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Q: Can i work online as a student in china?

Can I teach English online on X visa?

40 weeks 10 hours ago in  General  - China

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No, you can't! ... by the current regulations!


Working on X Visa Is Not Allowed


You are not permitted to work on the X type visa. But part-time work and internships off campus may be authorized. You should contact you university or employer after you have settled in China to see what can be arranged.

For foreign students who work in violation of Chinese regulations or beyond the prescribed scope of jobs or time limit, they shall be deemed unlawful employment and will probably have to stop or be expelled. 



This new policy allows international students who are enrolled in degree-granting higher education institutions to pursue part-time work either on or off-campus, for a limited number of hours, and are allowed to be paid for it according to local wage standards. Work-studies must be registered within 10 days at the local Entry-Exit bureau.


Read the whole article ...

40 weeks 9 hours ago
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40 weeks 10 hours ago
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online any kind of work you can do in china it wont effect you just keep it to yourself then no problem.


Not entirely true. If the money goes directly into the bank account in the home country, no issues. However, if it goes into the WeChat wallet/alipay, then it can be tracked down and punished as illegal income. Unlikely to happen, but still a possibility.

33 weeks 6 days ago
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34 weeks 4 hours ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman