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Q: Changing jobs in Shanghai



So i've been working for a company in Shanghai for the past 3 months.  I've been to get my WP in Hong Kong but I haven't changed it to a residence permit yet as I still have a few weeks to do so.  I've been offered another job however that I would much prefer as it would give me much better work hours for a similar level of pay.  Any idea's what the process would be?  I will obviously need to hand in my notice but will I have to leave the country again?  I've really got zero idea!


Any help appreciated

10 years 2 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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You have 30 days for changing Z to RPermit.


It depends, what's written in your Contract.

You should give Resignation notice, and respect Contract on duration of Resignation notice. Most Contracts I saw, have 30 days notice, what means you must stay at RP sponsor 30 days at least..

Your Co. sponsored WPermit, so you can't just wander to the better Co.


You'll need Release letter from old employer and FEC cancel cert., if you're foreign teacher.


Add 'SAFEA' in search above for address and contact numbers in your city. You can contact them for advice and help.





Yes I'm within the 30 days for changing the visa to a work permit.  The school I am intending to change to does not require a letter of recommendation as it is run by a friend of my wife.  I assume they would rather I didn't have to leave the country to apply for another visa however. 


Many thanks

10 years 2 weeks ago
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Working permit was issued before you got Z visa!

You have 30 days since your entry to China, to change it at PSB to Residence permit.

As I know, Release letter (not Recommendation letter) must be presented to SAFEA at Foreign Expert Certificate application, not to your friend's School.

For new FEC, you'll need Release letter from your old School and (old) FEC cancelation certificate!

10 years 2 weeks ago
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I came on a Q2 visa, my Z visa wasn't applied for until 6 days ago (yes I wish my wife's friend offered me the job 6 days earlier) so I have been on a Q2 visa since I arrived in Shanghai in May.


Thanks for the information, i'll get on to my work about it.

10 years 2 weeks ago
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When School will apply for Work permit and Invitation letter, make sure School write on ILetter 'Hong Kong' as Z visa pick-up. As I understand, it might get denied by SAFEA (Foreign Expert Bureau), and you'll be required to return to your home country, and get Z at Chinese Embassy.

In my case, Hong Kong pick-up was cheaper than return to EU.

Complete Medical exam in China, or if you have ME not older than 6 months, it will be good at Z apply in HK. You'll need WPermit , Invitation letter and MExam for Embassy in HK. You must present originals to the Embassy, not photocopies! 

ME in China is less than 400 Rmb, and in HK is around 2000 Rmb.

If you don't want to stay in HK too long (I stayed 14 days in July), you could use Foreverbright Visa Agency:

US teacher returned from HK with Z in less than a week for (overnight Z) cost of 1600 Rmb.

The cheapest hostel will cost you more than 3-4000 Rmb for two weeks stay, without using Foreverbright Agency.

You don't need Release or Recommendation letter, because you worked illegally with Q visa. You're applying 1st time for Z.

10 years 2 weeks ago
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Yes i've already been to Hong Kong to pick up the Z visa for my current job and my medical certificate is only 6 weeks old.  I don't have the foreign expert certificate now as it wasn't given back to me when I received the Z visa.  My school is notorious for not giving teachers their leaving documents so I just hope that I will be able to get another Z visa in Hong Kong anyway.  If not I guess i'll have to stay at my current job permanently.

10 years 2 weeks ago
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Where does Q visa fits here? No ming bai!

In HK, you don't need FEC cancellation certificate! You'll need FEC cert. at your new FEC application.

If your old School doesn't want to give you FEC cancel cert., ask them politely: 'Can you please give me FEBureau address?' If your old school manager is wise, she/he'll hand you FEC cancel cert. and Release letter. 

If they'll refuse to give you 2 docs., enter 'SAFEA' in above search. You'll find web link with address and contact no. in your city. Call them, and ask them for help.

Your old employer can deny to give you both docs., if you breached the Contract (walk away). SAFEA will support School.

10 years 2 weeks ago
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As I said, I came to China on a Q2 visa, I only got my WP in Hong Kong 6 days ago though.  If only i'd been offered this new job before then!


Oh well

10 years 2 weeks ago
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Did you take an LSD today?

10 years 2 weeks ago
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10 years 2 weeks ago
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Watch out for large butt women in Shanghai, they are hunters. Look for small butt ones, small butt with big breasts are harder to find. 


You might be right! I'm reading it again early in the morning. Brain works better early, before breakfast. It looks, that is/was 'big ass'.

10 years 2 weeks ago
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10 years 2 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman