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Q: do age differences or age matter for marriage to chinese women

do Chinese women not mind a foreign mans age or his age difference before they marry him? I understand Chinese women dot mind if there I a large difference in their ages! if so why is this? I have chatted with many Chinese ladies from 15 to 30 years younger than me! And they all have told me its very common in china women marrying much older men than they are! is this true?

9 years 15 weeks ago in  Relationships - China

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Ask yourself a serious question Cub. There are lots of men out there on dating sites looking for Chinese women to marry. You say your potential bride has a masters degree, owns her own company earning 600,000rmb/year and is good looking. 


So why in hell would she want to marry someone twice her age, with disabilities, "earning" $11,000/year?


open your eyes mate! The others are right here. She wants US citizenship. Yes she'll stay with you for a couple years but as soon as she has her U.S. Passport she'll leave you for a younger model. You'll have had a couple of years of fun and have lost your virginity & may even have a child but you'd also lose that as she's the one with woman to afford a good divorce/custody lawyer!


Are you prepared for that?


maybe she is tired of the chinese men in china not being faithfull loyal and all the cheating they do! I guess all the stories about chinese women being faithful and loyal to their man and family are all lies right? Ok, lets say with your crystal ball theory that negatively we get a divorce afer a few years, Is this what u will tell your furure lady this? or are u married now and began your relationship dating with your wife by knowing this now? That is if u are married! U have already doomed your relationship with doubting u will be married only a few years! Who says i or she wants kids here? What is she going to get from me in a divorce? Materialy im not rich and before she gets a green card she has to have and prove to my government her income and a business her constant source of income before she marries and during when she is married! Just maybe she wants to marry me because yes, she loves me dont like the way chinese men treat/abuse women and cheat on them! Maybe cleaner air less people more freedom is why she want to marry me! See, u cant tell me she wants to marry me because of my wealth so that worn out myth dont fly! And marry for a green card that takes lots of red tape by my government to go through the expenses she pays and then at lest 4 years to get a green card? where is the incintive for doing this because it wil take years to get done? Maybe she wants to marry me b ecause of my character what i have to offer her thats on the inside not my looks externally! So what if i lose my virginiy to her after we marry,so what? i rather i give her my virginity after i marry her than before i marry her! Isnt that what a man as a husband supposed to do? So u can start a relationship on doubts negativity already dooming a future marriage like most nay sayers here are doing but im not ok? Yes, i am being cautious careful not rushing things ok? i am listening to advice suggestons from others why u think im here for? i guess u could call me stubborn but i dont and wont give up !

9 years 14 weeks ago
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... It doesnt take 4 years to get a green card

9 years 14 weeks ago
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I'm dooming your relationship, not mine!


I am married, to a Chinese lady, but....I met her in China, in real life, not on the Internet. It is a marriage of equals (status, money, etc) & both of us are very happy living in China. 


It could be that your potential wife doesn't want to marry a Chinese guy for the reasons you mention but to me your situation makes alarm bells ring. Sorry if you're not happy with that. 

9 years 14 weeks ago
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9 years 14 weeks ago
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Hey Vicky

You want t get this one!!!!


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9 years 15 weeks ago
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Good for you.

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9 years 15 weeks ago
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Sometimes they marry older, but never to a disabled person, unless they are committing fraud.


care to explain this fada?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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You really are stupid aren't you! My statement is about as self explanatory as 1+1=2

9 years 15 weeks ago
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fada, im asking u to explain the fraud part and what does age have to do with fraud? now u are resorting to grade school name calling? relax ok? no need to get bent out of shape about this!

9 years 15 weeks ago
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1000 US dollars and ill tell you why its a scam.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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sorry fada i dont do bribes here ok? this site is a site based on the exchange of FREE info and advice, not on 1000$ bribe money! she is the one paying for everything not me!

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Its not a bribe, its a fee for knowing which button to push, contact your benefactor and arrange it.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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What part of china are you from anyway? Your level of chinglish would suggest a tier one city.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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fada, im from the USA part of china ever hear about it? So, u are u a grammar expert now? congrats!

9 years 14 weeks ago
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9 years 15 weeks ago
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my wife is 28 and Iam 48 age is not an issue for us.


how can it be a issue for u? u knew about your age difference before u married her didnt u? of course i guess duriing your marriage are your age differences are more noticeable?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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sorry I meant to say its not an issue I left out word,sorry  we dont have an issue with our age.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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I should have wrote not an issue

9 years 15 weeks ago
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So why don't you edit it?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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thanks robrocks just asking! So your age difference dont bother u its not a issue? what country/state u live in?

9 years 14 weeks ago
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shining, maybe he didnt edit it ecause up to now after i asked him why is age difference between him and his wife was a issue he hadnt noticed his goof and hadnt edited it!

9 years 14 weeks ago
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robrocks, according to spiders age difference formula to determine how old a lady u should marry, your wife is 3 years too young for your age! Care to tell spider his formula is off 3 years in your case? All i know is love cares less how old u or she is or what your age differerences are!

9 years 14 weeks ago
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Except, Cub... I asked him FIVE HOURS after he admitted it was a mistake....! d'uh!

9 years 14 weeks ago
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oh yes shining u are so perfecDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

9 years 14 weeks ago
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9 years 15 weeks ago
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If the wallet is large enough, then age isn't an issue.


However, for normal relationships, large gaps in age can present an issue.

5-10 years, there shouldn't be too big of an issue.  Larger spans than that, and you run into large differences in life experience, and generational gap.  When you factor in cultural gaps, and possible class differences...  Yes, large gaps in age can pose a problem, unless you are very wealthy, or if fraud is taking place.



It is the same in ANY culture.  Chinese, American, Filipino...


right about all races having this! look spider, this lady im in a relationship with, is 28 yrs younger never married, she and her parents know my age our differences of ages and they are ok with this! she is willing to pay for everything the car house trips to china with me wedding expenses immigration lawyer costs of all fees from immigration process Yes she can afford this but even though she has wealth she dosent want to waste money spend it foolishly! She knows i cant afford any of this So in reality, shes the one who is paying/spending buying everything to get a house car wedding immigration lawyer all the visa fees plane tckets so she can get married! So its up to her how much she wants to get married And being she needs to get a joint bank account keep her company as a provable scource of income for 3 years my government requires so our combined income i now am allowed to marry her in my country! Of course i will make sure her income/company is real not exaggerated or inflated before i marry her ok? i will make sure we each share/own 50/50 of everything, and the house any land the new house is built on is in my name so this way she sees our marriage is infor the long haul!

9 years 15 weeks ago
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How...  How can you not see what is going on?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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So your gf is 22. Bang on the minimum age to marry a foreigner. A 22 year old CEO on $100k a year. What sort of business does she run ?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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If not a troll probably a (desperate) kind hearted man.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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So she's not looking for money. He will just facilitate her move to the US. 

9 years 15 weeks ago
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"scam" is not limited to money.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Has the thought of 'green card chaser' ever slipped across your mind for a second? Maybe she's not rich enough for investment immigration, or she's not familiar with the US market environment and the mere fact of if the company might go bankrupt can make all her effort into vain will make her seeking for a backup plan or an insurance. Marrying you, on the other hand, seems like an easy ticket to the US. You are poor and older and disabled in comparison with other Americans make you a lower threshold to get into, don't those PUAs like to hit on those less attractive girls for one night stand? Meanwhile, that huge age gap, plus your health status means that you will die way earlier than she does, or way easier for her to cheat or dump you once she gets what she wanted. What will you do by then?


You are asking those questions because you think something isn't quit right yourself, you feel insecure, you know she's too good for you. Unfortunately, your gut feelings can be right. If you are only holding 10 dollars and you want to buy an LV bag, you will end up with a fake LV bag. No one is stupid, in the marriage market no one wants to lose. If you think you find a good bargain, maybe there's a trap right in front of you.

if you are not sure if she's too good for you, compare her with some of the other women that were willing to marry you.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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scotsalan she has inherited her parents clothing/ apparel business she is the only child s bob, a green card chaser? oh u mean after waiting 3 long years after she marries to get that green card? i am healthy need no medication just have some physical limitations! So what if i die before shedoes so what? thats life! and after the 3 years after she marries she gets the green card dumps me so what? big deal! chineswe women generaly wont cheat or dump thier husbands ok?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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Where are you getting your information about Chinese women from?  

Yes, Chinese women cheat.  Women who are married to someone twice their age are more likely to cheat.  I (literally) cannot count the amount of times that I have had Chinese wives try to take me home.

9 years 15 weeks ago
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A clothing business could be anything from a market stall to a massive factory in Dongguan. And you say she inherited it. I thought you said she ran it with her parents?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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scotsalan, are we splitting hairs here? yes, she inherited it and runs it! her parents have other business they own!! no, its not a market stall! but i get your drift of being cautious asking me this! Spider, yes, im aware chinese women cheat allso! But its the chinese men who far outnumber women that cheat more on thier wives! its easy for men to do this! So, how old are u spider? All i know is that chinese men outnumber women by cheating! Also women in china are 2nd class citizens its not as bad as it once was

9 years 14 weeks ago
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More Chinese men cheat because... there are more Chinese men (20 million, to be precise) than Chinese women.


Work on your reading comprehension and you will know how old I am.

9 years 14 weeks ago
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Now I see. Gold diggers don't mind to sell a green card to a green card chaser.

9 years 14 weeks ago
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9 years 15 weeks ago
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you seem to have a lot of questions about chinese women.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt of not being a troll since it looks like Admin has not been here for a while.


there is this marvelous thing called the internet which, if you are not in China, allows you to use an relatively un-censored search engine to find so many sites on this topic that will answer you many many questions.


here are a couple to start you off:


thanks sorrel for the info! And whats this abut Admin not being around for some time? what do u mean by this?

9 years 15 weeks ago
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It does unless she is after your money or passport.

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9 years 15 weeks ago
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there is a well accepted formula for figuring out if someone is too young for you...

 1/2x+7=y   where x = your age and y = the youngest person that you can be with and it be accepted by society at large, and not have a massive generational gap.


I will use the formula on myself, as an example.  I am 33 years old so...  1/2(33)= 16.5   16.5+7=23.5  so the youngest person that I can be with is 23.5 years old.


In your case, it is 32 years old.


spider, are u from america? if so, our culture stereotyping uses age differences as a factor for determining love ok? americans have been taught programed ingrained that a certain criteria of age differences determins whom we meet date then marry all based on a number!

9 years 15 weeks ago
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9 years 15 weeks ago
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The only people i know who use ok with the frequency you do and the way you use it are chinese girls.
This is the vicky character i hear about right. Strawberry i believe her name is now right.
Her english is pretty shit, even for a supposed half vegetable named cub


fada, really, chinese ladies use the ok word often? thats news to me! never knew that! sorry but im no chinese lady! are u disappointed?

9 years 14 weeks ago
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9 years 15 weeks ago
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Whenever I see 50 year old men with 20 year old wives it makes me go yuck. You got men just wanting to have sex with a youthful body, then you have girls with ulterior motives. Not sure who is worse. Ugly and unnatural to look at these couples going down the street. Dunno how men cannot control themselves and say maybe I shouldn't be fking somebody young enough to be my daughter. Dunno how these young girls can pretend they actually want 50 year old d@@k. I'm gonna get old gracefully not dump a woman so I can go off perving over desperate young women

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9 years 14 weeks ago
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ok apology accepted dokken


Well I think in that case my comments were too harsh. I had a view of these men in Thailand that maybe you do not conform to. I would maybe edit this comment of yours so nobody knows your private business, if you are being genuine. In that case all the best and I'm glad you found somebody

9 years 14 weeks ago
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No Why

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9 years 14 weeks ago
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Wow...   My 50 year old Virgin comment was a joke, how is that even possible?  NEVER to have been in a serious relationship?  What is wrong with you?  Albino Land Whale?  Stench of the Damned?   Super hardcore fundamentalist Christian?


spider, since when is it a crime to save myself till I get married? Lets see, I don't have to worry about a unplanned baby or any diseases out there if I was to whoring around b y staying a virgin right? How about my faith and that its still a sin its wrong to have sex before marriage? it used to be a common practice to stay pure for a future wife years ago! And maybe I think sex is not a cheapened act by having one night stand and marriage is still a sacred act Maybe whomever this Chinese lady im marrying is still traditional preferring her future husband is still a virgin!

9 years 14 weeks ago
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Cub, you changed my view of Americans. Do you have any younger brothers or nephews who are virgins that you can introduce to me? ;)

9 years 14 weeks ago
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sponge bob no, i have no other brothers who are virgins! My younger brother waited till he was 30 yrs old staying a virgin till he married! But he died 2 months ago of cancer! Listen, not all americans are like me believing to stay a virgin till he marries! i am a one of the few that believe and practise it!

9 years 14 weeks ago
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spider yes it takes at least 4 years for her to get a green card Of course unless the experts at the immigration administration in my government lie about the length of time right?/ here is how it could take 4 years, first of all it might take a year to get all the forms visas approved by imigration after we marry as they are never fast anyway! then after she gets married it takes 3 years till she can get her a green card! keep in mind this is if there are no delays! At least thats what the immigration at USCIS told me!

9 years 14 weeks ago
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Just two ways in possible ,u r really really so excellent or the girl is really so stupid(That means the girl lives in the bottom of Chinese society and not haven't received a good education)

I am Chinese ,trust me . 


is a chinese girl stupid if she has a masters degree runs/owns a company and has a salary of 600,000 rmb a year? with all the second guessing the thinking or assuming one knows everything about people, love ,relationships Human nature might surprise you by blowing out all your assumptions and stereotypes! ninthcold!

9 years 14 weeks ago
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A chinese woman with a 600k salary wants to marry a 50 year old virgin who has rudimentary english ability for love via email. Sounds legit!

9 years 14 weeks ago
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good one iwolf still beating a dead animal with the snide remarks about my english! Its amazing if my english is so bad how come u have no problem reading it and commenting on it all the time? So stop losing sleep of how imperfect my english is ok?

9 years 14 weeks ago
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Wow, master degree and 600K per year ,soooooo great women ?but why u asked this question here?Just marry her immediatelty ?
U said Chinese women don't cheat their husband? Rediculous .
U do not know about Chinese culture and this  society, especially women ,if u thought here(in China) can judge one by his degree or money ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I just say ,,,,,good luck for u ,with ur " master degree" women !  indecision

9 years 14 weeks ago
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9 years 14 weeks ago

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Ask yourself a serious question Cub. There are lots of men out there on dating sites looking for Chinese women to marry. You say your potential bride has a masters degree, owns her own company earning 600,000rmb/year and is good looking. 


So why in hell would she want to marry someone twice her age, with disabilities, "earning" $11,000/year?


open your eyes mate! The others are right here. She wants US citizenship. Yes she'll stay with you for a couple years but as soon as she has her U.S. Passport she'll leave you for a younger model. You'll have had a couple of years of fun and have lost your virginity & may even have a child but you'd also lose that as she's the one with woman to afford a good divorce/custody lawyer!


Are you prepared for that?


maybe she is tired of the chinese men in china not being faithfull loyal and all the cheating they do! I guess all the stories about chinese women being faithful and loyal to their man and family are all lies right? Ok, lets say with your crystal ball theory that negatively we get a divorce afer a few years, Is this what u will tell your furure lady this? or are u married now and began your relationship dating with your wife by knowing this now? That is if u are married! U have already doomed your relationship with doubting u will be married only a few years! Who says i or she wants kids here? What is she going to get from me in a divorce? Materialy im not rich and before she gets a green card she has to have and prove to my government her income and a business her constant source of income before she marries and during when she is married! Just maybe she wants to marry me because yes, she loves me dont like the way chinese men treat/abuse women and cheat on them! Maybe cleaner air less people more freedom is why she want to marry me! See, u cant tell me she wants to marry me because of my wealth so that worn out myth dont fly! And marry for a green card that takes lots of red tape by my government to go through the expenses she pays and then at lest 4 years to get a green card? where is the incintive for doing this because it wil take years to get done? Maybe she wants to marry me b ecause of my character what i have to offer her thats on the inside not my looks externally! So what if i lose my virginiy to her after we marry,so what? i rather i give her my virginity after i marry her than before i marry her! Isnt that what a man as a husband supposed to do? So u can start a relationship on doubts negativity already dooming a future marriage like most nay sayers here are doing but im not ok? Yes, i am being cautious careful not rushing things ok? i am listening to advice suggestons from others why u think im here for? i guess u could call me stubborn but i dont and wont give up !

9 years 14 weeks ago
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... It doesnt take 4 years to get a green card

9 years 14 weeks ago
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I'm dooming your relationship, not mine!


I am married, to a Chinese lady, but....I met her in China, in real life, not on the Internet. It is a marriage of equals (status, money, etc) & both of us are very happy living in China. 


It could be that your potential wife doesn't want to marry a Chinese guy for the reasons you mention but to me your situation makes alarm bells ring. Sorry if you're not happy with that. 

9 years 14 weeks ago
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9 years 14 weeks ago
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A: No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa
A:No, it's not allowed to work under RP at 2nd job! I'd say, Z visa/RP sponsor can have an objections to your part-time job. I did the same at my English teaching in China and elsewhere, butT ... I casually mentioned at my prime job, some kindergarten or another school asked me to work with them part-time. Then, my Q: "Is that permitted?" ...  Answer from RP sponsor was always "Yes, but you can't be late or miss the classes at our school ..." with my reply: "No, our work schedule has a priority, and I'll arrange classes at kindergarten only in my free time." When I cleared that, I was undertaking any extra teaching hours at other schools and private students in my free time.Sometimes, teachers at my prime job asked me if I'm willing to have some extra classes elsewhere.I accepted after the talk with School's principal. I suggest, you test the felling at your Z/RP sponsor and once you see they don't object, you can work at 2nd job. Keeping your 2nd job as a secret from your employer won't work, 'cause you're laowai and Chinese know exactly what you do in your free time. However, despite your employer's agreement for extra work, you are still in violation of Chinese Labour law, and even if your sponsor agrees to your extra work, you can still get in trouble, because it's clearly written (somewhere ... ) that under Z/WP, one can work only at the Z-sponsor and nowhere else. Penalties ... I'd say, there won't be any warnings and you'll be required to exit China in short Exit time.It never happened to me, so I can't really advice how is when manure hits the fan ...  -- icnif77