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Q: China. Backward, corrupt, uncivilised. What to do?

Tall order.... How about they start with a Confucianism...something like you climb the mountain by actually starting to climb it, or some such.

Suggestion;  Instruct the police to enforce the law, without exception.  If the recalcitrant filthy scumbag spits on the ground, book the bastard.  Slap an on-the-spot fine on him or (yes, incredibly) her and just go nuts.  Fine em all.  Every copper books a thousand people every damn day.

And when they blatantly disregard all the traffic laws, suspend their ill gotten drivers' licenses.

These are just the first steps up the mountain.

Somewhere near the peak the rule of common sense and reason will have magically sprung up.

I mean, have you ever seen a greater race of sheep?


10 years 30 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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And another thing.  Why don't Chinese people answer a question honestly?  Even the simplest and most unthreatening question won't be answered honestly.  

They can never be taken seriously unless they get real.



Why do you feel that Chinese people need to be honest with foreigners when they were exploited by colonial powers for almost 2 centuries?  I always feel the Chinese resentment towards us expats, but at least I understand where it is coming from.

10 years 30 weeks ago
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-You mean where we introduced free hospitals, ended foot binding, polygamy, and free universities?

-Yep, all those Jesuit Universities in Asia were just to exploit people.

10 years 30 weeks ago
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Cricket: You do understand that the past is over.And China's current sufferings are self inflicted (look at HK and Taiwan). Over the last 30 years, foreign countries have funneled in trillions of dollars from trade into China, let go of the past. 

10 years 30 weeks ago
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10 years 30 weeks ago
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Don't think about China., Try to run away Smile

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10 years 30 weeks ago
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Having a Bad China Day ? Your measure won't work, because they are assuming you have a core of badass, incorruptible, inhumanly selfless civil servants. You should think your measures to take in account that 99.99% of your administration will show the same "Chinese characteristics". You have to build rotting-proof.

In the same time, slowly over 20 years
  * Open-up medias, can report on anything, no taboo
  * In-your-face, name-and-shame public campaigns about basic behaviors, like "Walk on the walkway you numb-nut !" "You fat pig, there is a garbage 30 cm from you, you don't think it's trashy enough like this here ?!". With "Fat Pig Of The Day", demonstration that 90% of the population don't get the concept of right-side driving, etc.
  * Train a core of very well trained administrators and pay them double. It would be massive : teachers, police, etc.
  * This core will then extend and take-over the existing administration little by little
  * Slow introduction (first, at city level) of polls
  * Decentralization
  * Massive education reform
  * Introduction of serious social measures, especially for the old people and low-income famillies.

As for people being sheeps living in a bubble, it's what pushed me to travel and then living in Asia, I though the same of Europeans. Boy, I learned a couple of things...


Har...very good Dr!

I've thought appointing someone to simply loudly cry out "SPITTER"  at every incidence of a grub doing same.

In fact, I want to do this but I don't.


10 years 30 weeks ago
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Actually no, I'm not having a bcd.  But, by gee, I did have one last week though.

Today's been pretty good.  I only killed one student.  Ok, two.


10 years 30 weeks ago
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@royce: 'there is 'Ozz expat community' discussion on the 'ate dog' tread in different ozz accents. Go see 'Adelaideans' and such for (O2O2) cheer.

10 years 30 weeks ago
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10 years 30 weeks ago
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I'm Canadian, it's no better here. My property taxes were to go down with restructuring, they didn't. The municipality just hired more and more people to do the same work. They never make a decision, rather hire a consultant to make it so no one gets the blame. Try and phone any level of government and many business, you just end up in a loop of transfers and if you do get someone on the phone, they are in Pakistan and you can't understand them.

 Corruption? It's here, never dealt with. As for enforcing things, everything is getting too over regulated and controlled. I can't legally change a kitchen faucet. The bulk of my taxes go for policing not education now. We don't need more police, I don't even lock my doors. I find China liberating in oh so many many ways. I need a haircut badly.


"I don't even lock my door"..

Got houses for rent/sale in your place?

I can live with bureaucracy, but not without sense of safeness......


10 years 30 weeks ago
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Your post is extremely vague! You didn't tell us about sex and age of hairdresser....

10 years 30 weeks ago
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Icnff71... Since this is at China forum you can be sure any hairdressers are males of some sort

10 years 30 weeks ago
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Man never touch my head! In China I use Remington hair clipper. weekly!

I'm sure, we could do 'request' for Ted!

10 years 29 weeks ago
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China has the best barber shops in the world. frown

@ Andy, I live rural and anyone I know rural or cottage country doesn't lock their house. Too hard to unlock when its dark.

10 years 29 weeks ago
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10 years 30 weeks ago
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I suppose if you don't like it here in China you can always leave.  Pick some place that you like better and go.  Seriously, China is not likely to change any time soon.


Yup. The way I see it, as usually on ineducated people arrogance comes with money, it can only get worse.

10 years 30 weeks ago
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10 years 30 weeks ago
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I feel the same way as TedDBayer, hey can we make friends? haha just kidding, but i would really like to talk to you, how may I get a hold of you? thanks, Jason.

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10 years 30 weeks ago
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Not likely for another few generations. 


Perhaps you need a change of scenery, maybe try Thailand or Taiwan or something. 


My plan is to invest in some nice tropical property in one of those cheap SE countries and then go back and forth every 6 months... I think I won't go so batty if it is only 6 months. 


I know a guy that does that goes back and forth between Shanghai and the Philippines every 6 months... just does 6 month contracts and is building a small hostel on an island. He seems pretty relaxed. 

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10 years 30 weeks ago
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Royce, you've forgotten or over-looked the most basic problem - the top-dogs. They need to be taken out and shot - both for what they've done, and to act as an example to everyone else below.


They've just done that.  Bo Xilai has been sent to rot in gaol and all the rest of the corruptioneers have given him three cheers!


Stopping corruption is an impossible dream.


10 years 30 weeks ago
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10 years 30 weeks ago
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Didn't kill anyone today but did get caught up in the bureaucratic shuffle.  Luckily I have the time to laugh at the red tape fiasco.


In fact Robk is right.  6 mths on, 6 mths off.

Just how much is a place in a safe, civilized, beach side place in The Philippines?



Haha, I have put painstakingly amounts of thought into it. 


Philippines is relatively safe. Although people do carry guns as much you may find in the states, overall the same rules as China (or anywhere for that matter) apply. Don't be an idiot and go to the wrong place. 


Different parts of the country are not too safe like I wouldn't advise wondering around in the south. Overall you don't need to worry if you stick to the more popular spots, Palawan is exceptionally safe. It's beautiful, people are friendly and the crime rate is so low. 


I mean, how safe is China right now? Been hearing about a lot of random attacks and more car accidents than I can count. And if you don't get caught up in that the pollution or some jerk on an ebike will do you in. 


It's worth it, your mind, body and soul will thank you. Not too hard on the wallet either.

10 years 30 weeks ago
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I've actually never seen cockroaches until Philippines, didn't know they got big enough to carry off cell phones an computers. F.M, scary big

10 years 29 weeks ago
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10 years 30 weeks ago
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The backward, unprofessional and illogical way of things in Asia is WHY I  came here to get good money for being pretty, white and English-speaking.

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10 years 29 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77