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Q: Could there ever be a music artist in China that is alike to Zeppelin or Beatles?

As I listen to 70's and 60's American Rock artists such as these on the bus every day I just wonder if there ever will be a Chinese artist as revolutionary and talented as the great artists in the West.  I've honesty never heard a Chinese rock band play but I'm guessing their sound quality and musical abilty can only go so far in such a dogmatic society limitng all forms of creativity basically from birth. So has anyone heard any artists here that would match our Zeppelin, Floyd, and Beatles and others from that era? Also, how does China view that rock scene: do they view it sort of like we view their musical culture or is it totally different?



9 years 2 weeks ago in  Arts & Entertainment - China

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eventually but not anytime soon.


the reason 60s-70s rock and really all classic timeless kinda music hits for so many people over such a long period is that it comes from a place of authenticity and honesty.


Though maybe not the beetles because most of their lyrics are gibberish (not saying it isn't great but it's great for another reason)


If theres one thing that locals seem to be in lock step with us on is that mainland chinese entertainment sucks because it is so inauthentic. Chinese shows & movies are all preachy and one sided and irrelevant. Dumbass palace dramas and circle jerk ww2 films.


Part of authenticity is confronting issues that are relevant to people's lives but that involves addressing issues and angst and stuff. Not what they want to do.


Let me give a non-music example, I think the situation of migrant workers could be made into a masterpiece of a movie in the right hands. You get some guy who grew up in an inland province getting fed maoism and now all he can do is live like shit in the big city pushing boxes around, everybody looks down on him. His kid's a lazy fuck but has all these hopes and dreams forced on him to get a good gaokao score and make the family rich but it's clearly hopeless.


There's totally an amazing story to be told there, but it would involve too much introspection than they would let fly.


Same with music you know? You'd think there could so be like a chinese bruce springsteen singing about working class heartland values and issues. Or a bob dylan type.


There's so much existential angst here just all across the board, so much material for such great art but making that art involves confronting issues and showing how they affect people's lives etc and I just don't think they're ready for that.


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9 years 2 weeks ago
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For sure. 


1) There are a lot of people, so a lot of talent. Statistics, basically

2) Middle class is growing, so more time and money can be devoted to art

3) China is going through few different revolutions currently (industrial, sexual, consumer, civil rights) similar to 60s/70s bands

4) I think it's unfair to say that China limits all forms of creativity. There is plenty of art coming out of China

5) Specifically, a lot of good music too (see: Carsickcars, Snapline, Cui Wan)


The time is ripe for the Chinese music scene. The main problem is the taste of the population. 


Middle class isn't growing. Today is as good as it will ever get for China, from now on it goes downwards.

And it doesn't look like anything remotely resembling a higher cosmopolitan sophisticated class is emerging.

Just a bunch of zombies with a phone stuck in their hands.

9 years 2 weeks ago
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There is lots of good Chinese music, you just need to pay attention to it.

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9 years 2 weeks ago
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eventually but not anytime soon.


the reason 60s-70s rock and really all classic timeless kinda music hits for so many people over such a long period is that it comes from a place of authenticity and honesty.


Though maybe not the beetles because most of their lyrics are gibberish (not saying it isn't great but it's great for another reason)


If theres one thing that locals seem to be in lock step with us on is that mainland chinese entertainment sucks because it is so inauthentic. Chinese shows & movies are all preachy and one sided and irrelevant. Dumbass palace dramas and circle jerk ww2 films.


Part of authenticity is confronting issues that are relevant to people's lives but that involves addressing issues and angst and stuff. Not what they want to do.


Let me give a non-music example, I think the situation of migrant workers could be made into a masterpiece of a movie in the right hands. You get some guy who grew up in an inland province getting fed maoism and now all he can do is live like shit in the big city pushing boxes around, everybody looks down on him. His kid's a lazy fuck but has all these hopes and dreams forced on him to get a good gaokao score and make the family rich but it's clearly hopeless.


There's totally an amazing story to be told there, but it would involve too much introspection than they would let fly.


Same with music you know? You'd think there could so be like a chinese bruce springsteen singing about working class heartland values and issues. Or a bob dylan type.


There's so much existential angst here just all across the board, so much material for such great art but making that art involves confronting issues and showing how they affect people's lives etc and I just don't think they're ready for that.


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9 years 2 weeks ago
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Could there ever be a music artist in China that is alike to Zeppelin or Beatles?

As I listen to 70's and 60's American Rock artists such as these


I'm totally confused!

Neither Zeppelin (if Led Zeppelin) nor (The) Beatles were "American Rock artists"... neither were American,  and the Beatles are pushing it to be referred to as 'rock'... And then to pull in Pink Floyd (I presume that's who you're referring to with  'Floyd' - just in case there was another band called Floyd which were a American rock band).



Otherwise - the answer will be a 'yes'. for the same reasons the others have said.



C'mon man, now I gotta start a new account and try to pose as a foreigner all over again.

9 years 2 weeks ago
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9 years 2 weeks ago
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There are good Chinese bands, but they will be of limited appeal for a foreigner.


-Any good band probably sings in Chinese, often a local dialect, so unless you understand that fluently you won't get it.

-Most of the population like terrible pop music so rock bands have limited exposure and many good bands are only known in their home regional areas.

-The govt prefer rock music that sounds somewhat like 'November Rain' by Guns and Roses and be an annoying ballad with a superfluous show-off guitar solo. Anything that sounds more hard hitting than that should be careful of disapproval and have no exposure or radio airplay.

-Even in the west many people dislike modern rock music and prefer 60s, 70s and 90s rock, and lament the 'lack of modern talent'.

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9 years 2 weeks ago
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There used to exist the beginning of such an underground rock scene culture, back in the 80's, and then stuff happened and these were repressed and ceased to exist along with any pure leisure activity with no face/money prospect.


I kind of felt it wanted to grow again at the end of the of the 2000's, but the reality is, beyond what everything expatlife said which is completely true, any attempt at anything authentic or truly original either is at risk of being shut down or simply not getting any fund, because no Chinese producer will ever invest in anything else than a standardized rip-off of a rip-off of last year's Honk Kong/Taiwan megahit which itself is a semi-rip-off some 90's western classic.

Chinese internet provides no social platform where people can post stuff and share and hope for the best. There's no equivalent of a Youtuber in China because all these video platforms, hungry for money, would much rather fill their server space with stolen US TV instead of thousands of hours of user-made video (that need to be censor-managed).

No platform, no prospective, hardly any potential audience, and of course social pressure to do something "productive" with your life. Hard to grow anything there, but that's not it.


Last but not least, a regular band in PRC does need to be government-approved, part of the process requiring to actually declare all songs (and lyrics I guess). Anything you'd do would otherwise be illegal and potentially used as an excuse to shut you down or worse. You know, just in case anyone had one shred of hope left.


And this was before the current administration which, as we all know, is actively working on keeping it all as sterile as can be.

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9 years 2 weeks ago
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I've been to a ton of underground rock concerts in Beijing and frankly, a lot of the bands I've seen were really good. 


I think my favorite might still be Brain Failure (脑浊). They are one of the oldest "true" rock bands in China. Last time I heard, they're still playing in Beijing and still do tours (in China, but apparently they've played in the U.S on a few occasions). You should definitely go see them if you have the chance, their live performances are some of the best memories I have of high school and college.


Now the problem is, this is underground rock because, well, rock isn't an influential movement anymore, and as far as I know, it's still illegal in China (but ignored by the government as long as the lyrics aren't about "sensitive" subjects), so this kind of bands will most likely never make it to the mainstream.

Taking these facts in consideration, there are very little chances that Chinese rock will ever become influential. Or any rock bands on an international scale for that matter -  there hasn't been a singer or band that truly mattered or influenced the world for a long time.


There definitely is a lot of untapped talent in that scene, though.


Very true what you say. I've been to some concerts too back in my time in Shanghai and honestly, well I was never really telling myself we got the new ACDC or what but I totally saw potential.


But I also picture how these bands just won't ever see anything to compare themselves to, meet other bands and compete or whatever and get better at what they do. There's just no scene.

If will stay dormant for that reason.

9 years 2 weeks ago
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Ok, I'll hijack the thread-


Name the best band/musician ever,,,,ok,,,,, too damn limiting.  list the 3 best bands/musicians ever.  

*give reasons if you want to....


3. Kurt Cobain
2. Freddie Mercury

1. Elvis


The Rolling Stones are the best band ever,Mick Jagger is best front man in the world.

9 years 2 weeks ago
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AC/DC another fantastic band,they are touring now Rock or Bust world tour

9 years 2 weeks ago
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I seen the Stones many, many moons ago 1980'somethin.... , I had always been a fan, even though I'm not a '60s guy.  but, they seemed off their game that nite.  ZZ Top opened for them and seemed to totally out rock them!   granted Mr. Jagger has that unique persona that set's those top guys apart.... like Freddie and hmmmm.... well, very few.

never seen AC/DC.  liked some of it sometimes though.

9 years 2 weeks ago
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Surprisingly, there is a very active rock music scene in Zhongshan and I must assume also in most other cities since this is a bit of a backwater. Many of the bands are quite good but the most popular seem to be Metal bands. It's not my cup of tea but the musicians are very skillful. Some awesome guitarists here if you like guys who can shred. I like Indie music but that genre hasn't reached these shores.


As was mentioned earlier, IMHO the problem isn't with the talent pool, it is with the musical taste of most people. Michael Jackson, Taylor Swift and Avril seem to be the staple diet.

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9 years 2 weeks ago
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Pink Floyd? Led Zeppelin? Get out of your dad's record collection already!


Pink Floyd are dreary, awful psychedelic art nonsense.


Well luckily for Pink Floyd, tens of thousands of people would disagree with you.

9 years 2 weeks ago
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Shine on you crazy diamond ~

9 years 2 weeks ago
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Tens of thousands of people voted for the Nazis. Tens of thousands of people listen to Justin Bieber. The early stuff with Syd was interesting but after that it was a long and dreary journey up their own fundamental orifices. They stitched Syd up as well - he wasn't commercially viable. More about rooting seventeen year old girls and making money rather than expanding consciousness.

9 years 2 weeks ago
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Goodness me NZteach....Goodwin's law in a music thread :-)

9 years 2 weeks ago
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how about Uriah Heep, or YES, or Jethro Tull

8 years 38 weeks ago
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Well, I guess I can only speak for Guangzhou (and that is a mere city of 15 mil). The few places that carry live music seem to be foreigners mostly. I don't see any original Chinese artists. Nor does there seem to be any interest in local artists or live music in general. To answer your question, no.


Does anyone even pay for music or listen to albums? I don't think Chinese appreciation of music is very deep


you're right, the youth here have no interest in music or art of any kind.  It's a symptom of a soulless society.

8 years 38 weeks ago
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Cui Jian?

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we are Motorhead and we PLAY ROCK N ROLL

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8 years 38 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77