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Q: Cost of driving schools in china ?
Does anyone has any idea what Chinese dring schools charge for a full course ?
My GF sister just bought a car, a used Nissan, she paid 190,000 Rmb for a 2 year old model. Now, my GF wants to learn how to drive and get a license, so she can borrow her sister's car. If I say yes, how much will it cost ?. It is a standard transmission.
13 years 4 weeks ago in Teaching & Learning - Nanning
Thanks, i was told $ 300 to $ 500 USd, so 4,000 sounds right.
man, if you are in Bj and are serious about that driving school, i can go and ask. 100m from my house are like 3-4 driving school. Send me an message here and i will go and ask.
i think that if u r chinese citizen and u can afford to buy a car then it is not difficult to take admission in any driving school.