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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Birthday gift ideas for my mother in law? Thanks
My mother in law is in her early 50's,She is not a materialistic person.she enjoys bowling and her mind is like young people hehehe
In China,I know what gifts I should give her,but in Australia,I have no idea lol
My husband lets me to decide, I am thinking about inviting her to our house for dinner on her birthday.I will cook some nice Chinese food for her,also, I'd like to give her a nice gift.well,I really want to make her happy as she's such a nice woman.
Any advice is appreciated.
Bowling ball. Put ball in the plastic bag. She'll think, you got her watermelon.
Do you know if she drinks tea? If she does then how about a tea set and a bag of good tea ?
Yes ,she drinks tea,Her favorite tea is 罗汉果柚子茶 at Greenery Cafe.I tried to get the same one for her when I was still in Guangzhou,But failed for some reason. a pity.
Grand Kids
maybe Take her to a Stage show with dinner you will find them in the entertainment guide in the Sydney morning Herald
Hehehe Phil,you are funny as usual.
You know,I'd like to settle in here first.
Your second idea is cool,Maybe we should take her to The opera house to watch a show lol
Australia ... Bondi beach BIKINI
don't forget .. a gift is a gift and in my world ... mostly they are just for fun ... make into a joke ................ otherwise buy GOLD
A woman can never have enough bags, scarves, jewellery and accessories. Get her a stylish item of clothing or a classic purse. Or what about a cashmere sweater or even a cashmere blanket? Or you could get something for her house, like a vase or fancy table cloth. Or you could get her a book or buy her a membership card at a yoga center or spa.
Get her some kiwi fruit and a trip to the zoo to see the Koala's and the Kangaroo's!
He he, I said: "fruit"!