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Q: In Chinese couples is it rare for the woman to work in while the man stays at home raising the kid?

Ever known a Chinese couple like this?

11 years 32 weeks ago in  Family & Kids - China

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  It is rare, as I understand it. Me and the wife both work and both take care of our kid in equal measures, which I suppose makes me a working man/house husband. But if anybody calls me a house husband, i'll chop their bol***ks off. Like the wife did mine.

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11 years 32 weeks ago
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Not only rare, but impossible to accomplish........I've tried/ am trying .........I am retired, worked my 37 years, enough is enough............she's worked but got another 10 years in her, in my mind,but try and get her off her ass in the morning............  the "kid" is 23 and working, but still acts like a 10 year old and requires my western influence and guidance to make it in this new world............. I can do that!!  ...but I cannot get the old lady to go get a job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

P.S.   I can cook and clean very well, thank you.

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11 years 32 weeks ago
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There isn't equal pay to men and women, it makes sense that it is the person bringing in most that works. Also, I find a lot of Chinese men seems to not be that engaged in raising their children. There are no tiger daddies are there? 


You're right. 99% of Chinese girls I meet have daddy issues. How many actually talk about their fathers? Not a whole not.

11 years 32 weeks ago
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  I dunno, my wife loves her dad to bits. Can't stand her mum. If you knew the couple you'd understand; her dad's cool as you like, just mellow yellow and sweet as pie. Her mum on the other hand is all ya-ya-ya, and.............those pants.............those huge pants on the balcony. Oi. Tell me this isn't what i've got to look forward to.

11 years 32 weeks ago
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actually I am mainly talking based on the observations in public. e.g. in a restaurant setting, little kid running around being noisy as kids do here, sure dad might interact with the kid, but when the kid gets tired, or trips and starts crying, all dad can do is hand the kid to mother or other women, I have rarely seen a dad pick up his crying kid to comfort it. 


@mArtiAn: the mother in law is a look into the future, if you have a circus tent hanging on the balcony, you will always have a circus tent there. 

11 years 32 weeks ago
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11 years 32 weeks ago
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Yeah, it is.


However, I cook, clean, do the dishes, shopping, etc. Why? Because she has my balls, in a jar, on her desk. Plus she's pregnant, and SHE COMMAND, HULK OBEY. laugh


I'm still the man of the house, though. Probably because I'm the only male here.


Good for you Hulk, and I suggest you continue to obey the love of your life..... I do too!!! be nice

11 years 32 weeks ago
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All jokes aside, I do it because I want to. She's been really depressed after all that shit with her parents.

11 years 32 weeks ago
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11 years 32 weeks ago
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From what I have seen on here,,,,,,,,,  my Chinese family has been a  little more progressive ...........  My wife has 2 sisters and a brother...  illegally I father-in-law, who just recently croaked, ( I have met him) ...seems he croaked after the family was in competent hands ....he worked his ass off is what I surmise from the family......... all the daughters learned to cook and clean, from the father ........ all the daughters learned to work from the father...................  the son came last and he too learned, but was taught, for the most part by the sisters that had already learned............. Dad died happy, knowing he had brought up a pretty exceptional family in China............. very simple low class hard working bunch, that I am proud to be a part of the family with now.

Mother is just kind of a la-de dah conversation with them.......... she is still around and a part of our lives................ but they love Dad

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11 years 32 weeks ago
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