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Q: average wait for a chinese woman to get her visitor visa to the US

is it true it can take 3 months to 8 months for a chinese woman in china to get her a visitor visa to the united states?  And how easy is it for her to get a visa?  what is required that she apply for it?  And is it easy to be rejected for any reason?

9 years 15 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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@ cub......on all your questions on here you keep stating that "you heard such & such" & when people here reply to you it seems that you don't want to believe them. A lot of the posters on here have been on this site for years & have learnt a lot or have previous experience. Why waste yours and our time asking questions if you're then going to come back & keep saying "well I heard different"?


hotwater, how many times do u believe 2 stories or answers that are opposite of each other maybe this answer is starteed from a rumor or wrong advice ok? when i say i ''heard'' from omeone mostly its from immigration from busineses whom specialize in visas or other matters pertaining to visa/immigration matter Look, i like to do my omework, and i read frome 1 person they think its 7 to 8 mmonths then another person says its easy it can be done in days or a week someone is right someone is wrong ok? i never was educated in school on the common core material where all anwers are right whatever i want i t to be! if there are different answers then give me a cedible proof of this info ok? All i know i cant go through the nearly year long immigration process relying on second guesses and maybes ok? Or there will be costly delays in getting married or getting my future wife to move and live with me in my country! give me answers i can look up and get correct info so im very well prepared ok?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Hotwater is talking about a tourist visa Cub. Different visa types take different timescales. A settlement visa will take a lot longer to process than a tourist visa. Hotwater was clear in his answer that he was talking about a tourist visa. Personally, I have not applied for a settlement visa for the USA, so I cant answer. But I know there are lots of posters on here who have done. Many posters only log in every few days, so dont worry, the exact answer you want will appear :)

9 years 15 weeks ago
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well, scotsalan theere are 2 tourist visas thats neded hers to visit me and mine to visi her ok? USCIS immigration told me the 3 to 8 month wait time being there are millions whom are applying fo a visitor visa Now thats where i ''heard from'' ok hotwater? i think that USCIS and my govrnments immigration workers should know a little about the wait times wouldnt u? see hotwater, i cant base facts on maybies could be might be ok? i am sure there are a lot of varying waiting times! ok i will take all advice although!

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Getting a USA visa now for Chinese citizens is getting easier as the U.S. Is disparate for their money. Why even Vicky from this site easily got a tourist visa. 


So your girlfriend should be able to get a tourist visa in 2-3 weeks if she follows the guidelines (& advice on Chinese forums!). For you it should take 1-2 weeks to get a Chinese tourist visa with correct paperwork. 


You our can take whatever I write however you want but I'm not bullshitting you whereas you still seem to be ignoring most advise on here. 

9 years 15 weeks ago
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hotwater, im not ignoring your advice ok? im proceeding with caution taking all advice/answers with a grain of salt! today i talked to a immigration consultant directly from the immigration office, yes, they said in 2 to 3 weeks its possible she can get her visitor visa to meet me not a work or a student visa I was told its up to the chinese consulate in her area where she applied how long it takes till they give her a visitor visa in other words its at thier discretion how long till the issue/approve her the visa! and of course if its been filled out properly!

9 years 15 weeks ago
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9 years 15 weeks ago
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Lots of answers on here about USA visas for chinese citizens. Try the search function. 


Quick reply - it takes 2-3 weeks to get a tourist visa IF she fills the forms in right, shows she has good reason to come back to china & answers the questions right in the interview. 


i have heard it can take 3 to 8 months to be approved for a visa! and yes, if its filled out correctly! where can this be a fact i can read to be sure? i have heard there are millions of chinese applicants applying for a visa to the US and our slower than molasses in the winter immigration system isnt in any hurry to grant visas in a timely manner! Its not the long difficult wait in china chinese wait to be approved, its my government whom are taking so long!

9 years 15 weeks ago
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9 years 15 weeks ago
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Sorry, it was a bit uncalled for. I was trying to be funny but I take it back. 


xunliang, i accept your apology ok?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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I read about these kind of marriages several years ago.  It is a scam. Once she gets citizenship, don't expect to ever hear from her/see her again. 

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9 years 15 weeks ago
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@ cub......on all your questions on here you keep stating that "you heard such & such" & when people here reply to you it seems that you don't want to believe them. A lot of the posters on here have been on this site for years & have learnt a lot or have previous experience. Why waste yours and our time asking questions if you're then going to come back & keep saying "well I heard different"?


hotwater, how many times do u believe 2 stories or answers that are opposite of each other maybe this answer is starteed from a rumor or wrong advice ok? when i say i ''heard'' from omeone mostly its from immigration from busineses whom specialize in visas or other matters pertaining to visa/immigration matter Look, i like to do my omework, and i read frome 1 person they think its 7 to 8 mmonths then another person says its easy it can be done in days or a week someone is right someone is wrong ok? i never was educated in school on the common core material where all anwers are right whatever i want i t to be! if there are different answers then give me a cedible proof of this info ok? All i know i cant go through the nearly year long immigration process relying on second guesses and maybes ok? Or there will be costly delays in getting married or getting my future wife to move and live with me in my country! give me answers i can look up and get correct info so im very well prepared ok?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Hotwater is talking about a tourist visa Cub. Different visa types take different timescales. A settlement visa will take a lot longer to process than a tourist visa. Hotwater was clear in his answer that he was talking about a tourist visa. Personally, I have not applied for a settlement visa for the USA, so I cant answer. But I know there are lots of posters on here who have done. Many posters only log in every few days, so dont worry, the exact answer you want will appear :)

9 years 15 weeks ago
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well, scotsalan theere are 2 tourist visas thats neded hers to visit me and mine to visi her ok? USCIS immigration told me the 3 to 8 month wait time being there are millions whom are applying fo a visitor visa Now thats where i ''heard from'' ok hotwater? i think that USCIS and my govrnments immigration workers should know a little about the wait times wouldnt u? see hotwater, i cant base facts on maybies could be might be ok? i am sure there are a lot of varying waiting times! ok i will take all advice although!

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Getting a USA visa now for Chinese citizens is getting easier as the U.S. Is disparate for their money. Why even Vicky from this site easily got a tourist visa. 


So your girlfriend should be able to get a tourist visa in 2-3 weeks if she follows the guidelines (& advice on Chinese forums!). For you it should take 1-2 weeks to get a Chinese tourist visa with correct paperwork. 


You our can take whatever I write however you want but I'm not bullshitting you whereas you still seem to be ignoring most advise on here. 

9 years 15 weeks ago
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hotwater, im not ignoring your advice ok? im proceeding with caution taking all advice/answers with a grain of salt! today i talked to a immigration consultant directly from the immigration office, yes, they said in 2 to 3 weeks its possible she can get her visitor visa to meet me not a work or a student visa I was told its up to the chinese consulate in her area where she applied how long it takes till they give her a visitor visa in other words its at thier discretion how long till the issue/approve her the visa! and of course if its been filled out properly!

9 years 15 weeks ago
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9 years 15 weeks ago
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Sorry, double post

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9 years 15 weeks ago
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my wife had been to college in canada on a student visa for 4 years and scheduled a visitors visa as tourist on the internet with the us embassy in beijing. she went online june 4, 2013, got an appointment 3 weeks later and was sitting in hawaii with me aug 14, 2013.

the new 10 year multi entry vsas for business persons has made lines shorter and approval faster now compared to 2 years ago.


ok, i need more info about how/what u did to do this so i can try for myself to see if its applicable in my situation my future wife has a busines do u think a visa to america she or i can aply for her in America ill work

9 years 15 weeks ago
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I believe that the OP "Cub", might be an additional account for the person, with the "Strawberry" account. The questioning is of the same style, and the argumentative comments to replies seems the same. 

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9 years 15 weeks ago
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If you don't want to listen to the answers that have been provided to you, then your only other option is to hire an Immigration lawyer.



Ha ha.


Yup Spider, plenty of those sharks wanting to take money off people.






9 years 15 weeks ago
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spider, yes i can hire a immigration lawyer and i plan too, but my chinese lady will be doing tthe paying being i couldnt afford it! Yes scotsalan, there are bad dishonest immigration lawyers out there but there are also good honest immigration lawyers too! These lawyers all have track records my government knows about them their successes if they are honest everything about thier past! Even USCIS immigration they know about all immigratin lawyers how honest they are being thier pape work all the forms applications they send to USCIS to get approved of! Look at u Scotsalan, he even looked up on the form i mentioned about income requirements and the part i pointed out about income requirements on page 9 #6 that it is allowed its legal to combine my spouses income with mine after we marry she can help me meet the minimum requirements my government asks for! Thats immigrations answer not mine its all the proof i need to know its legal its allowed for me to do!

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Yes, I looked up the form, and found you had quoted the instructions, not the form. You dont need to be a lawyer to do that. And yes, its good to have someone guide you with immigration forms if you have not done one before. Have you seen the China visa form? You dont need a lawyer to fill that out :)

9 years 15 weeks ago
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9 years 15 weeks ago
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Here is the thing Cub.


It's really your Chinese girlfriends job to get the visa. And somehow, I suspect there are thousands of Chinese language websites out there with all the answers for your girlfriend to easily find.


My wife, for example, knows all about UK visas. She knows loads more than me.... because I don't need a visa. She has just applied for a UK tourist visa (15 day wait for result) , and she was the one barking orders at me to provide her the paperwork she needed. She also has a large network of friends who are always going here or there, and they all share help and advice.


Going from your many comments, this is what I think your situation is.


You have a Chinese girlfriend, and you both want to marry and live in the US.


You have not physically met your girlfriend. You have never been to China, she has never been to the States, and you have never had a holiday together in a third country.


You have a subsistance income due to disabilities. Her parents have a factory and your girl is relatively well off.


Here is what I suggest. And I might know a bit more about this than your visa agent, because I have been 5 years married to a Chinese national, have a kid in China, work in China, bought a house in China and even have a live in mother in law. And... my opinion if free wink


The things to do:


1. Go along to your local government place and get your "freedom to marry document"


2. Ask your girlfriend to send you an invite letter to China. And be honest in the letter, reason for visit is marriage.


3. Use that letter, and go get a 10 year tourist visa for China (I think they are 90 day per entry).


4. Fly over to China, with the intention of staying at least 2 months.


5. Spend time with your girl. See her in her own environment.


6. Get married. Spend more time with her in China. You need to build evidence of your relationship before you apply for your spouse visa. The visa staff will want lots of evidence of your relationship for a spouse visa.


7. Apply for the US settlement visa, and stay with your wife while it is processed.


8. Live happy ever after in the US, and laugh together about how stressed you got over something so simple.


You never know, you might actually like China, and want to stay here.


So far as your lack of mobility goes, only you know what you can and cant do. But you can ask on here about what facilities are like for disabled in your destination city, even most likely down to specific areas.


But honestly, try to spend time in China with her. I am sure she is a fantastic woman and you will be very happy together. But she is from a different culture ( assuming your not Chinese yourself of course). You need to be compatible with each other in each of your cultures. Don't do this marry one day and visa application the next. Immigration will make it tough on her to get a visa. Red flags and all that.

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9 years 15 weeks ago
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scotsalan, your advice/suggestions i like, physicaly i dont use a cane or a wheelcair,i can stand and walk without assistance my balance isnt great but i can manage i dont want to live or work in china at all, the crowds the polution i can do without the only time i will live in china is at my ladies house for however my visa lasts First, the question was about how long would it take her to get a visitor visa to meet me in my country ok? this way we will be together getting to know more about each other seeing if we are comatible,have chemistry and if we have both of this we see ourselves together in the future So i will find out if she is the one for me that she is serious not playing games then she takes me to china i have my paspport now can get my visa in a week or two there i will visit her friends her parents So i will visit her as long as my visa lasts In the mean time if i want to marry her in chna i will if we are compatible After my visa expires i have gone back hom there i apply for a spouse visa being we are married now like i said this can take 3 months till its approved USCIS the immigration people told me a spouse visa gets a higher priority the process time is faster to get approved than a fiance visa if i was engaged only! No way the immigration process is easy or fast i know this ok? i have no friends or family who wants to help become a sponsor to help meet the income requirements! That is why i need to marry 1st in china this way our incomes are combined im now able to qualify to marry her in my country being the minimue required income with my wifes help my government will approve of What is a US settlement visa?


I use "settlement visa" as a generic term for a visa that allows migration.


Because, remember, once your wife gets US citizenship, she will lose her Chinese citizenship.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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scotsalan, i know i can have a dual citizenship one in america one in china So why cant she have a dual citizenship also? wont her government allow this?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Americans can have dual citizenship...  But not with China.

China does not recognize dual citizenship.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Whoever told you that you can get dual citizenship with China...   

Lied to you, big time.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Chinese can get a tourist visa in about a week now.

Good luck, there is a HEAVY stigma in PRC involving any form of physical handicap.


stigma on if i live in china with a physical handicap or if im there just visitng this lady in china?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Stigma in general.

With possible rejection by her family once they learn that you are disabled.



Family approval is still very important in China...

9 years 15 weeks ago
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spider, as far as i know her parents know a lot about me by her telling them, but to make sure they know about my disability i will ask her to make sure she has told them that they know im not perfect! if u would meet me in person spider,u probably wouldnt know i have a disability untill i walked or tried to shake your hand ok?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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spider, read my question i asked again ok? i asked why cant a chinese person have a dual citizenship like we can? i never said i was told that they can! i guess i assumed if a american can have a dual citizenship with china i figured they could have the same!

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Read my answer: An American cannot have dual citizenship with China.


China does not allow dual citizenship.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Apart from showing the latter part of gold’s 2-year downsloping trading range, the 6-month chart is not of much use, although it does reveal that gold is coming under pressure from its bearishly aligned moving averages, and could drop quite sharply from here, as it is not at all oversold on its MACD indicator. 

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9 years 15 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77