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Q: From a Chinese guy: white guys why do you like Chinese girls to begin with?

Lots of complaining from western guys here about Chinese girls.  Honestly, I find western girls to be more attractive, less money obsessed, having higher energy, funnier, and a hell lot sexier and more open to their own sexuality and desire - basically, more fun in bed.


Seriously, if Chinese women are giving you cultural headaches' why dont you date some blonde bimbo instead?



PS my girlfriend is American and she cooks awesome, delicious southern food.

12 years 16 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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To the narrow-minded poster,

      I am so so so sorry to argue against your pettily narrow point but i've found it an obligation.

      Do you mean women in China are exceedingly fond of money and way too reluctant to have sex with a shabi like you?I am sorry to say that, but you really deserve this title.

     HAHA, funny, can you tell me which woman doesn't expect a wonderful husband? At least they hardly expect a dick like you who is just a sensual animal like an ape,right?And can you guarantee women in the West never worship money? You are just showing your bottomline of your knowlegde. Have you a primary school degree?

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11 years 8 weeks ago
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Truth is ….. I was nearing retirement and my wife had already croaked ,,,,,….   I was thinking about picking up some money hungry bitch in Canada to look after me and maybe bring some extra cash while she worked and I sat at home living off my pension…..  or maybe I’d work another 5 years and bank all my income….  No bills, making about $100,000 and then go traveling…………..   then I thought about it some more …pension is not gonna get bigger, so I’d be working for $5/hr …. Fuck that …so I quit…. And started looking on line for a place to live,  and a companion to be with ………….  I have always liked Asia….. so the Ukranians and the eastern Europeans were early dismissals……… Thailand, already been there, years ago…. And a little goofy ……  Phillipines, well maybe, but they are very predominant here (Canada) something different…..   so I signed up to a Chinese love site..give it a try……  my e-mail was flooded with potential partners …I’m in heaven …………………  but it only took a couple months to know when I had met the girl for me ………..  after dealing with the richest, most influential woman (40y.o) in Beijing and telling her that I could get her pregnant by just sending sperm instead of marrying her ( she wanted a white kid)   …I was wondering, but then I met this girl that just had a simplistic way about her ………  reasonably well educated and “gung ho”  ….  It all seemed right to me then and it does today ……………  nothing to do with Chinese, she is just a wonderful, beautiful person

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11 years 13 weeks ago
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I personally only like girls from Montserrat....


are you talking about girls from the Lime Kiln Bay area of Montserrat ? Surely you cannot have such diverse taste that you mean the entire island

11 years 13 weeks ago
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I admit to being quite the inclusionist!

11 years 12 weeks ago
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11 years 13 weeks ago
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I like girls from anywhere in the world. wink


As far as people complaining about Chinese girls,  when you're surrounded by about 99% Chinese women and you have a few bad relationships I suppose it's easy to start complaining about "Chinese girls" in general.  I think that will happen in any country you live in if you have a couple bad relationships with a specific race/culture. 



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11 years 12 weeks ago
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Con, if I could go back and review your words some years ago, I would definitely do as you have stated, I love my wife, Im not rich but I am surely above middle class and that still isn't good enough, funny thing is; she doesn't spend it, just puts it in the bank and never touches it, except her shoe fetish.

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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Why are you making the assumption that all Caucasian men like Chinese females? NOT.

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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Hey!!! Why haven't Klingons been included?

Yes, they are loud, pushy and prone to ripping heads off and spitting down the neck, but they need loving too....sad

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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I like all women, ethnicity doesn't matter. 


But when you're in China you tend to date chinese girls... cause there's literally 600 million of them. 

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11 years 10 weeks ago
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To the narrow-minded poster,

      I am so so so sorry to argue against your pettily narrow point but i've found it an obligation.

      Do you mean women in China are exceedingly fond of money and way too reluctant to have sex with a shabi like you?I am sorry to say that, but you really deserve this title.

     HAHA, funny, can you tell me which woman doesn't expect a wonderful husband? At least they hardly expect a dick like you who is just a sensual animal like an ape,right?And can you guarantee women in the West never worship money? You are just showing your bottomline of your knowlegde. Have you a primary school degree?

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11 years 8 weeks ago
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i date chinese girls because i am in China, just that simple. Most western woman here in China are fat

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6 years 16 weeks ago
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I would like the girls no matter where I am. 

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6 years 16 weeks ago
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How did you get here? Did someone leave your cage open?

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6 years 16 weeks ago
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My wife is Chinese, a simple ignorant mind will ask 'Why don't you like western women?' 

I don't judge based on race or nationality, I judge the individual standing in front of me. 

Stupid ignorant people can't imagine someone not thinking like them, that's why we see questions like this, basically, 'why doesn't everyone think like me?'


Did it ever occur to you that race or nationality wasn't a factor?


Old post!!!!!!!!!!!!

6 years 16 weeks ago
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6 years 16 weeks ago
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I have dated girls from all nations. I did not come to China and find a wife. I was in Asia and I met my first Chinese girlfriend. From then on I dated Chinese women. I even married a Chinese lady and even though we are heading for a divorce because things did not work out, I still prefer being with a Chinese lady. For me I would say that its their physical attraction that is very appealing to me. The long black hair and the physical appearance is really attractive to me. I love the Chinese culture and that alone I suppose is just a bonus to me. Look at how attractive the children turn out when you mix the two races.


Monkey, as I could record, you are married to a woman in Jiang su? That fast, divorce? I throught you found your soul mate

6 years 16 weeks ago
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6 years 16 weeks ago
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why do you even feel that you have to explain to someone that you end up with a chinese wife in the first place?

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6 years 16 weeks ago
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A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman