and may not come up with the same interpretation, you will see differences in the application of those Laws and Regulations. Take for example, a Law states that when a foreigner enters China, must register his/her local address at the closest Police Station within 24 hours if in a city, or 72 hours if at the countryside. If you do not do it within the specific timetable indicated, you face a fine per day you are late.
Where I live, the local policemen told me not to rush, come whenever you can, a week or two late is no problem.
True, every cities starts, uses or not new laws their own way.
I don't think we have to much too worry about. Almost every law in China is interpreted, and/ot enforced differently throughout China. This will be the same. It really depends on how risk averse you are. Or if you even want to take a risk.