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Q: Can I be considered for a job if I am not currently in China?

I am currently looking on to teaching English in any city in China but i am currently in Botswana with a valid passport and valid TEFL certificate. Can i be considered for a job in China since China has opened her boarders to torists and foreigners?

1 year 45 weeks ago in  Teaching & Learning - China

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No ..., and it doesn't make any difference if you're in or out of China!


Here are the primary Z Visa requirements:

1. Your Nationality

You must be from one of seven approved countries – UK, Ireland, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa broken heart

China has decided that only citizens from these seven countries speak English fluently and may teach their students. Yes, we know – it doesn’t always work like that but, to be brutally honest: their house, their rules. surprise


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1 year 45 weeks ago
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No ..., and it doesn't make any difference if you're in or out of China!


Here are the primary Z Visa requirements:

1. Your Nationality

You must be from one of seven approved countries – UK, Ireland, US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa broken heart

China has decided that only citizens from these seven countries speak English fluently and may teach their students. Yes, we know – it doesn’t always work like that but, to be brutally honest: their house, their rules. surprise


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1 year 45 weeks ago
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if you have to ask this question, maybe you are not ready for China.indecision


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1 year 45 weeks ago
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No you can't. You must have visa first to get a great opportunities teaching English in China. But unfortunately, China only permits people with English native speaker like England, Australia, Canada, and New Zealand to be able working in China as English teacher. 

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1 year 45 weeks ago
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hello Goratamore,


First i want to ask you why do you want to come to China? what i can tell you is that is not worthy right now come to China, regulation here is getting a shit, i mean the cero covid policy what lead to a lack of freedom that is getting more serious. Of course i dont know your personal situation, but i will no recommend to anyone to come to China right now. If i could i would go back to Spain for half a year until the situation get normal haha

From other hand, like other comments told you... it is a requierement to be english native to teach english, even others teaching jobs that you need to teach in english (like biology, as i was looking for recently)  but many schools are so tricky and they can make you other kind of visa to teach english (what i dont recommend to you). i can tell you from my experience (as spanish teacher right now) that they offered me to teach english with the spanish title job in my visa, of course i refused, i even didnt ask for teaching english as is not my mother language and im not interested in. what i mean with this,  is that legally you need to be english native to teach english, but actually sometimes other countries are considered to teach english (especially recently with the big amount of foreigners that left china). But tnormally hey are looking for people who are already in china, and chances that people abroad are hired to teach english are very few.

You can contact here some recruiters just to check, but i dont recommend it, you could contact directly some schools or universities instead.


Wish you good luck

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1 year 44 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman