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As an experienced foreign driver (American) in Shanghai, and its surrounding areas, is it likely to find many driving services opportunities, specifically catering to other english speaking foreigners in the Shanghai area?
9 years 5 weeks ago in Transport & Travel - Shanghai
Nice idea but I doubt it would be legal or pay enough to make a living from.
Nice idea but I doubt it would be legal or pay enough to make a living from.
What can you offer that an experienced Chinese driver can't? Obviously putting to one side the stupidity of most Chinese drivers.
Do you have experience of driving in China as its a wildly different style to the USA?
Well, for expats he can offer a lack of frustration. You can call and speak english communicate effectively.
For locals though I think the only demand would be some mean spirited bullshit like wanting a white driver serving you at a wedding or something.
I read his other comment just now. He's got 10 years experience driving here so for a lot of western visitors who want less risk from a driver then I'd agree.....he'd be a good option.
Is there a job for you in Shanghai? In the sense of will somebody put you on the payroll as a full time driver? Probably not at least not for a living wage.
Is there business for you as a part time car for hire? Yeah probably. I can totally see people wanting not to deal with locals. I pay a no-frustration tax for a lot of things here, I don't think i'm the only one.
IF you are looking to serve only Expats, I think the profit will not be enough to make a living out of it, most Expats I know are usually looking at saving money, Plus there are not many to keep you busy... But, if you can speak Chinese, and know your way around the place... I see you can easily make a fortune selling this service here.
What Karma said - plus, if you have a VERY nice car, you'll do very well!!!
But, of course, it'll all be illegal, so be aware of who you pick up and all.