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Q: Is China the ‘’Land of Contrast and Extremes’’?

It’s not the first time I’ve seen this in China but yesterday while walking home (and I live in the CBD of Beijing) I walked a few paces behind an exceptionally attractive Chinese lady (the kind that could be on a cover of a magazine).

In her long dark brown leather boots and Gucci bag she really gave an image of class, elegance and finesse but then suddenly cleared her throat (it sounded like my Uncle Pete) and then spat on the pavement like a sailor.

I’ve lived here a few years and I don’t mean to discredit China/anyone when I say this but it always makes me dumbstruck when I see such contrast – perhaps this is what makes living in China interesting?

Think about it….just consider the range of prices in cigarettes, baijiu, eating out or the contrast between urban and rural

People are either:

  • - Rude (push in front of you) or giving and kind beyond their means
  • - Stress the importance of rules and regulations but will break them when it suits them or they can make a ‘quick buck’
  • - Really poor or super rich (spending 5 RMB on a meal or thousands in the fanciest restaurants)
  • - Won’t spend 10 RMB to take a taxi but will spend thousands in a KTV bar

12 years 45 weeks ago in  Culture - China

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read the thread started by two are talking about same things...and people do give you good answers there....

btw...have to point it out to you...A CHINESE (real)GUCCI girl DONT walk on the street...


show us photos of you wearing a bikini

12 years 45 weeks ago
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Localla's got a point with that last comment

12 years 45 weeks ago
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12 years 45 weeks ago

I like a snowy Happy new year, rather than a no sky one...Beijing's time to ban the cars---the only solution for the time being...

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Thank Localla.
Ive had a look but cant see a similar topic.

Do you remember what the original question was?


her reading comprehension sux

12 years 45 weeks ago
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12 years 45 weeks ago
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In many previous posts and when friends ask me about China, the contrasts are usually at the top of what I talk about.

A few other examples.

How dirty some houses are outside and yet they are almost clinically clean inside. 
The money forked out for designer things, phones, luxury cars etc then haggling over a few yuan or spending lots of time to find a cheaper bunch of vegetables.

Buying a FKN range Rover that uses god knows how much more fuel than a small car around town but then going nuts because you left a light on.

I could go on. I love it and it does my head in all at once.

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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Jona, all things in life are relative.  While for you China could be the Land of Extremes and Contrast, for locals may be a beautiful place to life (or lousy place for those who wish to emigrate). 
Take your example, spitting on the street.  You were horrified at this gorgeous creature in front of you did such a thing.  Yet, for her is the quickliest way to clean her throat or nose.  Would you rather leave it on the sidewalk or swallow it (or carry it in your purse or pocket).  For them is normal, for us may be repulsive.  But it is their country, we are just "guests" here.
Looknat it in another way.  In America, many do chew tobacco.  And in doing so, do spit once in a while.  Why is it OK there and wrong here ?.  Why two different standards?  One I apply to myself, anotyer to the rest of the world.
I do not care where you may be, as a foreigner, many customs will seem outrageous to you, while"normal every day occurance" to natives.

If it had been me walking behind that creature, I certainly would remember many things about her, and maybe even because I was busy looking elsewhere, would not have noticed when she did her "thing".

There are many beautiful and wonderfu things about China and its people, do not focus on the negative only.  Your life will improve too, blieve me !

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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Good question. I've noticed this too. But I really have no answer. I believe it's culture shock on our parts. But just as HappyExPat says, to Chinese it could be perfectly normal when they do things that shock foreigners. In turn, Chinese probably get the shock of their lives when they go to Western countries and discover people are more confrontational, open and not afraid to mock or speak openly about their leaders etc
China has so many people. It's basically a continent. So you're bound to see everything from the most absurd to the most beautiful in the Middle Kingdom. 

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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Yes... and no cheeky

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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Yes, but only because people in general are enigmatic.    Who do you know is totally consistent in their actions?  Humans are strange creatures.  Put 1.3 billion together and you are bound to see some strange and extreme behaviour.

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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Traveling charm

Yunnan is travels big province, every year has attracted the tourist who comes to see a famous person with admiration, but everybody understood truly how Yunnan should play? Not necessarily. Yunnan travels divides three ranks, regarding the primary traveller, can represent Yunnan's scenic spot mainly Lijiang and Xishuangbanna. These two spot development is relatively quite perfect, the commercialization is quite strong, transportation and so on aspects are quite convenient. Does not need to toss about very much can feel Yunnan. More info about China tour from

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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I would say that China is the land of extreme contrasts. As for the land of extremes, I still leave that title to Japan.

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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Perhaps a better phrase would be a "land of contridictions." And there is. Many. But as already pointed out, every country has its own set of contrasts and inconsistencies. However, to my alien eyes, it sure is wild seeing an attractive girl (who in all other respects is a picture of reservation) spitting fish bones and chawing on meat like a Sumo wrestler.

Because of the number of people, I tend to think of living in China as being in a "society on steroids." It's everything at once, happening all at once, everywhere! A person can suffer from sensory overload just going to the local supermarket on a Saturday evening (noise, sight, smell and touch. Just don't taste it!).

People "back home" really have no concept of the masses of people here. I tell them, "if you don't like crowds, don't come to China." I'm not kidding!

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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would China be China without the contrasts or contridictions
after all thats most of  what makes it diffrent for us

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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Giadrosich, masses of people? Only on the east coast. China is certainly a land of contrasts!

Don't like crowds in China?, go to Gansu (gobi desert) and bask in the emptiness, or to Xinjiang (just stay about a hundred klicks or so away from Lop Nor for obvious reasons).

Take the Karakaroum highway (in Xinjiang) all the way down to the Paki border crossing (mostly paved on the Chinese side because they like to get troops and tanks close up to the border if needed) then follow it down into Islamabad if you have the stones! I didn't, I stopped at the Paki border crossing and turned the frick  around.

Also try looking at the Wakhjir pass in China (Xinjiang). Desolate, mountain terrain. Its where Afghanistan touches China like a deathly long bony finger . They have a well paved road that will get you within 10 or 20 miles or so of it, then its a hike on mountainous terrain.

Its not an offical border crossing  although I'm told there was one back there many, many years ago. It's heavily patrolled by the Chinese army on this side. If you do manage to get across it's muslim and tribal, terrorist city on the other side.

I paid a guide to get me close enough to throw a rock across as my nephew was up in Afghanistan fighting in the US army and I wanted to see it. It was so hairy I advised the guide to stop when I saw it from afar (several miles out). I did not want to get closer for fear of getting caught there and having to explain my presence.

China, land of contrasts...I agree!

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12 years 45 weeks ago
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Yes, definitely, "A land of extremes"! 

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12 years 43 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77