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Q: China needs Jews?

I have decided that China needs Jewish people. In the US at least, art, literature, music, and higher education all benefited from the influence of Jewish people. They whole stranger in a strange land of gentiles, and the focus on education and spirituality at the expense of owning land. Valuing literacy not for exams and jobs but to read the Torah, and finally, lets face it, to humble the locals who insist that "Only Chinese are clever enough to blah blah blah". Well Jews have done everything Chinese have done, and more. Traveled all over the world, won Nobel Prizes, and been treated like pooh by others. China may have been humiliated but hardly exterminated like the holocaust.

-Living in Harbin there was Jewish influence, a synagogue here, a school there, but of course it has been a century since they were used for their purpose...

-So could China import some Jewish intellectuals to change the climate? After all there are an awful lot of Marxist Jews, so couldn't they fit right in?

-p.s. I'm not Jewish, so I'm not writing this to praise myself.



8 years 43 weeks ago in  Culture - Harbin

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China already has Jews.


The Kaifeng Jews are members of a small Jewish community in Kaifeng, in the Henan province of China who have assimilated into Chinese society while preserving some Jewish traditions and customs. Their origin and time of arrival in Kaifeng are a matter of debate among experts.


Stop being so uninformed you all.....




Kaifeng Jews don't have s synagogues or use Hebrew, so they've pretty much assimilated entirely. They even look Chinese.

8 years 42 weeks ago
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I haven't seen anybody in the city dressed as Hebrews, but you can see Uyghurs here in the same outfit as in Xinjiang. There's possible to buy nan bread in Kaifeng, baked in Uyghur's stands, so I was guessing that Wiki statement might be mistake or maybe it's just a coincidence both minorities are represented in Henan.

Doesn't matter what, I'm the winner. In this thread.

8 years 42 weeks ago
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8 years 43 weeks ago
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I agree, and would add that the Jews gave us J.C. Now, if memory serves me, I actually had a brief conversation about Jews with one or more natives here. They knew only that Jews were famous for being bankers, as I recall. Do remember that they are taught in school to laude Adolf Hitler, in parts because his rise reflects their apotheosized leader's rise and in his fall is, to them, perhaps evidence that the USA and the UK seek to crush leaders who speak out against them.

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8 years 43 weeks ago
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Funny you should say that because people often claim Chinese and Jews share a lot of similarities including close families, families that pressure kids to study hard, families that focus on money and status, just to name a few. Now what China could use is intellectualism, and there is a lot of that amongst Jews. What China doesn't need more of is guanxi based money obsessed culture. Just as Chinese look after those In their circle and do business with them, Jews tend to do the same on tightly knit Jewish communities where the synagogue is a place for networking with other moneyed and connected Jews. These networks can lead to croneyism, nepotism, and financial corruption that are common in both Chinese and Jews. Another problem with Jewish influence would be militarism. Now, a few Jewish intellectuals in china wouldn't cause that but a glance at the military industrial complex in the US and the Zionist government of Israel shows aggression beyond a country's borders that lines the pockets of the greedy well connected few. China doesn't need to get aggressive in the Middle East to serve Zionist interests. And China doesn't need to be controlled by corrupt lawyers and bankers whether Jews, wasps or anyone else who is part of the club. I'm part Jewish by the way.

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8 years 43 weeks ago
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Actually its the Arab and African countries that need Jews not the chinese. Chinese are very similar to jews with a developed economical index, a culture thats solely focused on money and how to get more of it at any cost. The jews are who really control the USA, so imagine what would they do if they have 1.3 billion undereducated ppl under their control. 


Hint: WW3 in order to obtain oil, gas and more money


Why do Arab and African countries need Jews? Hasn't Zionism done enough harm already? Though before the modern Zionist movement and the subsequent Zionist apartheid Arabs and Jews more or less coexisted in Palestine. As to your assertion that Jews control America you're categorizing too many people as one block but you're not wrong. Most Jews are regular people living ordinary lives. It is the Zionists who control America, or at least US foreign policy in the Middle East. We're talking corrupt Zionist bankers and lawyers who fund the Israel lobby and donate millions to politicians of both parties to ensure the US continues its imperialism in the Middle East. Actually many of the most fervent Zionists are right wing evangelical Christians but we know that's not where the money comes from.

8 years 43 weeks ago
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Dont get me wrong there, when i said jews i didnt mean it in general terms. I was following the lead the discussion which meant Zionists. To be more clear Arab and african countries need a zionist control, cuz as we can see any country controlled by them is a developed place with inner harmony. I lived in lebanon for around 20 years, so when it comes to israel, i really know what im talking about.

8 years 42 weeks ago
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Interesting perspective- do you mean that Zionist control would develop these areas more economically? Of course Israel is the most developed and arguably best place to live in the Middle East or Africa (well I've never been to the Middle East or Africa but that's what I gather). I'm not sure what you mean that a Zionist controlled country has "inner harmony"... well in Israel that harmony only exists amongst the Jews if there is any. Don't most Lebanese hate Israel?

8 years 42 weeks ago
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Yup most lebanese hate israel. because they occupied Palestine and some related issues. inner harmony is that inside the zionist community which controls israel, the jews christians muslims and druze live peacefully among each inner conflicts whatsoever. And as u stated the economical factor is a huge plus when ruled by those guys.

This arab-israili conflict is stupid and meaningless. They had a cause, liberate palestine. well after decades i dont see any way to complete this mission. so they should just cut their loses, realize the obvious truth that they will never defeat israel, make peace with them and move on. 

8 years 42 weeks ago
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Now that's a full blown racist question. Let me answer with an equally racist answer which I'm sure you'll have no objection to since we're both being equally racists.


If there's something Yangs know, it's that they'd better keep their backyard as far away as possible from Soroses or Rockfellers' hands if they want to keep yanging for themselves.

Spares the cost of kicking them out every 70 years or so.

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8 years 43 weeks ago
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The jokes are now writing themselves...


Care to elaborate?

8 years 43 weeks ago
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"We are special, we are pretty flowers", says every human group since humanity exists... And we need Nordics because , ho, wait we need Latins because ...

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8 years 43 weeks ago
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What China needs - as does the rest of humanity - is a change of perspective.. the first being, that "China" doesn't exist. There are only humans who choose to accept responsibility for their actions - or not (by claiming a 'higher' authority - such as the 'state').

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8 years 43 weeks ago
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China already has Jews.


The Kaifeng Jews are members of a small Jewish community in Kaifeng, in the Henan province of China who have assimilated into Chinese society while preserving some Jewish traditions and customs. Their origin and time of arrival in Kaifeng are a matter of debate among experts.


Stop being so uninformed you all.....




Kaifeng Jews don't have s synagogues or use Hebrew, so they've pretty much assimilated entirely. They even look Chinese.

8 years 42 weeks ago
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I haven't seen anybody in the city dressed as Hebrews, but you can see Uyghurs here in the same outfit as in Xinjiang. There's possible to buy nan bread in Kaifeng, baked in Uyghur's stands, so I was guessing that Wiki statement might be mistake or maybe it's just a coincidence both minorities are represented in Henan.

Doesn't matter what, I'm the winner. In this thread.

8 years 42 weeks ago
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8 years 43 weeks ago
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As Hitler once said, I shall leave you a handful of  jews who they will rule the world.


Hitler prophecy came true in a sort of way.

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8 years 42 weeks ago
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ebenezer scrooge was probably a jew, but the chinese make ebenezer look like a saint in comparison.

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8 years 42 weeks ago
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It is true that the Jews are talented people. However you have to be very careful doing business with them. Their business ethics suck. 46% of the billionaires in the US are Jews.35% of the CEOs are Jews. Nepotism rules. My personal experience with Jews is I would never ever again do business with them.

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8 years 42 weeks ago
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OP, you mention you are not Jewish, but yet only mention [reputed] positive aspects of them. Have you even bothered to research possible negative aspects of them, or are you wishing/wanting this opinion of yours to be one sided ?! Pray tell.


There are no negative aspects of Jews, or Blacks, or Chinese. I can only criticize society. To criticize ethnic groups smacks of racism. I criticize China because China is a society. Look at Taiwan or HK, places where the same ethnic group behaves very differently...

-I'm rather shocked by the direction this thread has taken...

8 years 42 weeks ago
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Naaaaah, criticizing chinese is not racist. most of em are just idiots. and u can say that loud and clear and no one will disagree ;)

8 years 42 weeks ago
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So, you are saying society can only benefit from the presence of Jews in society ? because to speak anything negative invites "Racism". Wow, seems obviously one sided to me then. Maybe since they are so awesome, perfect, etc they should rule the world for all of us gentiles. oh, wait, werent they kicked out of like 100+ countries throughout the ages "for being so good".

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8 years 42 weeks ago
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To add to my earlier comment about Jews. If you think Jews do not rule the US you are out of touch. Wall Street - Banking - TV - movies ( talk about nepotism) -  Newspapers - 30% of CEOs - 46% of billionaires - just to name a few.  If you go to try and get a job with a company that is run by Jews. There are thirty applicants 29 non Jewish and one Jew who do you think is going to get the job? Nobody except Jews like Jews the world over. Why?


Indeed, no one can deny the achievements of some of the Jews, Einstein being an example. Yes there are many shrewd Jews in the business circle, but unlike Mainlander Chinese, Jews have never been, and aren't, known for their fakes, stealing copyrights, manufacturing gutter oil, defecate in public.......etc. In that sense, it is an insult to the Jews to compare them with Mainlander Chinese.


I helped an old Jewish businessman (probably passed away by now) years ago with his spreadsheet, the level of details and genius was an eye-opener. Hhe just needed some help with the formulae. The payment was extremely handsome, something like tripling the international market price. In retrospect, I probably should have been the one paying him considering how much I learnt, and his trust in me as the info was confidential beyond question; his entire business core.  


Well, Jews probably won't encourage Chinese buy Mercedes, for one? 


Apparently you have extensive interactions with them so can I ask you this ---- about 12-13 years ago someone told me Jews, regardless of how rich they were, still refused to buy Mercedes (Germany), was (is) that true? Meaning, they remember....... Thanks.

8 years 42 weeks ago
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not only nepotism, but blatant cronyism as well. 

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I use this phrase with many questions related to Chinese, what would China do with Jews if they had them..

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8 years 42 weeks ago
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How about we take a look from the other side of the spectrum


Israel needs Chinese 

which they actually do

Nothing like cheap labor for a country of lawyers, doctors, moneychangers   

and soothsayers 



I believe Israel mostly uses Thai migrant workers...and some Africans.

8 years 42 weeks ago
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Anybody who is not an Arab and cheap

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Actually Rasklnik one of the few positives I see of the power structure in China is that it's not controlled by Zionist bankers. At least I don't have to worry about Zionist bankers in China, 

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8 years 42 weeks ago
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Judaism is a religion not a race. You can be a Jewish and Chinese at the same time smiley They are already enough Jewish people who moved their factories and wealth from US to China.

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8 years 42 weeks ago
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