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Q: Can someone help with my visa issue?

I had a Z visa and residence permit, but I quit my job in October. So my former employer cancelled my visa and I was put on an L visa for 30 days....I had a job lined up but it fell through and I couldn't find another job. So I had to renew the L visa once more. Now I have found a really good job that is willing to help me get a new visa.  The only problem is that my job will give me all the needed documents for the new Z visa on December 24th, but my visa expires on Dec. 17th!!! 


So I am going to Hong Kong tomorrow so I don't overstay my visa and I am planning on going to the HK visa office and getting a tourist visa from Hong Kong. Then I will re-enter China and wait for my company to get the papers and then once again go to Hong Kong to get a new Z visa.


I know it sounds complicated and I am freaking out about it because of the strict regulations lately. Do you guys think this plan will work?  Has anyone been able to get an L visa from Hong Kong recently?


Any advice would be really appreciated!!!!





11 years 40 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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It's possible but why not do it in the mainland instead?

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11 years 40 weeks ago
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go to the psb where you live and get a one month extension. they will usually do it twice.

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11 years 40 weeks ago
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If you are from one of the Big Five scheduled countries, then there should be no problem getting another tourist visa at the China Visa Office in Hong Kong, particularly since you haven't overstayed your previous visa (good of you to not have done it for sure).


Like some have said, you could apply to the local PSB for another one-month extension as technically under the law you are allowed two one-month extensions before you have to exit.


I am not sure that I see a problem here either way.  Please let us know how things turned out.

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11 years 40 weeks ago
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you are on the right rack.. you do not need help..just go with your plan

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11 years 40 weeks ago
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I did get L visa from HK Embassy in March this year. However, HK Embassy was very stingy, and grant only 14 days L visa. HK Embassy received Tianjin Middle School letter about their intentions to employ me, and request for 30 days visa, necessary for gathering all documents for Z visa.

I don't hold passport from big 5, and I am assuming that was the reason for 14 days L.


Doesn't matter what, you should be ready to apply for Z in HK. As I know, Medical exam less than 6 months old should be satisfactory to HK Embassy's requirements. I suggest, you try and get Embassy's Medical form, and complete Medical exam in China. 

I completed Medical exam in September in HK for cost of approx. 2200 Rmb. Same exam cost me only 400 Rmb in Anshan, Liaoning last year.

Employee at HK Embassy asked me for Medical exam not older than 6 months.

You must have Embassy's form of Medical exam signed by MD and stamped by Hospital. 


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11 years 39 weeks ago
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Thank you all for you advice and input :D  Everything worked out fine and the HK visa office gave me a 1 month L visa.  My boyfriend is Chinese and I just had him write an "invitation letter" asking for me to stay with him and explaining that I am waiting for the documents from my new job.


So now I am still waiting for my job to prepare everything and in about two weeks I will go again to get my Z visa.

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11 years 39 weeks ago
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szj_girl, thanks for the follow-up for sure.  Glad it went smoothly.  Best of luck.

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11 years 39 weeks ago
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Good time to go traveling mate! There are always delays and complications. I almost think it would be easier and better just to get a long term business visa and work from that. The ever so elusive Z visa almost seems like too much hassle. And the breaks? Annoyance!

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11 years 38 weeks ago
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To "Fordicus" above, the Z visa is hardly elusive.  It is readily acquired by an employer on behalf of an employee where the employee meets the criteria for a Z visa and where the employer possesses the required documents to obtain a Z visa.


F visas are usually acquired by those who need to fly under the radar, whether they be from countries that are not usually considered eligible for Z visas,  at least in terms of ESL, or where the employer does not have an Alien Work Authorization, or simply where the prospective employee does not meet the minimum standards for employment.

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11 years 37 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman