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Q: Could Shenzhen and Hong Kong ever merge into one city?

Their business is pretty much entirely connected...Hong Kong entrepreneurs have their factories in Shenzhen, and the city is like a croissant around Hong Kong...

13 years 28 weeks ago in  Business & Jobs - Shenzhen

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Not possible when two cities have different social and law system.

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13 years 28 weeks ago
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Maybe not exactly pure integration, but quite related::

Future integration plans

In Section 114(1) of the policy address on 10 October 2007,[26] Donald Tsang, Hong Kong Chief Executive, stated:

Jointly developing a world-class metropolis with Shenzhen: In my Election Platform, I have put forward the vision of developing the Hong Kong-Shenzhen metropolis and undertaken to strengthen our co-operation. My proposals met with positive responses from the Shenzhen authorities. We share a common goal and have had some preliminary exchange of views. Currently, we are discussing airport collaboration and the development of the Lok Ma Chau Loop.

On 21 November 2007, the Shenzhen Government officially endorsed this policy and included it in the Shenzhen planning blueprint for the period up to 2020. It was announced that Shenzhen mayor, Xu Zongheng, would visit Hong Kong in December 2007 to sign a metropolis agreement with the SAR government.[27]

The plans were originally detailed by the Hong Kong non-governmental think tank, Bauhinia Research Foundation in August 2007, and covered such matters as financial services, hi-tech and high-end research and development, transport, environmental matters and ecology. It was claimed that Shenzhen-Hong Kong could be the third largest metropolis in the world in GDP terms by 2020, only behind New York City and Tokyo. The plan was also endorsed by the China Development Institute, a Shenzhen-based non-government think tank.[28]

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13 years 28 weeks ago
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it will take place .

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13 years 28 weeks ago
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Won‘t happen I think. Like what skater said, and also we don't really do that, merge two cities. Sometimes we merge small towns to be one city, but Shenzhen and Hongkong r doing well as two cities.
But if Hongkong can be merged into Shenzhen and I don't need a special visa to visit I would love them to be merged…… Wink

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13 years 28 weeks ago
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so Rich Imagination, highly unlikely ever to happen. the different social systems.

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13 years 27 weeks ago
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i hope not, if these tow city combine to one, i think the Hong Kong will definitely lost her democratic spirit. Sad


I agree ice, if the two merge H.K. will lose its democratic system which would REALLY SUCK!!!! :(

12 years 29 weeks ago
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13 years 27 weeks ago
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if the HK's economic slide down and worse than Shenzhen. that they may be one.

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13 years 24 weeks ago

Never stop.

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it is already in the works check wiki

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13 years 24 weeks ago
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Yes, but it won't just be SZ and HK, it will be a wider Pearl River Megalopolis, also taking in Guangzhou, Zhuhai and Macao. A bridge is now being built to link HK, ZH and Macao, and a new fast rail line from GZ to HK via SZ. It will mean the huge population in time will be able to travel easily around the PRD which will become one of the world's biggest such entities. The China side manufactures, the Hong Kong side is finance and services while Macao generates more out of gaming than Las Vegas. The potential combination is huge and complementary, not competitive, which is why it will happen. The Chinese RMB is already worth more than the HKD and Pataca so there's no issue of fact the mainland Chinese government wants Hong Kong to be its offshore RMB trading post.

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13 years 7 weeks ago
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13 years 2 weeks ago
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how the puck did i answer this already??????/  

well first hong kong must buy shenzhen an ipad2, macbook air pro, iphone5, house and 2 cars. 
and that's just the price for the first date

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13 years 2 weeks ago
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In the treaty where Britian turned Hong Kong over to Beijing, Beijing agreed to leave HK's political system untouched for 50 years.  So, until 2047, this won't happen, at least not under mainland rule of law, and I don't think Shenzhen will be incorporated into HK with the same laws and currency.  So plans may be in effect, but this won't happen for another 35 years unless there is some serious disregard for some treaties going on.

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13 years 2 weeks ago
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12 years 49 weeks ago
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I don't think the HKers would be too happy at the thought of their city being turned into a "Super Locust Metropolis"

They have the advantage that they can protest.

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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god thing are kept separated to keep them simple and not take away personal freedoms all of china does business with hong kong why not rename china to hong kong. make china a democracy they will not do because it would piss every one off and make more work for the government. Plus hong kong is treated as its own government half of china would want to be part of it  

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12 years 49 weeks ago
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Financially they already started a huge project: a new CBD in Qianhai (Shenzhen's Nanshan District), like a joint city of Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Economically both cities almost in one: people do shopping, visiting friends and eating lunch/dinners everyday. But in terms of gaps of law and order, it requires huge, huge political will from mainland's ruling party, which I think it is a true 'mission impossible' in near future.

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12 years 29 weeks ago
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Interesting question Alva, 15 years already since HK has returned to the motherland, and things have not got worse, have they ?

The Chinese government set the goal to improve the standard of living of mainland chinese for Shenzhen and for the Pearl delta, so that it levels that of the HK people, by then actual integration will be possible......I think that 10 to 15 years should see this goal being reached.

I think that phase 1 will be to integrate HK to Shenzhen, then phase 2 is to integrate HK to the Pearl Delta thus creating an enormous powerhouse.

Phase 3 will be linking HK, Macao, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Foshan, Dongguan, Zhuhai, etc......into a web of links and infrastructures........big projects !!

I think that the Chinese government is well conscious that they need to conduct internal reforms to adapt to the needs of the present millenium, and to the evolving requirements of the modern chinese society, things are changing gradually and I tend to see more positive notes, let's hope that the new leaders will do a better job than the two actual ones, let's hope that the new leaders will work for the betterment of the society and not for their own's or their families' personal enrichment.

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12 years 29 weeks ago
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I think you miss that HK makes money from not being China. If they were integrated, they had no advantage over Guangzhou, Shanghai,,,

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12 years 29 weeks ago
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Surprised how many people don't think this will happen considering all the evidence HK is slowly evolving into an important part of mainland China.  With the 1 country, 2 systems policy, it is discussed and worked on nearly daily about merging Hong Kong into the megacity city, which will eventually include Shenzhen, Dongguan, Guangzhou, and a few other smaller cities.  I read the Guangzhou Daily, and the connections and changes being made in policy for HK is mentioned nearly daily.  As others mentioned, they have the superbridge which will bring multiples types of transit over the sea to connect Macau, Guangzhou and HK together.  Also, many locals in HK strongly believe that the new President voted in was a sham.  The people there don't vote, just 1,300 representatives, many with political ties in China.  There was a large protest the day I made a trip to HK a couple weeks ago.


Change is coming to HK, but what we can hope for is that most policies there such as the freedoms they possess will be something they can hold onto, and maybe the new government in China here in a couple months can look at HK as a reason to make some important changes in the rest of the country.  No longer can China brag about their super economy, now that growth has slowed and many companies there are taking substantial losses in profits. Polciy changes are becoming sorely needed to avoid the hard landing, and to maintain the currently slower, but still growing, economy.




i went to visit hong kong last month, seems like the people there dont want anything to do with china majority of the people dont even call themselves chinese, i got to see some prity cool fireworks display but during the day there was a huge protest and it put the whole hk island to a stand still, seems like they will do this every year, they want to limit the amount of chinese people coming over to buy land as land is prity much limited in hing kong and also they will be happy if the chinese government stops meddling with hong kong, from what i hear the new leader over there has already broken the law

12 years 26 weeks ago
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12 years 29 weeks ago
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I doubt it, just too different on so many levels politically socially legally culturally historically... Two are just not remotely similar. Shenzhen and Guangzhou could in my wildest guess...

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12 years 22 weeks ago
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If Hongkongese are against changes to the curriculum as directed from Beijing. It maybe is highly unlikely at any merger with regards to Hong Kong and Shenzhen. Hong Kong residents  would most certainly not be happy to agree with the influx of mainlanders from all over China. Shenzhen alone has many of it own issues with regards to migrant workers from every village and township around China. I cannot see the resident of HK putting up with many of the unsociable habits many mainlanders still carry through. Reckless driving, spitting, heaving, sneezing openly in restaurants and public area's,   young children and babies peeing  and releasing waste in the street. However in China anything is possible. Many countries remain divided.

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12 years 18 weeks ago
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My HK company has the headquarter office in ShenZhen and I have to travel every day to work!

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12 years 11 weeks ago
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It would be a shame to destroy Hong Kong by fully integrating it into China under CCP rule.  I am sure HKers will agree.  HK and China proper have a symbiotic relationship and HK people are happy to be in the position they are in because they have their own identity, personal freedoms, education system, and a high rate of economic prosperity per capita.  Integrating them into China is like forcing all the people (intellectuals, rich, and common people) who "escaped" to HK during the early years fleeing Qing dynasty turmoil and war between Mao and Jiang to share everything they have built through learning from the free world!  Its schitzo in a sense because CCP can't seem to decide which political system serves them best.  They are like:  First lets kill or reeducate all the intellectuals and counterrevolutionaries, stop people from thinking for themselves, amass all the money at the government level, then decide that its not working so we need to privatize a little and choose who can get rich, and now lets try and absorb all the people who escaped the madness because knew we were wrong in the first place........... You have got be kidding me.  Its not really about the money for HK people.  Its about their civil liberties and not being forced to give them up or share them with the masses of CCP educated mainland Chinese.  It's not ordinary mainlanders fault, but they have something to do with it.  They chose the wrong side when the opportunity was there.  Look at Taiwan..... prosperous!  Hong Kong.....prosperous!  They are all Chinese people!  How come they can do it and the CCP can't seem to understand why?  People always say its because the population is too big, but I will argue that that's not the reason.  The reason is simply because they have leaders who have no clue about how to organize a society based on merit, legality, logical principles, etc.....  Just look at what happened during 17+1.  They locked down everything they could and ordinary Chinese people were pissed!  However, they can't even voice their opinion publicly.  They can only whisper in a corner for fear of being reeducated.  So how about poll every HK person in a census and see what percentage will agree with mainland China fully integrating HK.  However, there is always room for change in politics in the world.  Who knows..... all those socially incompetent, but economically savvy leaders in the CCP could possibly be reeducated. 


Brilliant man.  I can see you love HK as much as me or more.

Get ready for the onslaught!

12 years 11 weeks ago
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Very true and very nice. 

12 years 10 weeks ago
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12 years 11 weeks ago

Be reasonable, but if you can't be reasonable be gone.

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shenzhen is chinese trying to boost ego and face and prove to the world that they can make a hong kong as good as the british,

shenzhen gets to make laws different from the mainland to try and then possible use for other cities ,

if you can do something in hong kong then you should be able to allow it in shenzhen outside party considerations.

we will see if they can make a hong kong , history will tell the tale

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12 years 1 week ago
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I hope not, I can't stand the arrogant Chinese people from Hong Kong. Yes you read that right people from Hong Kong are Chinese, even if they pretend not to be.


I love the Shenzhen public, so warm and friendly, laid back. 


Go to Hong Kong if you need a mirror to look in everyday. If you catch my hint.

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12 years 1 week ago
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A:  If you received an online degree in most cases it should have be
A: If you received an online degree in most cases it should have been from a reputable college. If it came from a degree mill that definitely would be a problem. You should not worry about how they will contact this place. If the degree is considered authentic the people will know where to go to inquire. In my case I needed a copy of my diploma and one company in China recommended a Clearinghouse that was able to verify my degrees. They did not provide copies of the diploma, though. If the place where you received this degree is acceptable in your country then, it should be acceptable in China.Another point to consider you stated it was an MS degree. I have not aware of any programs that allow students to hop from a high school education to a Masters degree level education. With that said maybe you received a Bachelors degree. If that is the case submit that information.  I would not encourage you to lie. In that you definitely will not have any paper trail to back up your story. Some companies do not accept TEFL online especially if it came from International Open Academy. That place is a one room office. I would consider that a TEFL mill. It was such a waste of time.Do you have the ability to do searches online? -- slspringer22