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Q: Can I get hired by a school directly without using a recruiter?

Recruiters can earn more than 10,000 RMB a month for each teacher they recruit.


Do schools ever hire teachers directly?

21 weeks 2 days ago in  Teaching & Learning - China

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some do.
you will have to check the ads posted online and see who is hiring.


Is it that simple?

I would never say ... that ...

2 weeks 3 days ago
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21 weeks 2 days ago
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Posts: 3867


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some do.
you will have to check the ads posted online and see who is hiring.


Is it that simple?

I would never say ... that ...

2 weeks 3 days ago
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21 weeks 2 days ago
Posts: 19840


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1. Find listing of Public schools in China through any of the main search engines;


Most or all Public schools in China have a web address ...


2. Send yer CV directly to the School's web address ... and WAIT! for a reply ...


At 'FindJobs' above enter 'Public school' in search and ... scroll down the adverts and look for the advert where job advertiser's and school name are both the same ...

All other job adverts are posted by the job recruiters ...


Good luck!

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21 weeks 2 days ago
Posts: 19840


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Add-it: Getting into the recruiters ...


You could also research any school/job offering posted by the recruiters ... as an example:

"First job offering this AM was posted by the recruiter 'ClickChina' for the English teacher position at International School in Jinhua city, Zhejiang Province, China...


Jinhua No.1 High School, Zhejiang website has a 'Contact Us' option ...


... next, prepare your CV and email it away ..."


Good lucky!

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18 weeks 5 days ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman