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Q: Are you willing to give your bank card to your Chinese wife?

Chinese women always talk about "sense of security" (安全感) and for a man to provide this important thing to them. Part of this sense of security is money, and a Chinese woman wants it. Every Chinese woman can't marry a rich man, but what they do want is for their partner to give the money they are able to provide, and this comes down to a symbolic act of handing over your bank card to your wife. Afterwards, if you want money, you ask your wife for it.


This is a real thing in China as shown in dating polls and can be seen in ideal relationship shown on TV. Question is: are you willing to do that?

10 years 39 weeks ago in  Relationships - Other cities

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"It always seems impossible until it's done."


I trust my wife completely. She is actually handling the day to day finances for us. I have three pieces of plastic in my wallet. Two Unionpay and one Mastercard. Of the two Chinese, one is my own account the other is a joint account. She makes sure my account has money in it for everyday life. 


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10 years 39 weeks ago
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I wouldn't have married anyone who considers my bank card a serious business.

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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my girlfriend and i have been dating for two years now and next year we plan to get married.  she handles all the finances.  not because i am incapable, she just has a better grasp on how much we need for everyday life in china.  we have four accounts, all joint, and her job's income and my job's income all get direct deposited into one.  she makes sure there is money on my card, and makes sure there is always sufficient money in my wallet.  we never make a purchase without discussing it first.  actually, i saved less my first year in china without her then the latter two years with her. 

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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How are you guys getting joint accounts?  I was told that they can only issue one atm card per account.  What banks?


we were told the same thing, but if you are persistent (complain and refuse to leave), it can be done.

10 years 39 weeks ago
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Good to know. I'll raise my voice.  Thanks.

10 years 39 weeks ago
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10 years 39 weeks ago
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We use the same bank card, the one who needs it take it...  For any non-trivial expense (groceries, cleaning products, soap...), we talk about it before. Never been a problem Tongue

PS Relationships in TV sit-com here makes me roll my eyes so much, it hurts. And when the TV sitcom MIL appear, I have a hard time no to fling objects at the TV. That's why when my wife watch one, I go in the bedroom Laughing out loud

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Yes. I completely trust my wife. We share the same bank account and credit cards. We always consult with each other before we buy anything at all (we're poor as Fuck now so this helps a lot).

My wife never cared about money, and now that we're homeless, she's still the same person as she was before; always sticking with me through thick and thin. Stay away from gold diggers and you won't have that kind of problem.


maybe time to revert back to the "Pogger" username

10 years 39 weeks ago
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will you ever return to china?

10 years 39 weeks ago
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See my latest post about ayis, Scandinavian. As for returning To China, yeah, maybe. Not in the near future, though

10 years 39 weeks ago
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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Well honestly my GF does handle the bulk of finances. Like my parents did in the past I model. I have my own stash for a rainy day but after trusting her she's done a fabulous job. I was able to cut my finances down by 45% spending only around 3000 a month. And that includes going out a bit. She doesn't have a monopoly on the money or my card. But I do trust her all her decisions have been point on. Plus the right girl is more careful with it too. She is more careful of your card then anything else on her person.

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Well honestly my GF does handle the bulk of finances. Like my parents did in the past I model. I have my own stash for a rainy day but after trusting her she's done a fabulous job. I was able to cut my finances down by 45% spending only around 3000 a month. And that includes going out a bit. She doesn't have a monopoly on the money or my card. But I do trust her all her decisions have been point on. Plus the right girl is more careful with it too. She is more careful of your card then anything else on her person.

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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i think Chinese wives would be lucky if the "expat" wasn't taking the bank card of the Chinese wife, let alone take the "expats" card.


I don't have a "Chinese Wife" She is first and foremost "Wife" secondary is "Chinese"


Your wording is wumaoish and this site hasn't had a good wumao-hunt for weeks now. 

10 years 39 weeks ago
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10 years 39 weeks ago
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  Absolutely, I did, but now she's not willing to give it back.

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Sure I would hand over my bank card but would want it firmly back in my wallet within a few hours.


If a man can't handle his own finances he must surely be a mental deficient.


Does your woman tie your shoelaces in the morning or hold your maggot for a pee pee?



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10 years 39 weeks ago
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Listen, honeychild lampchops, my credit cards stay firmly in a little pouch sewn into the left side of my brassiere.  No one but no one get his or her hands on them except for a commercial transaction.  Usually I pay cash.  In any case, I only accept cash.

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10 years 39 weeks ago
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