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Q: Are you a real teacher

I had this argument with some people. Would like others opinion are we teachers in china in general those without certification or the ability to teach in their country.

9 years 43 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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I was China certified, but I don't play that game anymore.

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9 years 43 weeks ago
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Are you a teacher Anonymous? With your English I doubt it.


10 points for Stiggs

9 years 43 weeks ago
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I became an English teacher, because I met Chinese girl in Guernsey, and I wanted to join her in China.

I don't have teaching certificate, and usually measure my teaching 'good-ness' by results/progress I can see on my students.

My employers in China are generally very happy with my work (my RLetters are apparently blast), but.....I usually work in Public Schools, and Principals like students response, when they meet me in the school's quarters.

'If students like teacher, they love subject too' by one of my Heads.

English language is not pleasant matter for the most of the Chinese students, IMO.

I believe, there is no difference between them and us, when try to learn/listen Chinese.

So, I mostly 'promote' 'English is pleasant language' in China.


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9 years 43 weeks ago
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Damn, you have exposed me! Ok I admit it, I am really an alien spy sent to study human behaviour. I chose China because it has the most humans. I am guessing all you humans are the same and plan to tell my superiors about your weird habits.


They use algorithm for that. 

Ministerium für Staatssicherheit did that in person.


Now, use Yahoo-gle.....

9 years 43 weeks ago
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Have a CELTA, am a native speaker. and have a BA in Languages, so yeah, I'd said so.

Does anybody care? I'd say not.

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I only teach dogs.. I study air quality mostly and legs.


You mean women's legs only?

9 years 43 weeks ago
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What do you think the dogs are?

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Are you a real troll, anonymous? 

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I am an honorary Professor at The University of Hard Knocks. 

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No, I am not. But honesty... what does this even mean? 


Those of us that have taught in China for years know that foreign teachers are mostly a form of entertainment. So shouldn't the question be... are you an excellent actor? 


Anyway, I like teaching but in small doses. So I got out of it. Teaching business English or to university students were more to my liking. 

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9 years 43 weeks ago
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Most local teachers in China are not real teachers already, many got their job because they have a friend who know the guy in charge of HR.


Also "real" teachers from Western countries will never accept to work for less than 20~25000RMB plus free accommodation in a upper end residence, up to date curriculum and materials, and no more than 12 classes or 40min per week.


So it makes me laugh when Chinese employers expect to attract "real" teachers by offering 6000RMB for 20 classes per week and a "hotel room style" accommodation, no curriculum or an outdated one and materials if needed must be bought by the teacher at one's own expenses.


Seriously what do you expect?


"Also "real" teachers from Western countries will never accept to work for less than 20~25000RMB plus free accommodation in a upper end residence, up to date curriculum and materials, and no more than 12 classes or 40min per week."


You are very wrong. Not everyone needs money some have already made their money and are simply here for the view or experience. And I have met many who came here to work a light schedule while they earn their PhDs. 

Why  do people think coming to China has to be part of a career plan? That is small minded thinking. Some people have finished their career, some are taking a break from their career, others are here before they start their careers. And yes they are teachers real teachers from their home country. 

Unless you have taught in an American school (my only other teaching experience) you have no business trying to comment on why teachers come here. 

Money isn't everything. Teaching in America is being strangled by unions, administration and ignorant parents.

9 years 43 weeks ago
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"Unless you have taught in an American school have no business trying to comment on why teachers come here."


And.. the rest of the world doesn't count, apparently.....

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Let me answer your question with a question: if you anonymously post pointless questions, are you a real poster?

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I think I know who this is..

I am a teacher here and formerly in my home country. 

But let's focus on China. I have worked with students (working as teachers), non natives and whoever. Some were great as teachers and some were awful with a lot somewhere in between.

Here is the problem with China, they do not know how or care to judge quality of work. Whether it's parents who simply judge by color of skin or schools that try to force teachers to be dishonest with students' scores. Schools are run by ignorant thugs and corrupt, small minded bureaucrats. .They lack imagination and vision and are unable to figure out how to get from point A to point B.

So people like you anon whether you are simply scumbag with a degree or unqualified vagrant will always have a place in China..



Agree with the schools asking teachers to be dishonest, I lost count of how many times I was asked to "do the test again" but only with students who failed, or simply to change their marks "from 19 to 90" and when telling that this is cheating and lying I was told "their parents are well connected, good marks for the pupils means good for the school". So I simply stopped taking the classes seriously but THAT made them unhappy (the Chinese managers), what's the purpose of preparing real lessons if nobody care about it or the tests anyway.

9 years 43 weeks ago
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What is going to happen to a world that has a financial motive to lie so incompetent Chinese students can attend the best universities in the world?

-We Americans forget that in 1800 or 1900 all the best American students went to school in Germany, France, and England. Our reputation as the elite education utopia was won by having high standards, and cracking down on garbage. If we let rich sewage into our schools we will return to our level before...where the Ivy league excluded Jews and Catholics.


Yeah, I wish they could finally understand that lowering standards is a middle-term suicide.

I guess the future world of everything will be divided into those who accepted to bend their principles for the Chinese, and those who kept their high standard.

9 years 42 weeks ago
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actually iam an actor acting like a teacher

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No, I work for the National Security Agency. My job is to catalogue nudes of anyone, in case we need to make them do as we wish. Sometimes I  leak them onto the internet. Did you like those celebrity nudes leaked from the iCloud? Yeah, uh, those came from the NSA's nudie database.


We got all your nudes.


here's some more of mine

9 years 43 weeks ago
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When do you dump mine, so I can stop being a pervert and become a victim laugh

9 years 42 weeks ago
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Thanks Ted. I'll be in touch with you shortly for purposes of blackmail.

9 years 42 weeks ago
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9 years 43 weeks ago
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Gonna give you a real answer here:


If you take your job seriously, enjoy teaching, native speaker and hold minimum a CELTA/TESOL and earn more than 11,000, I'll say you're a real teacher.


If you're living off your $100 TEFL earning under 10,000 then no. hahahah. no. get our of your village and your high horse and come back to the real world.


Public school teacher at a Chinese school? No. You're doing oral English. This is a job for monkeys.


Training Centres, depending on what curriculum/books your using. Are you gearing students up for IELTS/SAT exams? Business English? Then yea, you're a teacher.


Kindergarten teachers. Depending if the school is run in line with a proper education board which isn't Chinese then yea, you're a teacher.



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9 years 42 weeks ago
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Yeah so many non qualified people who are drug addicts,bus drivers,  come to china to have a decent life in china. Also some has a high school which is impressive.

Some with art degrees or psychology who can not find jobs in their country come to china to teach. It is sad but true.



Bus drivers get paid very well where I come from. Drug addicts moving to China? I doubt it.

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I is am very much the real teacher, all of is my students does very good the English with big happy face:-)

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9 years 42 weeks ago
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