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Q: Is Chinese-style KTV popular in the West?

We have karaoke in pubs and such places, but I'm wondering if the Chinese/Japanese style ones even exist back home? If it is, I'd definitely go as it's one of my guilty pleasures here.

11 years 16 weeks ago in  Arts & Entertainment - China

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Hell no! If Canadians wanted to hear horrible screeching and wailing, they'd go to a Justin Bieber concert. Besides, prostitution is actually illegal in Canada, so having KTV rooms with beds and 100 young scantilly-clad girls wouldn't last more than 10 minutes. I do wish that hot-pot would catch on though.

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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I have never heard about anyone visiting the combination of brothel and karaoke anywhere in the west. People do one or the other, never the combo.

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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In my experience, karaoke means you choose a song and sing for everyone in the bar. There are no private rooms, and they have more tha MJ, Michael Bolton and boy bands. Typically Karaoke night happens on the weeknights in various bars. You choose your song and wait your turn.

So much fun. Be there in 5 weeks. 

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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Ohh My God NO!

You could end up a the bottom of the social network (like sprite)

if you even suggested going to one of those places in Australia


Okay.  I gotta ask.  Who's "sprite"?  Thanks.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Yea, who is sprite?

And, sorry your friends can't sing.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Ask yourself

what is the meaning behind me Naming somebody Sprite ?

and now you will have your answer.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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I'm interested too. Who's Sprite?

11 years 16 weeks ago
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11 years 16 weeks ago
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I think Karaoke (for we don't have KTV) is different in the UK to anywhere else, but especially in 'the west'. In the UK the general idea of KTV is to play tricks on your friends, so you 'volunteer' them to sing a song knowing / hoping they cannot sing and make a fool of themselves.  Of course this doesn't work until copious amounts of beer have been consumed, and in the mean time the DJ is doing most or all of the singing.


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11 years 16 weeks ago
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Back in Austin, Texas - the "Live Music Capital of the World - we don't cotton to canned junk.  There must be several hundred live music venues in Austin with bands playing everything from heavy metal, grunge, rock, and bar-bustin' blues to sh*t-kickin' country, tex-mex, mariachi, rap, and motown spinoffs to folk, chamber music, singer-songwriters and... Willie Nelson.

Hell, there's even a bronze statue of Stevie Ray Vaughn on the south bank of the Colorado River that runs through the town.  And even elevator music pipes in the blues.

KTV?  We go to Dallas for that...


Austin and the South By Southwest concerts are great.


All you macho guys make me think about Macho Man by the Village People. 

It's pissing me off. Stop now, doggonit.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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11 years 16 weeks ago
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If any of my friends back west EVER so much as SUGGESTED karaoke we would B-slap  him back to sanity. And then, B-slap him some more just for the heck of it....


Yeah, I'm with you there, bro.  Heck-slappin' is fun!  Ha ha!  When do we start?

BTW, I forgot to mention salsa in Austin.  My niece is a salsa teacher and heads up the biggest salsa dance club in town.  Shake it!  Arranca el piso!

11 years 16 weeks ago
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"baila mamita, baila!"

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Oye como va mi ritmo. Bueno pa gosar. 

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Too bad you guys can't sing.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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EVentheKTV boss yells "ANJIN!!!" (quiet!!!) at me when I sing....

11 years 16 weeks ago
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11 years 16 weeks ago
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Yes, you can find them. I know there are a few in Philadelphia. I think that any city with some kind of Asian population will have them, you'll just have to search them out. The one we went to for my friend's birthday was pretty good. There were private rooms for KTV and also a bar on site. The food we ordered wasn't any good though, so I wouldn't recommend that. They had a ton of Asian music to choose from, as well as Western music, so it was pretty close to the authentic experience, touch screen system and all.

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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yes in the korean chinese vietnamese community quite popular for everyone else not really

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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I have never seen a KTV in my hometown, Toronto or Vancouver. However I believe the Chinese community in Richmond and Surrey British Columbia do have a version of a KTV room.

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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Well the closest I get to KTV is when I pull out the geetar and pour a suspiciously labeled red and sing myself into oblivion. I've never seen a KTV place in Australia actually, but I do lead a sheltered life.


In the Philippines they go ape over karaoke and you can hire your own box and mikes at any venue you might go to including beaches and swimming pools at resorts. They have lots of little huts on most of the beaches and in them you will find coin operated karaoke machines. A peaceful day at a public beach in the Philippines is not possible. But the beer is really cheap so you can down a couple of San Miguels and join in.

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11 years 16 weeks ago
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In the spirit of international friendship, I tried karaoke at Irish Murphy's bar in Brisbane last night. Unfortunately, it isn't a karaoke bar, as I was informed while being escorted out.


are you sure your are not Chinese, going to a foreign country and just assume you know how things are and that every place with alcohol is a KTV ? 

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Are you sure it was the singing

and not  the Vote 1 Labor tee shirt you were wearing ?

lucky you do not have a I love Gillard  shirt

the other side would have to say DEAD MAN WALKINGsurprise

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Scan: It's obviously bad habits that I picked up in China.


Phil: It's gotten worse. Now working in state HQ. I would never wear a Gillard shirt, but do have a Rudd T-shirt.  Kevin loves China  ... Shift+R improves the quality of this image. Shift+A improves the quality of all images on this page.

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Do the Labor party actually know how they are perceived by foreigners let  alone the Australians living over seas and at home?

11 years 16 weeks ago
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Phil: Gillard doesn't care about the party. All she cares about is getting her name in the paper, and pushing her own agenda.


Her latest agenda is to push for legislation, before the election, to ensure that all Australian school children learn a compulsory "Asian language" (meaning Chinese) from their first year at school.



11 years 16 weeks ago
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11 years 16 weeks ago
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Chinese style KTV is not social, I'm not so into it.

I tried the Italian "karaoke" in Calabria, it was amazing, more of a big bar and they play music in the big screen and ppl can just jump to the stage to sing.

Also in Belgium, they have cantus party, ppl gather together and sing and drink together even if they don't know each other.

Like this I think it's more fun

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11 years 13 weeks ago

au fil du temp

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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77