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Q: In china is it a tradition the lady proposes marriage to the man first or not?

Here in the west its usually traditional the man pops the question to the lady and ,proposes to her asking her to marry him! I read that in china its a tradition the lady whom proposes to the man first to marry him Is there any truth to this,or is it more like 50/50? OR it depends? Or is this a rumor not true? Anyone has the correct answer or knows about this?

8 years 33 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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so is your sister hitting on you again


yes she is how did u know u troll? boring life?

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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so is your sister hitting on you again


yes she is how did u know u troll? boring life?

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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Can't even be bothered to type it into the search bar, how lazy are you?!


TRADITIONALLY, the grooms parents meet with a matchmaker, who sets up a meeting with the brides parents. The parents meet and agree on bride price and dowry, then they compare the bride and groom's birthdays and pick an auspicious date for the wedding. The groom meets his bride on the day of the wedding. 





spider are you to LAZY to answer a question? none of what u said answered the question Look i know about the meeting/dinner with parents, the dowry the matchmaker and their birthdays, i know this BUT im asking whom is the one that asks first to marry? I mean is it common the lady asks the man to marry him first OR is it common the man asks her first to marry him? Or it dont matter it depends? THATS my question All u told me is traditions customs are followed by parents who follow the old customs and traditions But some parents are more open they don't follow all or some of these customs/traditions as once practiced

8 years 33 weeks ago
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The parents do. 

8 years 33 weeks ago
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thanks spider

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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You will never have to worry about this. Apart from being a dickhead, you have nothing to offer so as to be considered for marriage.

You can't just give your mum a bottle of moonshine, a bag of roadkill and a shag when you want to marry your sister, as you do in the trailer park.


creepys idea of a overseas trip is when he crosses the creek to visit his sister indecision

8 years 33 weeks ago
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That's what he calls a honeymoon abroad. It must be confusing for cub when his mother, sister and wife are the same person.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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wow wolf and phil u two trolls are very bored! slow year? Assuming this question has anything to do with me Wow your ESP is amazing! But then again phil and wolf since u two are lovers and trolls and work for ECC as spies no surprise! Again, u dont know the answer do you?

8 years 33 weeks ago
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i work for Ecc ? Then someone owes me the best part of 7 years pay even at 50c a post i can now pay my alcohol tab off

8 years 33 weeks ago
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Well done cubturd, you have seen through our cunning design. Who are we spying for and to what purpose? Please expose us. Where is my kanga-wumao?

8 years 33 weeks ago
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In your case phil u mean your useless answers are only worth 5 cents each post so dont flatter yourself

8 years 33 weeks ago
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wolfturd The chinese government hired u to spy and to resemble a smart foreigner with useful answers on ECC Wow u shure fooled them and are they disappointed!! And FYI its ''whom'' are u spying for NOT not ''who'' See, u just screwed up!

8 years 33 weeks ago
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lol.....sigh.....idiot. It's no surprise that the only job you can get is being an internet punching bag on ecc.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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says, wolfturd the punching bag

8 years 33 weeks ago
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Nice job slugshit, just repeat back what you see. "I'm not, you are" may be effective in the sheltered box workshop but just doesn't cut the mustard, fucktard. You must have eaten another bag of dicks. At least both you and your mum with have the same smelling breath. Cock

8 years 33 weeks ago
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wolfturd lets see, a box that sells for a mere paltry sum of 600$ thats all? when was the last time u sold a one of a kind ''box'' for 600$ and can sell more if i want to with customers lining up to buy them? Jealous much? And thanks for so kind remarks i appreciate the compliments!

8 years 33 weeks ago
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Bahahahaha. You are so full of shit. You can't even afford a ticket to Get back to the IS glory hole where you belong and excel..

8 years 33 weeks ago
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I look forward to the day i get the address of ECC should be a cracker of a day had by all hope they have a bar

8 years 33 weeks ago
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wolfturd wow your jealousy is oozing out of that cut under your nose! Lets see, we are talking about 600$ custom handmade boxes i make among oher furniture Wow are u green! And keep on point and focus because we are not talking not coffins or tickets to china ok? Please wipe the manure off your mouth and get some banacca because u are embarassing the human race!

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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I got propositioned last night.  She even demonstrated the bedroom skills! As I was leaving she said the 'dowry' was tradition and we should follow it or something about the Monkey not being happy. Well, luckily I had 20rmb on me at the time.


Am I right in thinking that what you just said was that yesterday you went to a hooker and it cost you 20 yuan? Because if that's what you are saying then I am shocked and I am disgusted and I am quite keen to know the address of the establishment if you wouldn't mind telling me.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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oh,,,  now I get it why she insisted on calling me John !

8 years 33 weeks ago
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i hate it when i don't get a joke. please explain the unhappy monkey…

8 years 33 weeks ago
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yeah,,, just a lame attempt to reference the new year of the Monkey.  no joke to get unfortunately...   joke fail  :(

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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Traditionally, men propose, women refuse. Men would ask their whole family to help, women would asks their whole family to help. Eventually, the guys family gave the girls family everything they've got. If he's lucky, they got married and he became her appendix. If not, he became human flesh dumplings. 


The good news here is we are still looking for meat for this new years dumplings cub.




keeping it in the family sounds like it is right up Creepys ally no

8 years 33 weeks ago
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Well uniqlo keep looking u may get lucky!

8 years 33 weeks ago
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yeah wolf u should know being u and phil are joined at the hip as twins! Very revolting!

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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Usually the men will propose to the women. Then the two families will talk about the dowry and other stuffs related to the wedding. Parents are very controlling here and young grownups are usually afraid to betry their parents if they don't like their gf or bf. But there are some exceptions.


viki, your answer was helpful But get a load of the thumbs downs u recieved for answering my question from those loser trolls who gave u a down vote

8 years 33 weeks ago
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I answered it because I didn't see good answers to your question. I just tired to be straight forward to get the question answered. 

I don't really care how they think of me. I don't come to ecc very often now,it's a waste of time to argue lots on the forum. My life isn't just about on line chatting all the time. I come to ecc sometimes for getting answers or just chilling. But won't be here often anymore. 

You may send me an email for getting in touch.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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iWolf: aren't ever going to dip your shriveled wick there. Give up the internet nice guy jerk off. She just feels sorry for you, shit for brains. Stick to shagging the livestock outside your trailer and family members inside your trailer. Sexting your IS buddy doesn't count, so stop sending cock shots to jihadis.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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wolfturd jealous much? stop drooling! Here, is a bib u can use ok? And again thanks for those so kind words!

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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Traditionally the families find a suitable match for their child and then discuss payment. In more recent times the man will propose to the woman, although the parents still have a lot of influence and are more than willing to demand the children break up if they don't agree. You will find that mostly women won't propose but they will give an ultimatum instead.

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8 years 33 weeks ago
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No, usually man proposes to woman first.

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Necessary tool you say? I'd say you Bruce, are an unnecessary tool in China.

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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-Guy proposes to the girl, not much different from the West in that regard.

-Poor families will ask for a dowry payment in cash or material goods.

-Rich families will buy to you and your wife a flat, and give you a few millions.

-Traditional girls will marry whoever their parents choose for them, not for love.

-Modern girls will marry the man they love, regardless of their parents approval.


random, isnt that a assunption on the rich families buying her a flat and giving them money?

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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Don't forget this is 2016. Marriage proposals do not have to be a man-woman thing. We have been set free from the biblical idea of marriage. China, being an atheist country will soon introduce same sex marriage. So the options open to cub to get himself a Chinese sex slave are about to double.


so now a definition of marriage has stooped so low its now just a formality a man made ritual? Can ''marriage'' be so worthless cheap and useless because man changed the definition after 1000s of years now its just a cheap piece of paper, no love no commitment no loyalty? How sad! After all the hollow rituals and using the word ''marriage'' for anything all it is a sham, why marry then why waste time?

8 years 33 weeks ago
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8 years 33 weeks ago
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Her mother will ask the guy to marry her daughter, if the girl does not ask that first.

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8 years 29 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77