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Q: Are there any of you that go through summer without using air con?

As my current apartment was renovated last winter and doesn't have air con installed, I've had to rely on a cheap fan to keep me cool as the landlord is taking her take with regards to sorting out air con for me. It's not too bad, but it's when it comes to sleeping that it gets tough. Due to Beijing's pollution, I often keep my windows firmly shut and that makes my flat incredibly stuffy and sweaty. So far though it hasn't been too bad, we're just entering into Beijing's hottest period where temperatures are average over 35. 


Has anyone here never used/had an air conditioner during China's summers? I'd love to hear it if those of you in the south have managed without one Smile

11 years 10 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Nope. I think personally not possible or you like to sleep and eat in a sauna. Beijing is different than Shanghai, I use my aircon in evening, to cool my apartment but put it off (otherwise I can not sleep) and always sleep with open window. I know the pollution in Beijing, I come often, but yes there never open my window in evening but mostly for business there so stay in hotels instead of an apartment. 

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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up in the North no problem but down sth would be as bad as Darwin in Australia and that is why I do not live therewink

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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In Zhuhai I am sure some people are doing it, but the majority have at least AC in the bedroom. I personally don't understand how this part of the world was inhabitable until the invention of active cooling. 

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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I can take the heat in the day time, but I can not sleep if I am too warm. I can't do without AC.

I went to Thailand and it was 42* and just as humid as China. I was OK during the day but the women had to go shopping all day and I went,,,,, pure torture, walking all day in that and FT, go to Thailand to shop all day, wtf? My Gf couldn't sleep at night without the window open, same in winter,,,no no, can't do that the AC or heat is on, all the heat or cool goes outside, I'd have better luck trying to reason with a rabid dog.

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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My house is on the 25th floor and consumes two corners of the high-rise, so I have large windows all around.   I don't bother with air conditioning because we always have a nice, natural crosswind.  I installed in-floor heating because it gets pretty cold in the winter (for me), and that was the best improvement I ever made.

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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24/7 on 16/17c.

I go outside and literally start bleeding sweat. cool

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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in summer i know why chinese people walk so slowly !

A/C on at a constant 25 degrees, but i turn it off in the morning before i have to go out.

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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In Changsha it averages 38 c in the summer... But I live on the 29 th floor and have a healthy crosswind and I also use a electric fan... This is enough for me. As after being sat in an air conditioned office for 8 hours a day the last thing I want to do is sit in it at home too... Plays havoc with my chest!!


a fellow Changsha alumnus - it hit 39 today according to friends there. a few years ago I experienced temperatures of up to 43 in Beijing with no air-conditioning for 6 weeks - I had a mean boss

11 years 10 weeks ago
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11 years 10 weeks ago
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