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Q: Can my Chinese step-daughter go to American school?

Out of the blue my Chinese wife asked if I would help her daughter, my step-daughter get into an American primary school. I told her that this would be nearly impossible since, she and her daughter aren’t American citizens. Of course the wife thinks I am just being lazy and don’t want to help. So has anyone done this and how hard is it?

10 years 34 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Do you mean go to a primary school in America, or an American primary school in China?


Going to an international school in China will be no problem if your step daughter can pass the English test..... and you can afford the fees.


I have a friend here who has a daughter attending an international school here. It's a fantastic school but it also has fantastic prices 


Sorry yes, I should have said an American Public school.

10 years 34 weeks ago
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So, your wife want's her daughter to go to a public school in America?


Still need more information.  Are you American, do you live in China or America, where does your wife and daughter live? Does your wife and daughter have visa's for America? Are you planning on moving from China to America with your family?


My guess is that you work in China and now have a Chinese family. And your wife want's the family to move to the States so your daughter can go to school there. Is that what you are asking about?  


I know I seem a bit pedantic. Sorry wink



10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 34 weeks ago
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ScotsAlan - Yes, I am American and my wife and daughter are Chinese. I think I know the answer, but just asking to get the wife off my butt. My wife has no desire to at the present time to become an American citizen and I am sure my step-daughters father and or China won’t allow for an adoption so I doubt if going to public school in America is a real option. I just did a little more research and discovered since she is Chinese an International school isn’t an option either. Even if she could attend at around 160,000 rmb it would probably be cheaper to move to America. The last option ( I can think of ) is as an exchange student of some kind has anyone tried this ?


I see your problem now. And it sounds as if you have it all pretty much worked out.


For student exchange schemes you could try contacting a twin town committee in the USA.  If you are in a city here, there is a good chance it is twinned with some place stateside..   Wikipedia normally lists twin towns.   You may have to move to a different area of your town here to get into a Chinese public school that has an exchange program with said twin town: but then of course your wife might run into hokou problems.


Worth a try? You should be able to get an email chain going as evidence of your efforts :)

10 years 34 weeks ago
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Just done a quick experiment. Googled Yangshou, found it has a twin town in South Dakota, Rapid City.  Googled that and got the contact emails for loads of local Government people. Bet your wife would be impressed if you got an email from the Mayor of some American city :)

10 years 34 weeks ago
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If you're married to him and he is a resident in the U.S and he pays taxes, of course your daughter can go to school in America.


So then what visa would she need ? they can't just go for several years because I used to pay taxes before I came here. It can't be that simple.  Any link to  support this came?

10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 34 weeks ago
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american citizen is not required, temporary residences and then permanent residency after 2 years is all that is required, basically a social security card and the card she gets when she arrives in america, but she would have to immigrate to go to school there, the 2 year period to get permanent card does not allow much travel outside america.

when she turns 21 she can choose american or chinese passport, five years after she receives her first temporary resident card she can apply for citizenship and passport.


another sad comment, if you can get your daughter into america through mexico or cuba illegally, many states will ignore the fact she is undocumented and let her finish high school, these states are naturally blue states obviously and will cost more to live there.

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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She doesn't need American citizenship to go to school in America. Plenty of illegal aliens -- sorry, I mean "undocumented immigrants" -- are schooled here for free.


She just needs to understand enough English. Does she? Then fine. She'll be able to go. Otherwise, she will need intense English training. There are a lot of ESL classes in the U.S., so look into that.


Hulk is right, back in Colorado you'd see these undocumented students go to school all the time.

10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 34 weeks ago
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Hulk and Ironman,

I realize that she could just jump the border from Mexico, but somehow she still would need a visa to get out of China and somehow get back in to China. Another issue is her real father, in America he would have to agree to let his daughter leave the country so I assume the same thing would be required here. To be honest I am not even sure if he knows I married his ex-wife, as far as I know neither the mother nor daughter have told him. The man has some anger management issues so I am guessing they didn’t want to be the first to tell him. I feel sorry for the girl possibly having to attend Chinese public schools, but at the end of the day it may be her fate.

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10 years 33 weeks ago
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Your wife is thinking the typical Chinese way which is to get whatever benefit you can no matter what.  I've heard of lots of Chinese kids going to America for high school but not primary school as obviously they are too young to not have a parent who is residing there with them.  If you want her to do that then obviously the safe way to do so is at least one of you go back to live there with her.  Sure there could be other ways you might be able to swing it but the price (not only dollars) would be too dear.  Show your wife you looked into the matter but just tell her its not feasible unless one of you are moving back and be done with it. 

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10 years 33 weeks ago
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