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Q: Is China the best country when it comes to gun control?

Seriously, I know it's a semi-infringement in a sense, and a limitations of liberty... but isn't this the most justified of limitations of liberty? Isn't this, for all the things China gets wrong, the one thing they actually get right?

11 years 45 weeks ago in  Health & Safety - China

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Actually, I think Switzerland has better gun laws.  It has one of the lowest death by gun per capita rates.  And it is (or was) the law that every home have a machine gun.


Actually Switzerland is far away.....check this graph her

11 years 29 weeks ago
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11 years 45 weeks ago
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Australia has one of the strictest gun laws in the world but still shootings occur 


I'm curious here: do you know if the post-Port-Arthur, tighter, gun laws have had any effect on the crime rates over the last decade?


Surely that's the real question, here. Whether laws have any effect or whether it's culture that is the primary determiner of a country's gun crime stats.

11 years 45 weeks ago
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Im afraid any good that the gun hand in did, has gone and been replaced by different style and  more updated weapons in the hands of some very nasty people

and the law abiding people get targeted because they have the guns that are known about

Bye the way so nobody thinks that I am anti or pro gun lobby

 I used to get paid to use a gun however it does not mean I have a use for them these days

 I simply choose to draw a line under that part of my life

11 years 45 weeks ago
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11 years 45 weeks ago
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  Is China the best country for gun control? Are you kidding? I saw an attempted bank robbery on youku the other day; one security guard was holding his backwards, another one dropped his and the third one shot himself in the foot!

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11 years 45 weeks ago
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Puerto Rico has the strictest gun control laws in the US, and our gun-related crime is off the charts.  According to my friends in the police department there, only 46% of murders are being solved...


Oh, and to answer your question, I would say no. I think North Korea would have the best gun-control laws in the World.

11 years 45 weeks ago
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11 years 45 weeks ago
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As Brisguy said Aus has some tight controls however in Sydney alone there has been over 100 shootings this year so far and the Gold Coast has a good slice of the pie also.

home made jobs are as good a product

as the mass produced ones that get into the country

Im shore there are plenty of unaccounted for guns in most country's including China.

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11 years 45 weeks ago
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Zhou Kehua. Enough said. 

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11 years 45 weeks ago
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I agree with my brother. Gun control is being able to put a tight cluster in the senter of the target.


Lol. Good definition for "gun control!"

11 years 45 weeks ago
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Before I reply, I have to say that I have loved and had guns all my life.  I learned how to use them from my father, then the Army, and mostly used them for competitive shooting, hunting and self protection.  I never had a problem with the Laws for misusing guns.


Now, guns do not kill people by themselves, the guy pulling the trigger does.  So, to me it is a fallacy that by gun control you reduce crime, since criminals do not worry about permits to have or to use guns.  I would agree that for example, fully automatic weapons should have some sort of control or justification in order to have one, but I do support the right of having semi automatic weapons at my home as a hobby.  Now, I also support background investigations, and even a psyco evaluation if deemed necessary.


But that is me, and if you disagree, do not waste your time and mine, you will not change my mind.  no


let me waste some of your time anyway. After a recent school shooting in the US. Do you really stand by saying that guns do not kill people. If there had been no easy access to a gun, this would simply not happen. Sure there are many other ways of committing mass murder, but a gun can do it at a distance. Americans are retarded when it comes to talking about guns. 

11 years 29 weeks ago
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Scandinavian-- Here is an article form the Shanghai Daily.


Was the knife responsible for this attack on the school children?


Much like the tragedy in the US, broken people are responsible for their own behaviours.

11 years 29 weeks ago
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no it wasn't but if the attacker had had an automatic rifle and plenty of ammo then maybe the number of dead/injured would be a lot higher. 

11 years 29 weeks ago
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11 years 45 weeks ago
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maybe but i was more thinking like it's UK

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11 years 45 weeks ago
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No. The best gun control is teaching people how and why to use them; the proper responsibility and handling, with the proper training. This starts at a young age.


Personally, I've never owned a gun, but know many, many people who do. I fully support a population to own and bear arms. And yep, there are a lot of negative ramifications of this, but the alternative is a lot worse, in my opinion. As Happy said, guns don't kill people. People kill people; lots of reasons why. The gun is simply a tool, doing what it was designed to do.


I'm a great advocate for better training. That way, when a robber comes into granny's home, she hits the target's bulls-eye! Robbery over! Case closed.

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11 years 45 weeks ago
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 A Chinese gun would probably back fire and shoot the owner. No one would trust them. I want to be able to carry hand grenades. Close counts.

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11 years 45 weeks ago
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As a Brit I do tend to favour gun control, (in the traditional sense of the word), however as a believer in individual freedoms (and responsibilities) I am against it.


However, I must say I find the whole idea somewhat irrelevant. Guns are out there, that 'Pandora's box' has been opened and I cannot see any realistic way of closing it now.


To quote an American 'youth leader' being interviewed on British TV after a fatal stabbing in the UK.

Interviewer: So do you have lots of knife crime in Harlem? (I don't remember the exact neighbourhood, but it was a very rough one).

Youth leader: No ma'am, almost no-one carries knives here.

Interviewer: (Sounding REALLY pleased, almost fawning), Brilliant! So what did you do to, to make this wonderful change?

Youth leader: Nothing much ma'am, no-one in Harlem would be crazy enough to carry a knife. They'd get their heads blown off!


  You mean 'no-one carries knives', right?


11 years 45 weeks ago
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lol, yeah, damn I've got to start proof reading these more carefully!


Corrected now, thanks.

11 years 45 weeks ago
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All we have to do is ask the Queen not to invade the USA and they will not need the second ammendment

11 years 29 weeks ago
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11 years 45 weeks ago
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At risking starting a tirade of abuse

Latest stats

Mass shooting is described as 4 or more people killed in one incident


in the 10 years leading to Port Arthur  there were 6 such incidents in Aus

at the same time there were 16 in the US

13 years later Aus has non US has 46

also 9000 die in US every year in Gun related violence

Rest in peace little children



I was no Howard fan, but the gun laws were unquestionably the best thing he ever did. Why the hell do civilians need semi-automatic rifles?

11 years 29 weeks ago
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Only 9k?  Did you know that that's actually less than our annual total of drunk driving fatalities? I mean given that most gun deaths are related to an otherwise booming drug trade I'd have thought that that number would be much much higher. But beyond that, the odds of being the victim of a mass shooting are roughly analogous to being struck by lighting. That's part of why gun control in the US never really took off, because the gun control advocates try to use large news stories like this one to buttress whatever argument they may be making. The reason is that it gets people who are typically unable to identify with the victims of gun violence because of race and class to pay attention, but they never really take into account that these sorts of things are still incredibly rare and really don't affect most people. Once the media snow day ends they just end up looking calculated and opportunistic, and it turns off a lot of people who might support whatever measure they may be trying gather public support for. 

11 years 29 weeks ago
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11 years 29 weeks ago
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Psychopaths are all across the planet equally.

The problem in the US is they have access to high-powered assault riffles and unlimited ammo handguns and whatever else they want to buy.

When will it really be enough...when people start to realize the problem is deeply rooted in the NRA and the gun lobby that buy politicians for their own agenda.

I suggest watching Bowling For Columbine again for perspective.

The second amendment does nothing to differentiate between hand guns assault riffles or even nuclear bombs...where is the line drawn?  When do people finally realize the absurd madness behind American gun laws?

If Columbine wasn't enough...and all the others that have happened from then until now..will this be the final straw for the US?

I am sickened beyond belief and mad as hell right now.


Its a lot more than just the NRA. Its much more to do with the problems of having a large, functioning, multicultural society. Most Americans do not have their lives touch by gun related violence, as most gun related crimes happen in poor, urban areas, and happen to racial minorities, most typically Hispanics or African Americans. One of the reasons that mass shootings at suburban schools and movie theaters attract so much media coverage is because its just so incredibly rare for this kind of thing to happen to relatively affluent whites. Once the media frenzy subsides, most Americans come to realize that they are happy enough with the nation's policy towards gun ownership, and may even like owning a gun themselves. At the end of the day most American voters aren't going to deprive themselves of what they tend to view as a person liberty for something that is usually somebody else's problem.

11 years 29 weeks ago
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11 years 29 weeks ago
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 i do not think China is the best country in gun control.But it is better than USA.

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11 years 29 weeks ago
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I, as most people not from the USA, remain totally perplexed by the refusal of so many Americans to even consider gun control. OK so it's part of your constitution and OK the Supreme court judged that to mean private firearms not just for state militias (I disagreed with that and if I were an American politician that would likely be my first line of attack).


However, I get tired when people judge China by the standards of their home nation as to do so serves no real purpose, and I feel that many who call for gun control in America are doing the same thing, you are often just projecting your personal biases onto a different perspective. If AMERICANS want gun control, they'll shout loud enough for it and they will eventually get it, (although not before the NRA which has a large part of the GOP bought and paid for, has something to do with it), this time I expect more of the same, a lot of noise for a while, then a 'convenient' incident when a person saves his family from a burglar by using a firearm, and everyone will settle down and forget it all again................... 'till the next time.

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11 years 29 weeks ago
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Sorry to involve this post

I reactivated it since it was relevant to recent events  in the US

Today a former foreign minister Alexander Downer said that in Australia 11% of murders

a gun was used in the USA  67%



What do they use the other 89%, rabid kangaroos, snake in a box?

11 years 29 weeks ago
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what do you think?

A golf Club or a Cricket bat of courseno

11 years 28 weeks ago
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11 years 29 weeks ago
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Guns can be had in China, if not surreptitiously but if one is caught with a firearm the consequences can be quite nasty.  Compared to the United States, this country is quite safe.


I would encourage all readers here to read the Chicago Tribune front page every day for one week just to acquire a real idea of the level of violence in an American city.  Every day, every day, on the front page of the Tribune (, there is a lead article about this shooting of so many or that murder of so many.  Not one has passed in the past year that I have reading this newspaper that it hasn't been repleted with levels of violence unseen here -- no matter what another poster around here claims.  Just go read the newspaper.


China is safe compared to that.


So you feel that China is safer because state run media outlets don't print as many stories about violent crimes. Why indeed wouldn't they want to print a lot of those? I mean its just so incredibly naive. Really, if you want to get a better picture of the sorts of crimes that occur in the US and on what scale, get on a real estate website like Near the bottom of the page there is a map with a bunch of taps. One of those tabs is labeled crime, and if you click it it will tell you exactly what kind of crimes are committed in a specific area. Most of the time the shootings are of a single adult male between 16 and 25, and are presumably drug related. I know this because I'm interested in buying a house in Chicago some time after my wife and I move back to the US and I spend a fair amount of time looking into what the housing market there is doing. 

11 years 29 weeks ago
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All of this doesn't make you, please forgive me, an expert on crime statistics.  As I said, I read the Chicago Tribune every day and every day there are grim stories about murders and no, it is not on the South Side alone, Matt, and no, it is always not one drug-related gunmen.  Next, the murder rate of Chicago is statistically one of the highest one of all of the cities of the United States, and frankly, Matt, statistically speaking, apparently New York is the safest large city in the United States.  There are more murders in Chicago than in New York, more break-ins, more muggings, etc., etc, and the population of Chicago is probably 60% or less that of New York.  I also read statistics.


I don't rely on the local press to keep abreast of safety issues.  When I walk the streets here, I don't have that nervous feeling about something or someone behind me.


11 years 29 weeks ago
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Look into what the Chicago PD is saying about this year's spike in violent crime. They, people who really are experts at collecting and interpreting crime data, have said that its gang related. And honestly, if you really did read the statistics you'd know that Chicago isn't one of the most crime ridden cities in the country. That dubious honor belongs to places like East St. Louis Il. Detroit Mi. Flint Mi. and Oakland Ca. Places that have populations made up almost entirely of sub working class people. As for whether or not you should have a nervous feeling here, let me ask you, why do you think that your apartment, and everyone else's, has a large metal door attached to the front of it? This place can be every bit as dangerous.

11 years 29 weeks ago
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For Matt above, what is the comment about "sub work class people"?  Is this Nietzsche or something and are you calling them the lumpenproletariat? They are human beings as we all are and through no fault of their own if over 300 years they have been marginalized, to speak politely.  It's a very, very hard pattern to break and for a fact nearly impossible to overcome.

11 years 29 weeks ago
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I mean that they don't make a lot of money. I didn't want to call them lower class, as sociologists do, because that seemed a little cold. So, I wrote sub-working class. You read the rest into it on your own.

11 years 29 weeks ago
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Yes China is the best country when it comes for Gun control as well as "Mouth Control"


In my experience you need to grab them by the ears until they get the hang of it. 

11 years 29 weeks ago
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No. And recent events considered, I still rather like the approach my country has taken in regards to gun ownership. I would not be in favor of any attempt to change it as I'd consider it a government over reach.

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Damn. double post.

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11 years 29 weeks ago
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