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Sign up with Google Sign up with FacebookQ: Is Covid contained or spreading in China ?
asking for a friend
4 years 16 weeks ago in Health & Safety - China
That is a difficult question to answer. It is difficult to understand how China can shutter entire communities and cities when there are only a handful of infections. Yet, this is being done. Logic says that there must be a much higher number that is not being reported in the media to justify these large scale shutdowns. Until China accurrate and honestly submits data, your friend's question will remain unanswered.
course someone who's been around as long as ted d bayer knows that,,, he's probably just lookin' to get people talking about it again....
"It is difficult to understand how China can shutter entire communities and cities when there are only a handful of infections. Yet, this is being done."
China isn't the only country doing this though, we did the same thing here in NZ and a state in Australia has recently done pretty much the same thing. We aren't the only countries to take this approach.
"Logic says that there must be a much higher number that is not being reported in the media to justify these large scale shutdowns."
I think that's exactly the logic they're working on. By the time someone starts showing symptoms and comes forward to be tested they've already been around countless people, coughed on countless door handles etc ... it's next to impossible to know who they might have infected and in the meantime those newly infected are walking around, coughing on countless door handles, using public transport etc. A few of those infected might be picked up in testing but the majority probably won't be, especially if they show no symptoms, they'll continue quietly spreading it.
So whatever official numbers they release to the public I doubt that the scientists trying to contain the virus assume that because they found a handful of cases then they only have a handful of cases, they'll be going on the assumption that the handful of cases they know about will indicate probably a busload of cases out there all unknowingly spreading it around. 1 very quickly becomes 2 becomes 7 becomes 35 becomes150...
If you've decided that containing the virus is less damaging overall than letting it get out of control I think that closing down a community or city when you find a handful of cases makes a lot of sense.
Pandemic is spreading ...
In perhaps one of the most high-stakes Zoom mishaps of the pandemic, Argentinian MP Juan Emilio Ameri decided to suck on a woman's breast amid a virtual parliamentary session, which resulted in his suspension and resignation.
Sep 25, 2020 15:15
In perhaps one of the most high-stakes Zoom mishaps of the pandemic, Argentinian MP Juan Emilio Ameri decided to suck on a woman's breast amid a virtual parliamentary session, which resulted in his suspension and resignation.
During Thursday’s budget talks the father-of-three legislator first put a young woman on his lap, then pulled her top off and proceeded to touch her breast with his mouth. Ameri was suspended immediately after the scene played out for both his fellow MPs and the viewers at home.
He was simply reminding and demonstrating that Fresh Milk is good for you! Covid hates fresh milk,,, hot water too now that we are on it....
You never imagine, you would be one of the high gov. officials ... , you know 'working' from home ... over the Zoom-town.
Of course it has been completely eradicated from China for several months. Only those filthy western dogs keep attempting to reintroduce the virus. Legitimate measures are undertaken to ensure the ideological purity of the mainland. We praise the Chairman for his foresight and planning to bring peace, prosperity and harmony to the society.
and ... selling some PPE to other nations battling China virus .., i.e. Chinese humility ... and influence .. .
US-China feud escalates as American diplomat accuses Communist Party of turning ‘local epidemic into global pandemic’