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Q: cost of life in shanghai

i have a job offer to work in shanghai that will pay me 30000 CNY month with house included. Is this enough to live well?

10 years 34 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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yes, thats more than enough.

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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fcuk you cool, ask yourself, is that enough in New York or Paris  ?


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10 years 34 weeks ago
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If you live alone and don't try to reconstruct the life you had back home, one quarter of that is enough ^^ If you have a family, say two kids going to an international school, you are the only income, and you wish to eat western food everyday, then you will need that.

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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Yeah that should be fine for an international lifestyle as long as you don't have any children. I don't know your situation specifically, but I imagine that for a single guy living alone, 20K+ is OK for pretty much anyone in Mainland China. Hong Kong is another story. But even at 20K, you can responsibly live a clean life without making any bad local compromises. 30K plus an apartment? As long as you aren't planning to buy a car or send children to international school, you should be quite comfortable and have a very solid savings rate.

Welcome to Shanghai!

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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the only thing that is more expensive in shanghai than everywhere else are expat restaurants and the rent.


i lived in 3 chinese cities and in shanghai. all tier 1 cities have the same prices

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10 years 34 weeks ago
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You're rolling in it man. I found the cost of living in Shanghai quite high, I spent what I thought was a LOT of money and I only spent about 8k a month. You'll be fiiiinnne.. 


for what you spend so much?

guess you doing it wrong unless your rent is in your expenses

10 years 34 weeks ago
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I was my first two months in China back in 2011 and I was in a group of friends who all earned a lot and went out about 3 or 4 times a week to expensive places and eat western food all time. I didn't know any better. I don't live like that anymore. I'd say it would be rather difficult to spend much more than that. And I never bought stuff like clothes or tech stuff.. 

10 years 34 weeks ago
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10 years 34 weeks ago
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