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Q: Is Bank of China the worst bank in the world?

...or just in China?

12 years 24 weeks ago in  Money & Banking - China

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I don't know why you would say that.. I wouldn't say its the worst. Why would you say that? They have many locations around china so that's a plus. I would say the worst one's are the one's you can't find in many places. 


I use the one in Sanyuanqiao (Beijing) because its in the building where I work but the waiting time there is never less than an hour. I also work in one of the most international buildings in Beijing (we have over 60 international companies in the building) yet hardly no one in the bank speaks English. Today I took a ticket which said I was numebr 54 in the queue! Fair enough it may specificaly be that branch but they usually only have 1 or maybe 2 people attending customers but they will have at least 4 people walking around the bank as 'welcoming hosts'. I've also seen people stay at the service window for over 20 minutes!? Ive gone to BOC in Shuangjing and Jinsong and it wasnt much better + Ive goten fake money from a BOC ATM.....surely that doesnt make it a top bank to bank with.

12 years 24 weeks ago
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12 years 24 weeks ago
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Somalia aint the best...

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12 years 24 weeks ago
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I'm guessing you've had a bad experience with them (or more than one) so that's why your asking. What I don't like about BOC is that they always charge you whenever you withdraw foreign currency and don't exchange it there in the bank. Construction Bank and ICBC don't.


Correction! A month or so ago they finally implemented the rule of no extra fees when withdrawing foreign currency.

12 years 14 weeks ago
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12 years 24 weeks ago
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They have never given me any problems, actually I'd say they are about the best with ICBC a close second


Interesting. FYI, My boss reccomended Huaxia Bank - they do not have a lot of ATM terminals but you can withhdraw from any ATM for free once a day and all UnionPay transactions are free. He also says that since there isent so many people using it there are less people in the queues.

12 years 24 weeks ago
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12 years 24 weeks ago
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i do not think so worst bank can not be, better have the VIP card so you will be treated well like V V I P. banks in china are better i guess. 

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12 years 24 weeks ago
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Public Banks are the same and different branches have different sitiations. But if you are a VIP, services would be much better and you do not need to wait.

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12 years 23 weeks ago
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Never experienced any worse one than Bank of China...


I agree with wenna7,

                                     There is only ONE Bank of China in my area that I can go to to exchange yuan for USD. :( I WASTED over one hour at a Bank of China very close to where I live because my students and I were dealing with a bunch of F****** IDIOTS!!!!!! :( And, it really pisses me off that I can't get a VISA or MasterCard credit card here. The requirements to get a foreign c.c. are ridiculous. :(

12 years 7 weeks ago
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12 years 23 weeks ago
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