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Q: Best (and most affordable) kaoya place in Beijing?

Quite simple really - parents are comin over during the summer, I want to take them eating the best kaoya in Beijing, without having to splurge. What's the best place to go to?

13 years 10 weeks ago in  Food  - Beijing

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Posts: 335


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A safe option is Quanjude: it's a chain across the whole of China and is considered pretty good. Not the best, but you won't have to shell out too much cash either. There are restaurants all over the 'Jing, so you won't have to travel far to find one. Check the link to find your nearest.

Another option is to stroll down Gui Jie "Ghost Street", the main road that leads west off Dongzhimen. There are literally hundreds of restaurants here, and the atmosphere is great. There may be a lack of English signs, but for places serving duck, they usually hang ducks in the window, so look out for them.

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13 years 10 weeks ago
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Ludovico got it right, nothing else to add! the ducks are delicious, but be sure to check if really duck it is! Smile

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13 years 10 weeks ago

Getting halp from moar and moar people is like spin-o-rama high-fiving new friends on with a tip of the hat finishing move.

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what is your scale of affordness?

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13 years 10 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman