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Q: Are you like a walking time bomb? How do you relax in China?

You know the BCD (bad China days) where everything just seems to be going wrong. 


Something like, you got into a fight with your girl friend/wife, a customer/student is pissing you off, people wouldn't let you off the elevator/train so you missed your stop/floor, you got pointed at and mumbled about 30 times that day... and the taxi driver tried to cheat you or cut you off 10 times while  you were trying to drive... 


If one more person just looks at you wrong or says "kan kan, wai guo ren!" you are going to baseball bat them into mush.


I like going for night rides on my motorcycle when NOBODY is around. I pretend like the Chinese population has been wiped out and I am like Will Smith in "I am Legend". It's winter now so I can't do that cause it is too cold here... which makes winter all the more harder for me to cope with... 


What do you normally do on those days to calm down?


Or what habits or things do you do to keep yourself from turning into Charles Manson? 


10 years 31 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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I don't know what to do.  It amazing how I can waste lengthy periods of time.  It'll be better for me when the ice is off the roads so I can ride the bike.  My guts now hangs over my belt and I suppose it's only a matter of time before I can't even see my best mate.



I saw him about 3 years ago last time

10 years 31 weeks ago
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How was his mood way back then?


10 years 31 weeks ago
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he was fine, thanks :P

10 years 31 weeks ago
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10 years 31 weeks ago
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I just think before I act or react. Thinking about the responsibility I have to my family 99% of the time relaxes me and helps me make a good choice... After that 1% terrible day I usually buy a new Cell phone, that cheers me up.. lol


If I am like you, I can open at least 2 shops with 2nd hand phones already :D

10 years 31 weeks ago
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Wow you must get really angry out here man..  I need to get angry enough to buy a LG G Flex haha.

10 years 31 weeks ago
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yeah, It was almost daily bread of mine ...

But, with new job, things seems to normalize and i feel better now :)

10 years 31 weeks ago
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I've had jobs like that, not here, but in Korea yes..

10 years 31 weeks ago
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10 years 31 weeks ago
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On that days, I'll go to supermarket, grab beers or wine or whisky, whatever available. at home I make some meat steaks or whatever contain at least 0,5kg of meat, play some movie or music and drink and eat, drink and eat ...

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10 years 31 weeks ago
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To alcohol. The cause of and solution to all of lifes problems

10 years 31 weeks ago
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Alcohol usually causes more problems than it solves. 


For me it cures the boredom of those boring... Chinese family/business meetings... 


I talk a lot more and my Chinese gets a nice fine tuning... 


Drink too much... and risk being the next hot story and a on a plane ticket out of here... which isn't too bad actually... GAN BEI! 

10 years 31 weeks ago
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Yup wink.


But only if you are a happy drunk .


If your a bad drunk things only get worse 

10 years 31 weeks ago
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10 years 31 weeks ago
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Sound off to my wife or my friends. My wife, Chinese, actually agrees with me most of the time about the stupid things that happen here. I usually meet up with friends at least twice a week for a long lunch and maybe hitting a bar afterwards. Friends are definitely my safety valve here.

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10 years 31 weeks ago
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RANT on the internet! Seems the safest way to let people know your misery. I just hope the wumaos aren't tracking me down...


Pubs... they provide both alcohol, and other Westerners who can listen to ranting (and often, the alcohol helps the ranting).

10 years 31 weeks ago
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It would be ironic to be paying 'foreigner-pub' prices while I rant about how everything fun here is too expensive. all due respect, i have a 2nd baby on the way, so i prefer to hamster my income. internet is much more convenient ;)

10 years 31 weeks ago
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10 years 31 weeks ago
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i usually go to the supermarket to buy some food i like,then go home and watch movies while eating on the side.sometimes i go walking,but it doesn't seem to work for me.


The supermarkets in your town sell food that you actually want to buy!!

Lucky bastard!



10 years 31 weeks ago
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10 years 31 weeks ago
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When I get really stressed, I ask myself the question, "What am I doing wrong?" Hear me out. We KNOW that locals don't have the best manners and can't queue up, so if we're constantly getting upset about it, that's our own fault for exposing ourselves to it.  We're adults...we should be capable of managing our lives. Nobody likes a victim of their own poor planning.


If you hate your job, nobody put a gun to your head and forced you to sign the contract. If you can't get a better job right now...invest in learning some skills that will open that door for you, and don't worry about something that is paying the bills while you better yourself. If you have shitty neighbors, don't skimp on housing and complain that you live around swarms of loud bums. If people are making you late...leave earlier. Don't shop at questionable vendors and fret about getting ripped off. There's all kinds of things we can do to head off stress before it starts. Just have to make good decisions.


I've learned to not base my happiness on any local behavior or institution, because that is a path to misery. Be happy with what you are personally doing and where you are going in life, and you won't sweat the other stuff.

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10 years 31 weeks ago
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I really empathise with this as I'm sure most foreigners are who have lived here for a while. For most who come here for a few months experience I don't think this is an issue, I know I was much calmer in the first year I was here.


But after making the decision to stay for longer and really trying to 'live' here, the everyday problems really take their toll some days. I have definitely had my fair share of these days and realised how short tempered I can become. The best thing that I try to do now is think about back home when we all have our 'off days', when things just aren't going well. Being in a country so different with the communication and culture barriers will always amplify the stress!!


Then I remember that nothing is MAKING me stay here and if I want to pursue a life, career, experience here then I just have to suck it up and deal with it... bloody hard sometimes but that's just the way it is. Depends what your into but if I can get the motivation to do some training (gym) then I always feel better for it after and as hard as it is to get it done, it definitely calms me down. Failing that, could just head out with a few friends and a couple of bottles... ususally does the trick!

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10 years 31 weeks ago
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Last night, I cried cos my husband never have my picture on his Q-zone.


Lol... that was silly. but it just never happened in China. Men never upload their wives pictures anywhere. Get used to it. 



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10 years 29 weeks ago
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Yeah, I'm a walking time bomb no matter where I am... come to think of it, I could use a bullet to the head.

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10 years 29 weeks ago
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I feel exactly as you say (starting my 4th year in China). I've two safety valves
 * I go running, 3 to 2 times a week, 1 hour each time. Not mere jogging, I push my heart, lungs and legs to the edge. It burns and stings, but it's a powerful relaxant (runner's high) that double as an healthy habit.
 * I play Minecraft with the Tekkit mod.

In the long run, I plan to leave China, plain and simple. Ejection in about 6 months, hopefully.

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10 years 29 weeks ago
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