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Q: Catmins getting a little finicky?

Good natured, albeit, a tad sarcastic posts being deleted while "Why me" posts get left alone?  Maybe it is time for a new brand of catnip.

12 years 37 weeks ago in  Web & Technology - China

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When all is said and done, I guess you could say what to delete and what to keep is art, not science; in that it is subjective, and not objective. 

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12 years 37 weeks ago
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Nobody is perfect! Only god is perfect!


...and Chuck Norris

12 years 36 weeks ago
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12 years 37 weeks ago
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If this is about the weather post, that was kind of my fault and kind of a bug. I clicked on that 'new comments' thing and it took me to the thread I made with a 'congrats you have points message' and all the comments gone, so I assumed I double posted, and went to delete it, but it somehow deleted the orignal? I don't know but I'm just going to ignore the 'new comments new answers' red thing from now on.

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12 years 37 weeks ago
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I would prefer if the catmins would let a fire flare up a little before dousing it right from the get go. Keep the site fun and interesting or people will stop using it. 

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12 years 37 weeks ago
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The "weather post" was one of the most accurate and humorous posts ever

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12 years 37 weeks ago
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 Oh, but then he deleted something even more harmless and sent me a pissy pm: Let's see if I can teach myself to kiss his ass right:


My friends in Jesus. I was once a sinner like you! I was tempted by the very great Beelzubub himself! But then I saw the light AND I LET THE LAAAAWWWN JESUS INTO MY SOUL AND NOW I BASK IN THE OPPULECE OF HIS LIGHT AND SAVIOURANCE AND YOUR DONATIONS AMEN! ps I am American.


Ha! You just let the cat outta the bag! Any REAL American would know that it is spelled "Hallelujah!"

12 years 37 weeks ago
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12 years 37 weeks ago
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The job of Admistrator or Moderator of a website Forum is not an easy one, not one to make friends while you are at.  Yes, it is true, it is mostly subjective and not objective, thus prone to criticism from all sides.

If you allow a post to remain, the poster is happy, the "injured" party is very unhappy and sending messages to higher ups.  If you delete it, the reverse happens then.  It is impossible to please every one, you must steer a course right down the middle.  It is human nature that if you are allowed 5 inches, you want to take 10, and that does create a "headache" for whomever is the ADMINISTRATOR.

I had and ran a similar Forum for years about China, we had almost 500 members from all over the world.  Maybe about 10 were "problem makers", always claiming "Freedom of speech" rights and all of the related crap.  Yet, no one realizes that your rights must stop where mine begin.  I did get fed up with it and closed it down a couple of years back.

I am not defending CAT, he or she does not need my defense.  All I am saying is that it is a very lonesome and ungrateful job, without "ata boys" AND LOTS OF CRITICISM no matter what you do.  But please, do realize that China does monitor websites, and no webmaster wants to be banned from the air within China.  Enough said, you can fill the blanks for the rest. 

But be aware, there is a "Report Abuse" line under each post.  If you think it should be checked/removed, use it to call the ADMIN attention to it.  Just do not expect it to be remove each time, he will have to concur with you to do it.


Blessed are the mods, for theirs shall be the kingdom of heaven! Amen.

12 years 37 weeks ago
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12 years 37 weeks ago
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Oh, come now, cat with a tie. The thread of Yian's you deleted was:

1) About me
2) I wasn't offended.
3) I thought it was funny
4) I wrote a silly reply about robots.
5) I never complained.

I'm not some thin-skinned Wumao, or thin-skinned former-cop. I don't need an eMommy and eDaddy to protect my eFeelings.


My eFeelings get hurt all the time. It's ok kchur, you don't have be strong of front of us. eCry your little heart out and afterwards we can go out and get eShitfaced and forget this whole eThing.

12 years 36 weeks ago
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12 years 36 weeks ago
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@kchur: while you might not have enough self-respect to care what others think of you, that does not apply to all people. You made a stupid and violent statement, about me, and got a temporary ban. No sooner were you back online, than you were spewing venom and trying unsuccesfully to incite others to sympathise with you. As I recall, it simply attracted a lot of thumbs down for you.

When I explained the reason your threat to put a bullet through my head, and other aggressive statements, caused me distress, you saw this as a sign of weakness; a reason to increase your obsessive personal attacks. In reality, many would see this as a sign of your own weakness.

This site is for all users, and is not your personal domain by virtue of the fact that you spend more time here than most people. That is the same mentality that bar room drunks seem to adopt when they spend all day in a bar - wrongly assume ownership.

I come here to view the constructive advice that other long term residents can supply, and to share experiences in China. It makes life a little easier. For the most part, I simply ignore your comments, as they have little relevance to assisting anybody. I also respect your right to state whatever you think, and do not comment.

Unless, of course, you make a direct personal attack on me, in which case I politely request admin to delete that post, without causing any fuss. However, it is obvious that you do not take the hint from being temporarily banned, or having your posts deleted, so I have decided to make a personal appeal to you: enough is enough. It is about time you grew up a little. Correction: grew up a lot.

The admin cat has to make decisions about what is appropriate, and what is not. That is admin's job, not yours. In fact, you are one of the reasons we need the admin cat. To temporarily ban you, and others like you, and delete your inappropriate comments.

Have a nice day.


Traveler, Thank you very much for your post. I was also the victim of a rather vicious and personal attack by this person and was quite surprised at the depth and tenor of it. Fortunately, it has been removed together with a joint vicious attack put up by another poster and this person. I agree fully with everything that you have written -- this is about civility, and self-respect, and dignity. I come here to share my 10 years + worth of insight into China and to relate my own experiences as politely as I can and in as neutral a manner as possible. I was absolutely, absoutely astounded at the frontal attack that I received. I thought about leaving this site but I will not it because as you write so eloquently, this site is for all users. I do not come here to participate in barroom brawls. Thank you for your post. It moved me.


12 years 36 weeks ago
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(1) I never threatened you, and don't change my words. It's yet another sign of a coward. (2) You engaged me, calling me "lunatic fringe" or some nonsense because of an opinion I stated and I replied, in kind. Then you ran off to your eDaddy because you couldn't handle a verbal altercation that you started. Boo-hoo-hoo. (3) Best way to prove you don't have "thin-skin" is to write a two-page flame.

12 years 36 weeks ago
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Your desire to see me with a bullet between my eyes goes past verbal altercation, and it appears many people have been the brunt of such verbal attacks by you. I do not have to prove to you or anybody else whether I am thin skinned or not; I believe my service to the Australian community, and commendations, speaks for itself. A two page tirade would only serve to reveal that the writer had serious social issues. I'll leave that for you to do, as I really have better things to do with my time. I have asked you nicely, but you obviously feel that the normal rules of netiquette don't apply to you. So I will just continue to quietly report your abuse to the admin cat, whom you also seem to have a grievance with.

12 years 36 weeks ago
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Yes, you asked me very nicely, that was a friendly request indeed.

12 years 36 weeks ago
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It takes a very sick f*ck to laugh, denigrate, make fun, etc. of anyone who has ever been shot. And no, he did not start it.

12 years 36 weeks ago
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I did no such thing, GuilinRaf.

12 years 36 weeks ago
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Yes you did. Are you feeling some guilt, or just going through denial? :-)

12 years 36 weeks ago
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12 years 36 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77