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Q: Did toilet paper just jump in price?

For 3 years now we've almost exclusively wiped our bottoms with Vinda 2000 (200g per roll) 3 years ago, on a good day, a pack could be 29-30RMB, the price has crept upwards 31, but now all of a sudden (the last month) I can only find it in the price range 35-40RMB ? 


The situation is getting critical, we still have Spring Festival guests staying, and are down to just 4 extra rolls

10 years 32 weeks ago in  Lifestyle - China

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Maybe they just tried to make a few extra bucks out of people who just came back from holidays. I wouldn't be surprised. Man you should stock up essentials, or have faith you won't get stuck in a real emergency situation here. I experienced an earthquake already, and believe me, people are able to create dangerous situations over dangerous situations just with selfish behavior.


yes. 4 rolls stock is not a lot, especially as the nearest shop that is open all days year round is 400 meters away. 

10 years 32 weeks ago
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10 years 32 weeks ago
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prices are always marked up for everything during the spring festival holiday, prices will fall shortly after everyone starts saving for next year and nobody is buying.


yep, we bought remote controled Lambo as new year givt for our 3 y.o. for 109rmb at the new year day. yesterday I went for fruit there, and the same one was for 39 in "promotion" . I cried cool 



10 years 32 weeks ago
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10 years 32 weeks ago
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We us e the same, Scandi indecision I can not accept another one here. Maybe if find better one ... 

and we have last 2 or 3 rolls here too, so at Sunday I will go there and check if the price hop up or not. 


I got a pack of Vinda 2000 from Carre Four for 29.80. Saw it in AEON today as well where it was 30.80 on sale, normal price tag was there too, 39.80. The good old hobby of Laduzi can be costly if practiced when the price is not right. 

10 years 31 weeks ago
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10 years 32 weeks ago
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When I came to China, 5pc chicken mcnuggets were 4 RMB, now they're 8.


are you suggesting I wipe my bottom with nuggets ? I guess that is not the worst way to use them


10 years 32 weeks ago
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10 years 32 weeks ago
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