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Q: Criminal record in china

Hi friends 2 years before i stolen a laptop from stores then the police caught me and they made me to over stay for about 1 month and after that the police return back my passport and i got 3 days visa for returning back to my country,and again now i am planning to visit china there will be any problem in getting visa or will it be possible to get visa for china?

11 years 17 weeks ago in  Visa & Legalities - China

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Do you know?

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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Contact the Chinese Embassy in your country and ask them about it. Be honest and upfront, admit your wrong doing, show remorse and see what happens. Worse they can do is to tell you that you can not enter China for 5 or 10 years if your crime was registered.


Happy, he posted same Q yesterday. Q got harmonized, and he posted same thing again.. 

11 years 17 weeks ago
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but there was no red stamp in my passport at that time they just given 3 days visa and le me go to my country..

11 years 17 weeks ago
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If not do you have an other answer or the best person to get suggestion ?


11 years 17 weeks ago
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kopallesrinivas: There is no way any member of this site can have access to your records in China to answer your question. Just the mere fact that you were given three days to leave the country does not look too good. If they stamped your passport or not is irrelevant, the important thing is what does your record says. And the only way to find out is to go to the Chinese Embassy in your country. Now, if you dislike my answer, then so be it, and good luck to you, you will need it !

11 years 17 weeks ago
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11 years 17 weeks ago
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Apply to embassy for visa. If not ask 88matty for a fake one, only 10,000 Y.

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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It's no good coming onto this site and asking the same question over and over, just so you get the answer you want to hear. That isn't going to change anything.


The only ones can give you an answer is the Chinese consulate.

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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probably a good idea to lose your passport and get another one with a new number , but if they have facial recognition software, you have more problems.

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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bad things= no visa for china

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11 years 17 weeks ago
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A: Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I
A:Well, doing a medical exam ahead of time wasn't actually necessary. I signed a promissary note stating that I was in good health and would do the result once I arrived in China. This was enough. -- norninman