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Q: Are there any English Christian churches in Qingdao?

I would like to be a part of a Christian church on Sundays.  Also if one doesn't exist I would like to start my own of any Christian's willing to meet on Sunday.  Please contact me if you're interested my wechat ID is sp23454.

9 years 17 weeks ago in  General  - Qingdao

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If you have just arrived, and are having trouble using Google.... no need to worry. Bing works here:






Lutherian, on this very site:


There is no need to start your own Church. You will be arrested as a subversive. But I suspect you know that already.


Why do you feel the need to prove yourself to God?  He is all seeing, all knowing, so if your heart is pure he knows it.


Christian fundamentalists..... the stupidest of them all.  Why do so few Christians understand what Christ actually said? Amazing.


Anyway, Bing it. Your answer is there.




Be I Not God?






Nice job patronizing the person for their faith.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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I doubt very much this was a serious post. See how easy it was to find an answer. Reckon this was someone baiting. In any case, if this was a person of faith, someone who is thinking of setting up a Church no less, then surely he/she would be back to spread the word. Setting up an unauthorised Church in China?...... will end up in prison breaking rocks rather than breaking bread.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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You're obviously pretty ignorant about Christian observances in China. In a city the size of Qingdao there are probably thousands of home gatherings. You're right that this is not the place to talk about them.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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There's an active church in Kaifeng. Christian, by the cross incorporated in the building's architecture.

More than 300 bicycles neatly parked in front of the building every Sunday at 10-ish. When rainy weather, bicycles are covered with tarp.

Very neat and organized.


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9 years 17 weeks ago
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By all means, start your own church.


Let us know how that works out for you.

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Cue liberal retards insulting this person's faith for asking a simple question.


Did you register just to tell people off who mock this true believer? I'm sorry to disappoint, but this is likely a wumao baiting for leverage: Starting unions and religious movements in China is against the law, so every now and then we get a troll hoping to lure people into an alleged union (or in this case sectarian cult), probably hoping to score some blackmail money from them or their employers.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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Liberal retards !!!. Ha ha, I forgot Jesus was a republican, a white one at that. Conservative Christians.... the exact opposite of what Christianity teaches.

9 years 17 weeks ago
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Nope, just pre-empting the flow of moronic posts that are sure to follow the OP's simple question, several of which already exist proving my point..

9 years 17 weeks ago
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9 years 17 weeks ago
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Anyone find a pastafarian one in ningbo let me know.

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9 years 17 weeks ago
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I have never been in a church that flies a national flag in any country. Your suppose to know where in the hell you are.

6 years 5 weeks ago
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The measure was proposed by the heads and representatives of national religious groups



like fuck it was! Bloody Global Times bullshit...

6 years 5 weeks ago
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Ambi, national flags on churches is pretty routine throughout the world. I think you have never noticed or thought about it before. I first noticed this in Greece. They are almost as keen on putting their flag on a church as Americans are. Turkey and Israel are right up there too. I don't have a lot of middle eastern experience but i assume they are the same. Aussies aren't into flag waving in church very often unless there is a political reason.

6 years 5 weeks ago
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I usually see them on the stage with the priest, leader, whatever, but not flying outside the building as you pass the building, which I think is the difference here, meaning the CCP, flag, not the cross we ordered torn down is your real GOD. So the church building is a proxy government building and service now.

6 years 5 weeks ago
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6 years 5 weeks ago
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good churches. i hope not

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6 years 4 weeks ago
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