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Q: Chinese sexual habit

Most of the girls in china are ignorant about Or*l sex. (Except for prostitutes/ktv/bar girls). They think its such a bad thing. What's your feeling regarding this in china?

12 years 10 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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Over 80% of Chinese gals think sex is a responsibility to satisfy their husbands/boyfriends, instead of something you need to learn and a pleasure to enjoy. Foreplay like sucking, licking, blow job, etc are commonly considered slutty things among Chinese gals, not to mention anal sex and threesome.......Their ignorance about sex is attributed to the fallacy that Chinese men prefer virgins. If gals are experienced in sex, it will be a demerit rather than a merit. Hence, it's better to lie down in bed like a dead fish.


totally agree... The big question here is, how can people change this mentality? Or is it a hopeless case? OR maybe we should be asking Chinese men, how they see the Chinese woman in their society and her sexuality... That would be an interesting topic. In my case, the sexual behavior you describe as being normal, is totally wrong. A woman with not having pleasure in bed, or narrow minded is a complete turn off. And as you said quite well they are not only ignorant about oral sex...

12 years 10 weeks ago
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You had me until the "threesome" part. That's a little too slutty...

11 years 1 week ago
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Nothing is too slutty.  Ok taking stuff public is slutty, but what people get up to in their own bedrooms - cool.

11 years 1 week ago
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Yes, a threesome is too slutty for everyone involved, including the men if they're in it.


What bothers me is how there are so many Chinese who lived in a traditional society with conservative views on sex for so long, and who now think anything is "okay." I mean, it's even worse than western societies in many cases.

11 years 1 week ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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To me, it is mostly a lack of proper sexual education as they grow up.  It is like sex is tabuu, and you are not supposed to talk or read about it. 

In general, a total lack of knowledge of different parts in human body, and how they work and for what purpose they exist.  Couple this with a bunch of old maid tales proven wrong many moons ago, and the natural resistance of parents and children to discuss openly the subject of sex.

Many of the lines you hear nowadays from Chinese ladies are in many ways like funny jokes.  I am referring to things like :

1.- Can not have sex during menstruation because man will get infection.....

2.- I can get pregnant only during menstruation.....

3.- I do not French kiss because if I do, will get hepatitis......

4.- Sodomy, or oral sex, will only give you infections and sickness.......

5.- Foreplay?  What is that ?  And "afterglow", what does that means?.........

And many more that I am sure many of you have heard.


In my mind, it is real bad, because I do feel that a better sex education will have more effect than the one child policy.


Hi, I don't think some of the lines are funny jokes, they are actually seriously issues. Sodomy is indeed not healthy, according to a new  research it can even shorten people's life span if they do it too often. Oral sex with someone you don' t really know well is also a good way to get STD. By the way  foreigners introduced a number of STDs in China, such as Syphilis in the early 16 century. Chinese girls have reasons to be cautious

in my mind ,that is real bad,everyone needs better sex education.

11 years 1 week ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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A girl gave me oral sex in China.


Well, congratulations. 

12 years 10 weeks ago
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Just talking about it doesn't count.

12 years 9 weeks ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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I find that if you give the girl some (good) oral sex first, she will return the favor quite willingly, even if she's never done it before.


Even like that they seem surprised... Wtf he's he doing... Of course in the aftermath it's quite clear that they like it also, as any other girl. (if you are any good at it ).  

12 years 10 weeks ago
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Enthusiasm and inexperience... watch the teeth.

11 years 1 week ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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Over 80% of Chinese gals think sex is a responsibility to satisfy their husbands/boyfriends, instead of something you need to learn and a pleasure to enjoy. Foreplay like sucking, licking, blow job, etc are commonly considered slutty things among Chinese gals, not to mention anal sex and threesome.......Their ignorance about sex is attributed to the fallacy that Chinese men prefer virgins. If gals are experienced in sex, it will be a demerit rather than a merit. Hence, it's better to lie down in bed like a dead fish.


totally agree... The big question here is, how can people change this mentality? Or is it a hopeless case? OR maybe we should be asking Chinese men, how they see the Chinese woman in their society and her sexuality... That would be an interesting topic. In my case, the sexual behavior you describe as being normal, is totally wrong. A woman with not having pleasure in bed, or narrow minded is a complete turn off. And as you said quite well they are not only ignorant about oral sex...

12 years 10 weeks ago
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You had me until the "threesome" part. That's a little too slutty...

11 years 1 week ago
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Nothing is too slutty.  Ok taking stuff public is slutty, but what people get up to in their own bedrooms - cool.

11 years 1 week ago
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Yes, a threesome is too slutty for everyone involved, including the men if they're in it.


What bothers me is how there are so many Chinese who lived in a traditional society with conservative views on sex for so long, and who now think anything is "okay." I mean, it's even worse than western societies in many cases.

11 years 1 week ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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My girlfriend is not a 'city' girl....she is moderately traditional but very free with me when it comes to sex. As such we get into anything we feel like doing as long as it pleasures us both sexually. And I agree with cooter - give her some good oral sex first...she will return the favour.

By the way I hear many Chinese guys get enraged when they see local girls going out with foreign guys ....the local guys fear that when after tasting real sexual bliss, 'their' girls wont go back to Chinese guys, most of whom, I hear, are only good at using their girlfriends/wives as sex tools, not valuing them as their partners. Makes me feel sorry for many Chinese girls and women.


"By the...................foreign guys." There are South Korean males that are the same..selfish,rude,stupid,highly insecure,inconsiderate and oversensitive little b*****s if they see a foreign guy with a So. Korean gal. Some of them will give mean ,stupid looks or stare or call the gal a prostitute or say bad words to the foreign guy,etc.

12 years 10 weeks ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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Well it's a fiercely patriarchal society, isn't it? What the men say goes, and women behave accordingly, and most men (if they're honest) like to think that they are the first one to rock their woman's boat. They want their woman to be pure as the driven snow, chaste and innocent, untill one day they open like a flower to that one man and no other. Not some tart blowing blokes in club toilets. Just try imagining your missus getting blasted by her ex and you'll probably agree. But in a more sexually equal society (as is enjoyed in the west) men are forced to accept that such a wish is wasted on fantasy, and women, in turn, learn to live with more freedom to express their sexuality. But the world's getting smaller, woman are able to glimpse across the internet, a window into a world where women are less sexually repressed. And they're beginning to get angry about it. Shit, it won't be long before women the world over will be throwing off their veils and chastity belts and going down on each other in the streets in a party of lustful abandon, mark my words. And I for one will applaud them! And film them.


My hero!

11 years 1 week ago
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12 years 10 weeks ago
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i kissed my wife one day in front of her married sister after giving me a great compliment and her married sister said husbands only kiss their wives when they want sex, otherwise hardly ever give a affectionate kiss to say good bye to work in the morning.


i think this honest assessment from her sister says more than i could ever express about the treatment from men in china

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12 years 9 weeks ago
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Why not find out for yourself with SEX IM CHINA ON A 30 DAY VISA?

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11 years 1 week ago
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I was a bit shocked at my fiance's total lack of even basic sex ed.  She asked me after our first heavy petting session if she was going to get pregnant.  Once I asked her if she ever took a sex ed class (this is a SH girl) and she said once the school handed out some reading material on it once which she just threw away.  I think this lack of info is probably close to the norm here.   The most annoying thing is that she tells her parents "everything" so they knew when we started having sex. 


The absolute worst thing that happened is once she got a throat infection and her dad was going to take her to the hospital to get it checked out.  He asked her questions before they left as to what the cause of it could be.  She actually told him that she had gone down on me and maybe that's what caused it.  Any western girl would probably rather not have to admit that to her father.  I wish she hadn't had that conversation with him.  If I was there it probably would have been awkward. hahahah   Her Shanghainese parents told her it was "bad" to give a bj and that a Chinese man would never ask her to do that.  It's all good as I have a great relationship with her parents.  I still can't figure out why they like me though as I don't have a house, car or a high paying job. 


Chinese people put a huge emphasis and importance in being a virgin.  My fiance was shocked when I told her that actually I would have preferred to have not been her first one.  It's a lot of pressure for foreign guys because once you have sex with most chinese girls who were virgins if you don't marry them you're really screwing them over.  Only despicable individuals go around trying to devirginate girls here.

11 years 1 week ago
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11 years 1 week ago
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well, u got me in the mood !  I just asked Dolly for a bj,,,  hehe,,, she said  'baaah...   '   I think it meant yes..  mmmmm,,, daddy luvs u baaaahby,,,, 



when you got to have it, you gotta have it, sex or cricket, decisions, decisions.

6 years 4 weeks ago
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From the info I've gathered on this forum, seems an iPad can change her mind about just luck


or the new iPhone 5s actually

11 years 6 days ago
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Make sure is the 5S and not the 5C

11 years 6 days ago
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